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🎭 Watch a play at a local theater / 🩰 Go to the ballet / 🎭 Go to the theatre / 🎭 Watch a musical / Go to see an Opera / Learn to juggle / Go to the opera / 🩰 Attend a ballet / 🎶 Go see a musical / See a play in the theater / 🎭 See an opera / 🩰 Watch a ballet / 🎭 Visit the Sydney Opera House AUSTRALIA / Take singing lessons / See a Broadway play / 🎭 Go to Glastonbury Festival UNITED KINGDOM / 🎶 See a Broadway musical / Catch a Broadway Show in New York City NEW YORK / Attend a music festival/concert / 🎭 Go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival SCOTLAND / Go see an opera / Take an acting class / See a professional ballet / See a ballet / See a Shakespeare play / Audition for a musical / Attend a local theater show / Be in a musical / 🎭 Attend a performance at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon ENGLAND / 🎶 See an opera performance / 🎷 Go to a jazz concert / 🎭 See an opera, play or ballet / Go to Glastonbury UNITED KINGDOM / Go to a play/musical on Broadway / See Phantom of the Opera on stage / Go to a professional ballet / Watch an opera / Attend the Edinburgh Fringe Festival SCOTLAND / 🎭 Go to Edinburgh Festival SCOTLAND / See a performance at the Sydney Opera House / See a performance at the Opera House AUSTRALIA / See a Shakespeare play at the Globe UNITED KINGDOM / See a Broadway Show NEW YORK / Attend an opera at Sydney Opera House / See a show at the Sydney Opera House / Go to Dinner Theater / See a high school play / Go to the Sydney Opera House / Go to a performance at the Sydney Opera House / Attend the ballet or opera at Bolshoi or Mariinsky RUSSIA / See a Las Vegas Show / Visit Cambridge / Attend a show at the Sydney Opera House / Watch an opera in Vienna / Attend Glastonbury UNITED KINGDOM / Visit a traditional Korean Folk Village SOUTH KOREA / 🎶 Attend the Montreal International Jazz Festival CANADA / Go to an opera at the Sydney Opera House / 🖼️ Visit the Walker Art Center MINNESOTA / Attend the Oregon Shakespeare Festival OREGON / See WaterFire in Providence RHODE ISLAND / Attend the Edinburgh International Festival SCOTLAND / Watch musicals and live theatre in Toronto CANADA / See the Australian Ballet perform AUSTRALIA / Visit the Globe Theatre ENGLAND / Watch 10 musicals / See an Opera at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden ENGLAND / Attend the Salzburg Festival (Salzburger Festspiele) AUSTRIA / Visit Fox Theater in Detroit MICHIGAN / Watch a performance of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet troupe CANADA / Discover the Graeco-Roman theatre in Kourion CYPRUS / See a musical at the Saigon opera house VIETNAM / See Shakespeare at the Globe / Attend the International Opera Festival, the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence FRANCE / See a show or concert at the Kennedy Center WASHINGTON, D.C. / Attend a traditional Welsh Eisteddfod WALES / See local artists at work in the Niagara-on-the-Lake CANADA / Attend a live performance of Kabuki and Bunraku JAPAN / See the Russian ballet in Moscow RUSSIA / Attend the Vienna Music and Film Festival AUSTRIA / Watch traditional dance at Siem reap CAMBODIA / Visit Ford's Theater WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🎼 Listen to classical music at the Salzburg festival AUSTRIA / Attend theatre performances at the Shaw Festival CANADA / Attend the Festival de Marseille FRANCE / Attend the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino (Florence Musical Festival) ITALY / Attend a dance performance / See Navy Pier's Shakespeare Theatre ILLINOIS / Visit Carnegie Hall NEW YORK / See 5 Broadway shows / Visit Katara Cultural Village QATAR / Visit the Lincoln Center NEW YORK / Visit Radio City Music Hall NEW YORK / Attend Bumbershoot WASHINGTON / Attend the Monterey Jazz Festival SAN FRANCISCO / Write and perform a one-person show / Attend a show at the Obraztsov Puppet Theater RUSSIA / Attend the FNB Dance Umbrella SOUTH AFRICA / Attend the Seoul Fringe Festival in Hongdae area SOUTH KOREA / See an opera at the Ivan Franko Opera House UKRAINE / Attend the Danza de los Zancos (Stilt Dancing) Festival SPAIN / See Bruno Mars in concert / Attend the Romanian National Theatre Festival ROMANIA / Witness puppet theatre during the Month of Bucharest celebrations ROMANIA / Attend the Barcelona Summer Festival (Grec) SPAIN / Attend the International Ballet Festival of Havana CUBA / Attend the Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro COLOMBIA / See mask-dances in the Dano Festival SOUTH KOREA / Listen to traditional Korean narrative songs, pansori, at the National Theatre of Korea SOUTH KOREA / Perform at Carnegie Hall NEW YORK / Read 10 plays by Shakespeare / Visit Oslo Opera House NORWAY / Spend the day in Balboa Park CALIFORNIA / See the Bolshoi perform in Moscow RUSSIA / Visit the Vent Haven Ventriloquist Museum KENTUCKY / Visit Arlington Drafthouse VIRGINIA / Attend the Spoleto Festival SOUTH CAROLINA / Attend the Oregon Bach Festival OREGON / See a show at the Providence Performing Arts Center RHODE ISLAND / Attend the Dogwood Arts Festival TENNESSEE / Attend the Alabama Shakespeare Festival ALABAMA / 🎶 Attend the Rochester International Jazz Festival NEW YORK / Visit Glyndebourne ENGLAND / See Busted live / Watch a ballet show / 🏰 See a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre ENGLAND / Go to the World Performing Arts Festival PAKISTAN / Visit the Centro Cultural De Hidalgo in Pachuca MEXICO / Attend the Istanbul Music Festival TURKEY / Attend Bangkok's International Festival of Dance & Music THAILAND / Attend the Festival of Contemporary Dance in Avignon FRANCE / Enjoy theatre at Kilkenny IRELAND / Participate in the Perth International Arts Festival AUSTRALIA / Attend El Festival Internacional de las Artes COSTA RICA / Visit the Teatro Nacional in San Jose COSTA RICA / Attend the Festwochen Wien (Vienna Festival) AUSTRIA / Watch a Kathakali dancer apply makeup INDIA / Visit Corpus Christi TEXAS / See Monks recount Buddhist history and myths through folk dances BHUTAN / See the Brest Puppet Theatre and the Kamenets Tower BELARUS / Participate in the Dubrovnik Summer Festival CROATIA / Listen to the album of every "Best Musical" Tony Award winner / Visit the San Salvador Palacio Nacional and Teatro Nacional EL SALVADOR / Attend a performance at Sydney Opera House / Attend the Bulawayo Music Festival ZIMBABWE / Attend the Rome International Choral Festival VATICAN CITY / Attend the Festival Internacional de Teatro VENEZUELA / Watch traditional plays and dances at Accra's National Theatre GHANA / Attend the Baalbeck International Festival LEBANON / Participate in the Beiteddine Arts Festival LEBANON / Watch the typical Dutch performing arts at the Holland Festival NETHERLANDS / See the lyrical drama, the Misterio de Elche- Mystery Play (UNESCO) SPAIN / Attend the festival of travelling arts, Namur BELGIUM / Try stand-up comedy at the Red Raw open mic night SCOTLAND / Attend the Classical concert series, Micat in Vertice ITALY / Attend performances of Myanmar's traditional popular theatre MYANMAR / Catch some marionette theatre (yok-thei pwe) at Mandalay MYANMAR / Watch traditional Sufi Dancing at the El-Gawhara Theatre in the Citadel EGYPT / Participate in the festival of dance in Madhya Pradesh INDIA / See a show at Edinburgh Fringe Festival SCOTLAND / Visit Magic's Theater and Museum, Austin TEXAS / See the Belgian National Orchestra / Hear the Detroit Symphony Orchestra MICHIGAN / Visit Teatro Colon ARGENTINA / Attend the Columbus Arts Festival OHIO / Attend the Summer Arts Festival in Omaha NEBRASKA / Attend the Messiah Festival of Music & Art KANSAS / Attend the Smoky Hill River Festival KANSAS / Attend the Marlboro Music Festival VERMONT / Attend the International Festival of Arts and Ideas CONNECTICUT / Attend the Red River Revel Arts Festival LOUISIANA / Attend the Smoky Hill River Festival in Salina KANSAS / See a Shakespeare play at the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton VIRGINIA / Attend the Gibraltar International Jazz Festival GIBRALTAR / Attend the Casals Festival PUERTO RICO / See a concert at CMAC NEW YORK / See a show at the Westcott Theater NEW YORK / See a show at the Palace Theater NEW YORK / See a show at Water Street Music Hall NEW YORK / Visit Teatro Amazonas BRAZIL / Get swept away by the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow RUSSIA / Visit the Auditorium Building in Chicago ILLINOIS / Attend the Gibraltar Song Festival GIBRALTAR / Attend the Utah Arts Festival UTAH / Attend the Moab Music Festival UTAH / Attend the Montana Folk Festival MONTANA / Attend Folkmoot USA NORTH CAROLINA / Discover the lively arts scene at Jacmel HAITI / Attend the Malta Jazz Festival MALTA / Attend the Abu Ghosh Vocal Music Festival ISRAEL / Attend the Llaipeda Jazz Festival LITHUANIA / Watch every season of Glee / Attend the Three Rivers Arts Festival PENNSYLVANIA / Hear fusion music at the Gugak Festival SOUTH KOREA / Go to a performance at the Santiago Municipal Theatre CHILE / Attend a Belarusian Ballet in Minsk BELARUS / Visit the Århus Teater DENMARK / Attend a concert or show at Teatro Solis URUGUAY / Attend the Black and White Theatre Festival FINLAND / Attend the Alfredo de Saint Malo Music Festival PANAMA / Attend the Im Puls Tanz, an avant-garde dance festival AUSTRIA / Attend a show at the Grand Theatre NORTH KOREA / Attend the Moya International Music Festival MOZAMBIQUE / See the traditional dances of the tribes of Manipur INDIA / Watch the trance-including Kuda Kepang dances in Muar MALAYSIA / Attend the Penang World Music Festival MALAYSIA / Listen to a concert in the Ruben Dario National Theatre NICARAGUA / Attend the Festival of Carnatic Music & Dance in Tamil Nadu INDIA / Attend the International Theatre Festival TURKEY / Attend Festival de Wiltz LUXEMBOURG / Attend Printemps Musical - Festival de Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG / Attend the Blantyre Arts Festival MALAWI / Attend the Budapest Baroque Festival HUNGARY / Attend the Budapest Fringe Festival HUNGARY / Attend the International Dance Festival AURA LITHUANIA / Watch a performance at the Chekhov Drama Theatre MOLDOVA / See a performance at the Tuacahn Theatre UTAH / Attend the Utah Shakespearean Festival UTAH / Attend the Berks Jazz Fest PENNSYLVANIA / Attend the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival NEVADA / Attend the NJ Statewide Cultural Festival NEW JERSEY / Attend the Savannah Music Festival GEORGIA / Attend the Lake Eden Arts Festival NORTH CAROLINA / See a musical at Starlight Theatre (KC) KANSAS / See a musical at Theatre in the Park (Overland Park) KANSAS / Attend the Belgrade International Theatre Festival SERBIA / Watch a play at TheaterWorks in Hartford CONNECTICUT / Attend the Bratislava Music Festival SLOVAKIA / Attend the Vancouver International Jazz Festival CANADA / Visit the Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Become an elephant rider at the circus / See spindrift live / Take in some live theatre at the Lewiston Civic Theatre IDAHO /