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Watch 10 documentaries / 🍿 Watch 10 movies that came out before I was born / 🇫🇷 See the Arc de Triomphe FRANCE / Write a play / Visit a lighthouse / Drink absinthe / Visit Boston / Watch 50 of IMDB's Top 250 movies ( / Watch Gone with the Wind / 🏰 Visit Neuschwanstein Castle GERMANY / Watch 10 documentary films / Design my tattoo / Watch a film I haven't seen before which has won Best Picture / 🍗 Go to the renaissance festival / 🏆 Watch the Oscar-nominated movies from the year I was born / Visit the White House WASHINGTON, D.C. / Go to a Renaissance Fair / Read a book based on a true story / Read a book based entirely on its cover / Go to a Renaissance Faire / 🗽 Visit Madame Tussauds LONDON / Visit London and take a picture with Big Ben / Attend a masquerade ball / Visit Oxford ENGLAND / Watch Citizen Kane / 🏺 Buy something from an antique store / 🕯️ Light a candle at the Notre Dame Cathedral FRANCE / 🏰 Visit St Paul's Cathedral / 🏰 Visit the Alcazar of Seville SPAIN / Visit the Old Town in Prague CZECH REPUBLIC / 🏰 Visit the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela SPAIN / Visit Nagoya Castle JAPAN / Watch every Best Picture Oscar nominee / See every film nominated for Best Picture / Visit a ghost town / Watch a Shakespere play at The Globe / Visit a haunted place / Visit York / Go to a Medieval Festival / Watch a documentary / Make a corset / Read a classic / 🏰 Visit the Old City of Berne SWITZERLAND / 🏰 Visit the 10th century Blarney Castle IRELAND / Watch Titanic / 🕯️ Take a candlelit cruise along the canals of Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit Old Melbourne Gaol AUSTRALIA / 🏯 Visit the ‘Temple of the Reclining Buddha' THAILAND / Visit the reconstructed old town of Warsaw POLAND / 🏰 Explore Corfu's Old Town, the medieval seaport protected by two castles (UNESCO) GREECE / Visit the Pergamon Museum GERMANY / Visit the Old Town of Geneva SWITZERLAND / Visit Red Fort in Delhi INDIA / Soak in a 19th century Baden-Baden spa GERMANY / See the Empire State Building / Visit the Cotswolds ENGLAND / 🏰 Visit the Pink City in Jaipur INDIA / See the 14th century Greek Orthodox Sumela Monastery TURKEY / Go to a renaissance festival / 🏰 Visit Rothenburg ob der Tauber GERMANY / Walk through Tallinn Old Town ESTONIA / Visit Bratislava Castle SLOVAKIA / Light a candle at the York minster ENGLAND / Visit Luxor EGYPT / Visit Heidelberg Castle GERMANY / Visit Fox Theater in Detroit MICHIGAN / Explore the quirky old town of Luneburg GERMANY / Visit Varanasi INDIA / Take a photo of the Bridge over the River Kwai THAILAND / Explore the Schlossberg (Castle Hill) and it's clock and bell towers AUSTRIA / Visit Gdańsk POLAND / Visit Lübeck GERMANY / Tour the Newport mansions RHODE ISLAND / Discover Ottoman architecture in the historic town of Safranbolu TURKEY / Visit the Colonial City of Santo Domingo DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Visit Tartu seated on the banks of Emajogi River ESTONIA / Visit the Brandenburg Gate GERMANY / Visit the Mount Washington Hotel NEW HAMPSHIRE / Stay at the Guy Fawkes Inn in York ENGLAND / 🏰 Visit the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial SPAIN / Visit the Royal Palace (Koninklijk Paleis) NETHERLANDS / See the Anne of Green Gables musical in Charlottetown CANADA / Take a stroll through the secluded Begijnhof garden NETHERLANDS / Marvel at the mysterious Plain of Jars, near Phonsavan LAOS / Visit Sovereign Hill AUSTRALIA / 📚 Pick a random book off a library shelf and read it / Visit Quinta da Regaleira PORTUGAL / Visit the Imperial Castle of Nuremberg (Kaiserburg Nürnberg) GERMANY / Visit St. Patrick's Cathedral NEW YORK / See the Flatiron Building NEW YORK / Attend the New York Renaissance Faire NEW YORK / Stand at the feet of Hercules in Kassel GERMANY / Attend a masked ball / Stroll around the cobbled streets of Zadar CROATIA / See the 17th century canal ring area of Amsterdam inside the Singelgracht (UNESCO) NETHERLANDS / Step back into history at Zaanse Schans village outside Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit the Cathedral of Our Lady in Tournai (UNESCO) BELGIUM / Enjoy the views of the Valley of the Sugar Mills from the Torre de Manaca Iznaga CUBA / See the megalithic tombs and monuments at Burren IRELAND / Take in the scenery while travelling on the Austrian Steam Train AUSTRIA / Visit Saint Petersburg RUSSIA / Hike in Germany's oldest trail from Eisenach GERMANY / 🏰 Visit Gamla Stan (Old Town) SWEDEN / Visit Plovdiv BULGARIA / Visit Galveston TEXAS / Visit Old Faithful Inn at Yellowstone National Park WYOMING / Visit the Palace and Fountains of Versailles FRANCE / Visit the Old City of Salamanca SPAIN / Mountain Bike in Cappadocia / Cycle the Silk Road from Tashkent via Lake Aidarkul to Khiva UZBEKISTAN / Buy an antique camera / Go spelunking at Amboni Caves off Tanga TANZANIA / Listen to medieval music at the Flanders Early Music Festival BELGIUM / Stroll through the alleyways of Coimbra, the university town PORTUGAL / See an opera in Verona ITALY / Start a vintage camera collection / Visit Saint-Malo FRANCE / Visit Kilkenny Castle IRELAND / Visit Fort Edmonton Park CANADA / See the Astoria Column OREGON / Take a walking tour of Old Town, Alexandria WASHINGTON, D.C. / Explore the 700 year old town of Herceg Novi MONTENEGRO / Visit Wieliczka Salt Mine POLAND / Visit Tivoli Gardens DENMARK / Visit Hanoi Old Quarter VIETNAM / Walk around the city during the Bloomsday Festival IRELAND / Visit Chi Lin Nunnery / Visit San Francisco de Campeche MEXICO / Visit Santa Ana de Coro VENEZUELA / Visit Miniatur Wunderland GERMANY / Watch Lawrence of Arabia / Make something from chainmail / Buy something from an antique shop / Visit St. Michan's Church IRELAND / See the New Fortress at Corfu GREECE / Do the Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima PORTUGAL / Discover Mtskheta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site GEORGIA / Visit the Nyugati Train Station HUNGARY / Go up the bastions of Mdina MALTA / See the oldest olive tree in the world at Bar MONTENEGRO / Spend the weekend at Haapsalu resort town ESTONIA / Explore the museum town of Khiva UZBEKISTAN / See the Ta Prohm CAMBODIA / Visit Mosteiro Dos Jeronimos PORTUGAL / Visit Clovelly ENGLAND / Walk the entre length of the river Thames ENGLAND / Visit Ávila SPAIN / Visit Mount Jerome IRELAND / Visit Nelson Mandela Square SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Mont St Michel FRANCE / Visit Themapark Archeon NETHERLANDS / Visit Eltz Castle (Burg Eltz) GERMANY / Visit Trim Castle IRELAND / Visit the 18th Century Transylvania Store KENTUCKY / Attend the Bristol Renaissance Faire WISCONSIN / Go to composer Edvard Grieg's home in Bergen NORWAY / Climb up the tower and onto the roof of Trondheim Cathedral NORWAY / Visit the Piazza Navona ITALY / Visit Kalmar Slott (Kalmar Castle) SWEDEN / Visit Osborne House UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Musee Mecanique CALIFORNIA / Take the Canal Walk in Richmond VIRGINIA / Visit Mont St. Michel FRANCE / Visit Schloss Heidelberg GERMANY / 🗼 Visit Peggys Point Lighthouse, Nova Scotia CANADA / Watch Ben Hur / Visit Tombstone ARIZONA / Visit Ybor FLORIDA / Visit Røros NORWAY / Explore Panama City's Old Town (UNESCO) PANAMA / Watch World War II Veterans walk through the town on Victory Day ARMENIA / Spend the weekend in the Bokor Hill Station CAMBODIA / Visit the Samtavro Monastery GEORGIA / Visit the Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales SPAIN / Visit the Nerezi monastery and the Church of Pantelejmon near Skopje NORTH MACEDONIA / Visit the Kursumli An and Suli An caravanserai in the Old Town NORTH MACEDONIA / See Molo, Europe's longest pier in Gdańsk POLAND / Enjoy Mombasa's Arab flavour in the Old Town KENYA / Buy an antique piece of furniture / Visit a cemetery at night / Climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty / 🏰 See a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre ENGLAND / Visit my birthplace / Visit the Lama Temple in Beijing CHINA / Ride the paternoster lift / Explore the Wernigerode Altstadt at night GERMANY / Watch all of Powell and Pressburger's films / Walk around the Boerhaave natural sciences museum NETHERLANDS / Visit Gediminas Hill LITHUANIA / Visit Masada at sunrise ISRAEL / Walk around the Neve Tzedek neighborhood in Tel Aviv ISRAEL / Cycle around jungled Angkor Temple Complex CAMBODIA / Climb the multiple spiral staircases inside Maiden's Tower AZERBAIJAN / Visit the honeycomb tombs of Sar and A'Ali BAHRAIN / Walk along the old Dutch canals of Georgetown GUYANA / Visit the Brighton Pavillion ENGLAND / Visit Nizwa Fort OMAN / Visit Ballybunion IRELAND / Visit Haapsalu ESTONIA / Draw the Statue of Liberty / Visit the 17th Century Canal Ring in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit Hierapolis-Pamukkale TURKEY / Visit La Grande Place BELGIUM / Visit the Old Town of Lijiang CHINA / Visit the Cathedral of St. John the Divine NEW YORK / Attend the Sterling Renaissance Festival NEW YORK / Attend the Minnesota Renaissance Festival MINNESOTA / Visit the Laura Ingalls Wilder Park IOWA / Take a horse and carriage ride around Sousse TUNISIA / Visit Cape Wrath SCOTLAND / Spend a night in the Lizzie Borden House MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Kolmanskop NAMIBIA / Take a carriage ride through Krakow's Old Town POLAND / Visit Burnmouth SCOTLAND / Build an Edwardian doll house / Visit the Palace Square RUSSIA / Play Carcassonne in Carcassonne FRANCE / Visit the colonial town of Paraty BRAZIL / Visit the colonial town of Villa de Leyva COLOMBIA / Visit Longleat Safari Park ENGLAND / 🏛️ Visit the Statue Of Ramesses II in Cairo EGYPT / Visit Nuremberg GERMANY / Create a series of architectural photography / Visit Shreveport LOUISIANA / Visit the Kasbah of Algiers ALGERIA / Visit North Conway NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit Hoboken NEW YORK / Lean on the Leaning Tower of Piza / 🏰 Visit Bremen GERMANY / Walk through a Ghost Town / Visit Christ Church Cathedral MISSOURI / Visit Kronobergs Slott (Kronoberg Castle) SWEDEN / Visit Jericho / Visit Calle del Cristo PUERTO RICO / Visit Undredal stave church, one of the oldest in the country NORWAY / Visit Toulon / Visit Uku ANGOLA / Visit Villa Del Balbianello, Lake Como ITALY / Visit the Gion District JAPAN / Visit Norwich City ENGLAND / Visit Cementerio de la Recoleta ARGENTINA / Visit Genesee Country Village NEW YORK / Visit Ouro Preto BRAZIL / Visit Bethnal Green LONDON / Visit Dildo, Newfoundland CANADA / Visit Castle Drogo ENGLAND / Visit House of Frankenstein Wax Museum, Lake George NEW YORK / Visit Madara BULGARIA / Visit Peasholm Park ENGLAND / 🏰 Visit Sopron HUNGARY / Visit Archeon NETHERLANDS / See the old town of Batse in Massawa ERITREA / Ride in a tiger moth plane / Travel back in time at Hollokő ethnographic village HUNGARY / Walk down Via Recta, the 'Street called Straight' SYRIA / See the castle ruins at Krimulda LATVIA / Retrace Barbur's steps by walking on the Bibi Mahru Hill AFGHANISTAN / Relive history at Santa Clara where Che defeated Batista's troops CUBA / Climb the Whaligoe steps SCOTLAND / Do the Segway Night Tour of Rome ITALY / Walk in the footsteps of the revolutionary army to Pico Turquino CUBA / Visit the Dar al-Shukr (Palace of Gratefulness) YEMEN / Drive along the Sailah sunken street in Sana'a YEMEN / Visit the Iron House in Maputo MOZAMBIQUE / Visit Bosra SYRIA / Visit El Faro (Faro de Cabo de Santa Maria) URUGUAY / Visit Frunzwe House-Museum KYRGYZSTAN / Go spelunking in the Cuyamel Caves, near Trujillo HONDURAS / See the gold-leaf domed Nevski Memorial Church BULGARIA / Walk around the Portuguese Castle in the Persian Gulf IRAN / Visit Babur Tomb in Kabul AFGHANISTAN / Visit Blists Hill ENGLAND / Visit Ystad SWEDEN / Visit the Bairro of Ribeira BRAZIL / Visit Gargano National Park ITALY / Visit Blinking Bridge, Newcastle ENGLAND / Visit the Monastery of Batalha PORTUGAL / Visit Coca, Segovia SPAIN / Visit Pfalzgrafenstein GERMANY / Visit Old Road ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Alaverdi ARMENIA / Visit Artik ARMENIA / Visit Tumanyan ARMENIA / Visit Hallein AUSTRIA / Visit Braunau am Inn AUSTRIA / Visit Poipet CAMBODIA / Visit Châteauguay CANADA / Visit Chaghcharan AFGHANISTAN / Visit Samangan AFGHANISTAN / Visit the Rookery Building in Chicago ILLINOIS / Visit Douglas House in Harbor Springs MICHIGAN / Visit Atocha, Madrid MADRID / Visit Barrio de Chueca MADRID / Attend the Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit John Mellencamp's Mansion INDIANA / Visit the San Marino wax museum SAN MARINO / Attend the Castle of Muskogee Renaissance Festival OKLAHOMA / Visit Fort Siloso SINGAPORE / Watch titanic 3d in theaters on the 100th anniversary of the titanic sinking / Visit Kastelholm Castle ÅLAND ISLANDS /