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Shop at a farmer's market / Go fruit picking / 🍓 Go strawberry picking / Eat no fast food for a month / Go to the strawberry farm and pick my own strawberries / 🍓 Go berry picking and make jam / Join a community garden / 🚗 Drive the road to Hana HAWAII / Visit Komodo National Park INDONESIA / 🐟 Eat fresh fish and chips in Brighton ENGLAND / Visit an Alpaca farm / Go cherry picking / Visit a farm / 🐑 Try out some local Haggis SCOTLAND / 🍱 Eat Korean Street Food in Seoul SOUTH KOREA / Start a neighborhood garden / 🌳 Explore Vondelpark in the summer NETHERLANDS / Visit Stewart Island NEW ZEALAND / 🇨🇦 Eat poutine in Montreal CANADA / Visit a traditional Korean Folk Village SOUTH KOREA / Attend Groundhog Day celebration in Punxsutawney PENNSYLVANIA / 🧇 Eat Belgian waffles in Belgium BELGIUM / Go clam digging / Explore the old city of Chiang Mai by bicycle THAILAND / 🌮 Explore the food markets at Mercado Central in San Jose COSTA RICA / Eat deep dish pizza in Chicago ILLINOIS / Tour the coffee plantations COSTA RICA / Hunt for wild mushrooms / Savour the nation's favourite snack, the hot dog, at a pølsevogn DENMARK / Eat Belgian dark chocolate ice-cream at a local cafe BELGIUM / Savour a plate of Pylsur, a Icelandic favourite ICELAND / Visit Shelburne Farms VERMONT / 🦗 Attend the Hokitika Wild Food Festival NEW ZEALAND / Eat a plate of Ackee and salt fish at a local restaurant JAMAICA / See the cheese market at Waagplein in Alkmaar NETHERLANDS / 🧀 Eat brunost NORWAY / Visit Bamberg GERMANY / Have pad thai in Thailand THAILAND / Eat a plate of Cuy, a Peruvian speciality PERU / 🍛 Eat a Thali meal at a local restaurant INDIA / Sample traditional Icelandic food at Reykjavik's restaurant ICELAND / Eat kangaroo in Australia AUSTRALIA / Savour a plate of Pullat with coffee, a local tea-time tradition FINLAND / Have a plate of Bacalhau a bras at a local restaurant PORTUGAL / Try 10 new fruits or vegetables / Eat Pad Thai in Thailand THAILAND / Visit the U.P MICHIGAN / Take a 1 day cooking class in Rue Tatin FRANCE / Explore the seaside town of Southwold ENGLAND / Eat at a Gothic Cellar in Quedlinburg GERMANY / Attend the Festas dos Santos Populares (Festivals of the Saints) PORTUGAL / Try streetfood in Cambodia CAMBODIA / Visit Cornwall CANADA / Visit the Isle of Mull SCOTLAND / Try haggis and neeps at a traditional Scottish restaurant SCOTLAND / Visit Sagada PHILIPPINES / Take a Vietnamese cooking lesson in Hoi An VIETNAM / Take a Thai cooking class at one of the many cookery schools in Bangkok THAILAND / Eat a plate of palusami at the Old Mill Cottage FIJI / Spend time with Berber people at the Rif Mountains MOROCCO / Trek in the Khunjerab Pass PAKISTAN / Start a community garden / Visit the Marshall Islands / Savour Pastilla and Harira at a local restaurant MOROCCO / Eat perogies and halopchies in Vegreville CANADA / Try a bife de ancho or chorizo at a local parrilla ARGENTINA / Savour a plate of Pepperpot served with Fungee at a local restaurant ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Have an authentic Cornish pasty in Cornwall ENGLAND / Visit Cherokee National Forest TENNESSEE / Pick strawberries in Plant City FLORIDA / Eat authentic New Jersey bagels NEW JERSEY / Take a Cooking Class in Florence ITALY / Taste Datse, Bhutanese cheese BHUTAN / Visit Nimbin AUSTRALIA / Taste Ardennes sausages BELGIUM / Eat a bowl of noodles at any 'dust cafe' VIETNAM / Go shopping at the Smugglers' Market in Harar ETHIOPIA / Plant a community garden / Visit Tarawa KIRIBATI / Visit Niue / Eat spaghetti in Italy / Walk on the high altitude cobblestone streets of San Cristobal de Las Casas MEXICO / Eat a real Arbroath Smokie SCOTLAND / 🍴 Participate in the Barbados Food, Wine and Rum Festival BARBADOS / 🌱 Grow and eat my own vegetables / Eat at Koshys, a British era restaurant, in Bangalore INDIA / Stroll through the streets of Little India at Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / Eat a plate of Char Kway Teow at a local restaurant MALAYSIA / Eat a plate of Pitta and Mezze at a local restaurant SAUDI ARABIA / Stroll through the lively bazaar at the Gorkha hill town NEPAL / Buy a jar of cedar honey and homemade olive oil at the Souk El Tayab in Beirut LEBANON / Buy something from a food truck / Visit Amsterdam Food Hallen NETHERLANDS / Pedal your way around the South Moravian Vineyards CZECH REPUBLIC / Attend the Morija Arts and Cultural Festival LESOTHO / Eat a plate of Cuy and Llapingachos at a local restaurant ECUADOR / Taste Mopane worms, a local delicacy BOTSWANA / Savour a plate of Burek at a local restaurant NORTH MACEDONIA / Eat a Japadog in Vancouver CANADA / Visit Upper Canada Village CANADA / Visit Lake Malawi MALAWI / Visit Røros NORWAY / Visit Bodmin ENGLAND / Explore Gef Pago Park, a living museum that showcases Chamorros lifestyle GUAM / Eat a plate of Hangikjot and Harðfiskur at a local restaurant ICELAND / Visit Boone NORTH CAROLINA / Savour a plate of sticky rice and laap at a local restaurant LAOS / Eat a plate of Bandera and Chicharrones at a local restaurant DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Attend the Abergavenny Food Festival WALES / Eat ice cream at Neveria Roxy MEXICO / Visit Enoshima JAPAN / Visit the Varanasi Ghats INDIA / Visit Pulau Ubin SINGAPORE / Visit the Mars Cheese Castle WISCONSIN / Try the klappkak at Baklandet Skydsstation NORWAY / Stroll through the bustling Grand Marche Market BURKINA FASO / Savour traditional Malay food at the night markets of Kota Bharu MALAYSIA / Savour a plate of Salteña and Lomo montado at a local restaurant BOLIVIA / Savour a bowl of Canja and Catchupa at a local restaurant CAPE VERDE / Savour a plate of Arepas and Pabellon Criollo at a local restaurant VENEZUELA / Sample morcilla (blood sausages) and chinchulines (intestines) at a local restaurant ARGENTINA / Eat a plate of hummus and falafel at a local restaurant KUWAIT / Eat a plate of Gallopinto and Picadillo at a local restaurant NICARAGUA / Explore Qaqortoq's town square GREENLAND / Eat a plate of Lipioshka and Ploy at a local restaurant UZBEKISTAN / Do a temple and market tour of Arts Village FIJI / Taste Fool and Dura at a local restaurant SUDAN / Visit some of Japan's indigenous Ainu people at Hakkaido JAPAN / Live in Colorado / Eat balut / Hunt for truffles / Attend the Moji Port Festival JAPAN / Take a day trip to Maheskali Island BANGLADESH / Visit Achill Island IRELAND / Visit Tiraspol TRANSNISTRIA / Eat kimchi in Seoul SOUTH KOREA / Attend the Ati-Athihan festival in the streets of Kalibo PHILIPPINES / Attend the Fiera di San Giuseppe ITALY / Attend the musical harvest festival, Kambala SUDAN / Eat a raw herring like a local at Altena NETHERLANDS / Eat a plate of Machbousand and Muchammar at a local restaurant BAHRAIN / Witness the annual agriculture show, La Rural ARGENTINA / Participate in the Teuila Festival SAMOA / Participate in the Kite Festival at Kota Bharu MALAYSIA / Share a plate of Morama and Morogo with a local family BOTSWANA / Savour a plate of Tshoem and Eue chum at a local restaurant BHUTAN / Eat a plate of Ro, Ravitoto and Ramazava at a local restaurant MADAGASCAR / Attend the Hiragasy Carnival MADAGASCAR / Attend the Donia sports, music and cultural festival in the Hell-Ville Stadium MADAGASCAR / Savour a plate of hoppers and a cup of tea at a local restaurant SRI LANKA / Eat a plate of Gurr and Tarkan at a local restaurant NEPAL / Eat a plate of Kenkey, Akyeke and Fufu at a local restaurant GHANA / Share a plate of Matapa and Wusa with a local MOZAMBIQUE / Visit the weekly Souk El Tayab farmers' market in Beirut LEBANON / Attend the Woolly Worm Festival NORTH CAROLINA / Attend the Assumption/La Digue Festival SEYCHELLES / Visit Moanalua Gardens HAWAII / Eat street food in Cumaral COLOMBIA / Eat an apple straight from a tree / Go to the Lantern Festival in Taiwan TAIWAN / Visit Lelepa Island VANUATU / Savour a plate of Zebra meat cooked on a braai at a local restaurant NAMIBIA / Share a plate of Potjiekos with a local NAMIBIA / Visit Cobblestone Farm in Ann Arbor MICHIGAN / Taste licorice ice cream at Gangstad Gårdsysteri NORWAY / Fish at English Mountain Trout Farm & Grill TENNESSEE / Take a walking tour of the capital Nicosia CYPRUS / Visit Mwali (Moheli) COMOROS / Visit Vashon WASHINGTON / Visit New Glarus Brewery WISCONSIN / Visit Adda-Doueni COMOROS / Hike the Albanian Alps ALBANIA / Visit Filandia, Quindio COLOMBIA / Visit Torch Lake MICHIGAN / Eat a traditional Chilean empanada CHILE / Visit Andrew's Scenic Acres CANADA / Attend San Pacho Festival Choco COLOMBIA / Visit Gitega BURUNDI / Visit Speyside Way SCOTLAND / Walk around Old Taipa Village MACAU / Visit Helsinki Christmas Market FINLAND / Explore Chor Bazaar INDIA / Attend the Vermont Cheesemakers Festival VERMONT / Share a plate of Serondeng padang with a local friend BRUNEI / Savour a plate of Lambi and Manicou at a local restaurant DOMINICA / Savour a plate of Bouillon d'aoura at a local restaurant FRENCH GUIANA / Savour a plate of Sült and Täidetud vasikarind at a local restaurant ESTONIA / Participate in the Patronal Festival in Panchimalco EL SALVADOR / Eat a plate of Kalakukko and Karjalanpiirakka in a local restaurant FINLAND / Taste Poronkäristy, sauteed reindeer eaten by the Sami FINLAND / Savour a plate of Jollof rice with fish at a local eatery GUINEA-BISSAU / Eat a plate of Metamgee dumplings, a local speciality GUYANA / Attend the Ibumba Festival ZIMBABWE / Savour a plate of Halaszle and Gulyas at a local restaurant HUNGARY / Attend the Merizo Water Festival GUAM / Savour a plat of Benachin and Domodah at a local restaurant THE GAMBIA / Eat at Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams TENNESSEE / Eat Ellen's Ice Cream in Charleston WEST VIRGINIA / Fish for your own dinner at Havfruen in Trondheim NORWAY / Visit Sunny Hollow Farms WISCONSIN / Attend the Breitenbach Dandelion Festival OHIO / Visit Kahakuloa Village HAWAII / Attend the Nalut Spring Festival LIBYA / Savour a plate of Foura at a local restaurant NIGER / Sample a plate of Mititeyi and Mamliga at a local restaurant MOLDOVA / Try a plate of Boodog at a local restaurant MONGOLIA / Visit Burcao SOMALIA / Visit Kamëz ALBANIA / Visit Chiange ANGOLA / Visit Cota ANGOLA / Visit Saurimo ANGOLA / Visit Hamad Town BAHRAIN / Visit Cabinda ANGOLA / Visit Molepolole BOTSWANA / Visit Ryukyu Mura JAPAN / Visit Tokelau / Visit Milne Bay PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Eat donuts at Cold Hollow Cider Mill VERMONT / Visit Amarillo TEXAS / Visit L'Union Estate on La Digue SEYCHELLES / Attend the Kutztown Festival and America's Largest Quilt Sale PENNSYLVANIA / Eat at the French Market in Chicago ILLINOIS / Visit Masirah Island OMAN / Savour a plate of Fante Fante and Akrantee GHANA / Savour a plate of Kabuli pulao and Shorma at a local restaurant AFGHANISTAN / Savour a plate of Koran and eels at a local restaurant ALBANIA / Savour a plate of Zom at a local restaurant CAMEROON / Attend the National Festival of the Mejorana PANAMA / Visit Bingerville CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Savour a plate of Kedjenou at a local restaurant CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Share a plate of N'voufou and Attieke with a local CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Savour a plate of Jagnjetina and Bosanski lonac at a local restaurant BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Attend the Flag Day festivities AMERICAN SAMOA / Visit the weekly market at Boukoumbe BENIN / Try the local dishes dracheny and draniki BELARUS / Stroll in the Ambouli palm grove just outside Djibouti DJIBOUTI / Go shopping in traditional souks around Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA / Attend the Taif Rose Festival SAUDI ARABIA / Eat a meal on a pola, a long tray of plaited coconut fronds TONGA / Enjoy a plate of peanut masala and a pint of Kingfisher beer at Guzzlers in Bangalore INDIA / Try a plate of whale and reindeer meat at a local restaurant GREENLAND / Eat a plate of Garnaches and Ereba at a local restaurant BELIZE / Attend the Benque Viejo del Carmen Fiesta BELIZE / Eat a plate of diri et djondjon and grillot at a local restaurant in Petionville HAITI / Feast on fresh fish at Cape Kolka LATVIA / Visit the La Recova market in La Serena CHILE / Visit the isolated village of Todos Santos Cuchumatan GUATEMALA / Attend the Amanda Pagoda Festival MYANMAR / Attend the Feria de Corpus Christi (Corpus Christi Fair) SPAIN / Shop at Minab's Thursday Market IRAN / Visit a llama farm / Visit Transnistria / Break down a chicken / Visit the Gambia / Shop for fresh vegetables at the morning markets at Brazzaville DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit Morogoro TANZANIA / Eat Machalari TANZANIA / Try Kaq Ic and Guacamole at a local restaurant GUATEMALA / Visit Savai'I Island SAMOA / Share a plate of Baba Ghanoush with the locals BAHRAIN / Attend the National Folklore Festival of Cosquin ARGENTINA / Discover Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Taste a plate of Muama de Galinha at a local restaurant CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Share a plate of Picante de pollo and Lechon al horno with a local BOLIVIA / Attend the Romanian Beer Festival ROMANIA / Try Feuille, a regional speciality CAMEROON / Stroll through the Souk al Milh market YEMEN / Soak in the culture at the Freemont Sunday Market WASHINGTON / Explore the Sandaga Market SENEGAL / Attend the Tangains Festival SIERRA LEONE / Attend the Tobago Heritage Festival TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Attend the Tobago Culinary Festival TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Attend the Ludlow Food Festival ENGLAND / Visit the Konyo Konyo market SOUTH SUDAN / Visit the Santa Cruz Islands SOLOMON ISLANDS / Attend the Lagoon Festival SOLOMON ISLANDS / Attend the Milamala Festival PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Visit Kanye BOTSWANA / Visit Tutong BRUNEI / Visit Caboledo ANGOLA / Visit Cahama ANGOLA / Visit Barisal BANGLADESH / Visit Rangpur BANGLADESH / Visit Placencia BELIZE / Visit Seaview Farm ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Dilijan ARMENIA / Visit Port Pirie AUSTRALIA / Visit Huambo ANGOLA / Visit Nzagi (Andrada) ANGOLA / Visit El Eulma ALGERIA / Visit Lijiang CHINA / Visit Mazar-i-Sharif AFGHANISTAN / Visit the Jiangzhou Immortal Bridgein Guangxi CHINA / Follow my food from field to table / Visit the Hongcun Ancient Village CHINA / Visit the West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou CHINA / 🌴 Visit Pago Pago AMERICAN SAMOA / Share a plate of Mangrove clams with a local MICRONESIA / Visit Jayma Bazaar KYRGYZSTAN / Visit Dom Babura KYRGYZSTAN /