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Maritime History
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Visit a lighthouse / Visit a lighthouse and go to the top / Climb to the top of a lighthouse / 🤿 Scuba dive in a shipwreck / 🌊 Visit Pearl Harbor HAWAII / Visit the Bay of Fundy CANADA / Go to a lighthouse / Visit Cape Cod MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Pier 39 CALIFORNIA / Go to Maine / See the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen DENMARK / Build a ship in a bottle / Tour a lighthouse / Experience the Shubenacadie tidal bore CANADA / Visit Salem / 🗼 Visit Cape Hatteras Lighthouse NORTH CAROLINA / 🛳️ Visit the Inner Harbor, Baltimore MARYLAND / ⚔️ Visit the Viking Ship Museum DENMARK / Visit South Street Seaport NEW YORK / Drive across the Confederation Bridge from New Brunswick to Prince Edward Island CANADA / Visit Portsmouth Historic Dockyard ENGLAND / 🚢 Ride through the Panama Canal PANAMA / See the Mary Rose and HMS Victory at the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard ENGLAND / Visit the Titanic museum in Branson MISSOURI / Visit Gothenburg SWEDEN / Visit PEI CANADA / Visit Greenwich ENGLAND / Explore the Waddeneilanden, an island chain off the coast of Friesland NETHERLANDS / Visit the Assateague Island National Seashore MARYLAND / 🗼 See the Morris Island Lighthouse SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Fort McHenry MARYLAND / Visit the Battleship New Jersey NEW JERSEY / 🗼 Visit the Biloxi Lighthouse MISSISSIPPI / See the Kronborg Castle near the waters of Øresund DENMARK / 🗼 Visit the Navesink Twin Lights NEW JERSEY / Stroll through the NEMO Museum on the banks of the IJ NETHERLANDS / Walk the sea floor around the Bay of Fundy islands CANADA / See the spot from which Vasco da Gama set sail, theTorre de Belem PORTUGAL / Discover ship wrecks in Carlisle Bay BARBADOS / Visit the Maine Lighthouse Museum MAINE / Visit the Colonial Annapolis Historic District MARYLAND / 🛳️ Visit Titanic Belfast UNITED KINGDOM / Dodge icebergs on a boat tour of Newfoundland's Iceberg Alley CANADA / Explore the fishing village of Peggy's Cove CANADA / Visit the Lighthouses of Portland MAINE / 🏰 Visit Vasamuseet (Vasa Museum) SWEDEN / Visit Astoria OREGON / Visit Beaufort SOUTH CAROLINA / Witness orphan seal pups at the Fisheries and Maritime Museum DENMARK / Visit Saint Helena Island UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Cutty Sark ENGLAND / 🌴 Visit Åland Islands / Make a ship in a bottle / Look at the Statue of Liberty (replica) in Odaiba JAPAN / Visit Schiermonnikoog NETHERLANDS / Visit the Royal Yacht Britannia SCOTLAND / Take the Museum boat to witness many of Amsterdam's cultural attractions NETHERLANDS / Explore the 16th-century Basque whaling station at Red Bay, Labrador CANADA / Cruise along the Suez Canal EGYPT / Visit the Atlantic Ocean / Visit Whitstable ENGLAND / 🗼 Visit the Historic Cape Henry Lighthouse VIRGINIA / 🗺️ Visit the Columbus Lighthouse, a monument to Christopher Columbus DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Explore the colonial villas and the streets of the Dutch Fort of Galle (UNESCO) SRI LANKA / Visit the Peabody Essex Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo PANAMA / Attend the Kieler Woche in Kiel GERMANY / Attend the Scottish Traditional Boat Festival SCOTLAND / Visit the Panama Canal Museum in Casco Viejo PANAMA / Visit Pitcairn Islands / See the relics retrived from the seabed at the Alexandria National Museum EGYPT / Explore the Prince of Wales Fort in Manitoba CANADA / Visit the Titanic Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Wreck Dive Lake Superior MICHIGAN / Visit the Panama Canal PANAMA / Visit Cat Boat NETHERLANDS / Visit the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations (MuCEM) / Visit Fremantle AUSTRALIA / Paddle the Outer Banks NORTH CAROLINA / Stand at the landing place of Columbus' ‘New World' trip at San Salvador BAHAMAS / Visit the Fortress of Louisbourg CANADA / Sleep in the West Point Lighthouse CANADA / Roam through the Queen Charlotte Islands by ferry or cruise CANADA / Stroll around the historic area of Willenstad, Inner City and Harbour, Curacao (UNESCO) NETHERLANDS / Watch the sailing dhows in the Old Harbour at Mombasa KENYA / Visit the Apostle Islands WISCONSIN / See the stone forts of Portobelo PANAMA / Explore the shipwrecks sunk off the island of Vis CROATIA / Visit Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum MARYLAND / Tour Maine Islands MAINE / 🗼 Visit Split Rock Lighthouse MINNESOTA / Visit Mosteiro Dos Jeronimos PORTUGAL / Visit Maritiem Museum Rotterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit The St. Augustine Light, St. Augustine FLORIDA / Visit Titanic The Experience FLORIDA / Get up close to a warship in Stockholm's Vasa Museum SWEDEN / Cross the Atlantic on the Queen Mary / Visit Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse, Ushuaia ARGENTINA / Climb a light house / Visit the Tasmanian Museum of Old AUSTRALIA / 🗼 Visit Peggys Point Lighthouse, Nova Scotia CANADA / 🗼 Visit the Point Loma Lighthouse CALIFORNIA / Visit the Whydah Pirate Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Museum FLORIDA / Visit the Asian Civilisations Museum SINGAPORE / Go wreck-diving off the Abacos to find America's first steamship BAHAMAS / See the Tomb of Sultan Bolkiah, the singing admiral BRUNEI / Do the Alexandra Dive to submerged harbour sites EGYPT / Visit St. Pierre SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON / Find the Stavronikita ship in the waters near Folkestone Marine Park BARBADOS / Float through the Speicherstadt canals GERMANY / Travel the Northwest Passage by icebreaker CANADA / Explore the Northwest Passage Territorial Historic Park CANADA / Visit the Port Royal Museum in Kingston JAMAICA / Spend the day at the harbour-front of Kingston JAMAICA / Visit the Waterfront Museum at Poole ENGLAND / Visit the Museum of Scottish Lighthouses SCOTLAND / Attend the Yokohama Kaiko-sai (Yokohama Port Festival) JAPAN / Travel in a traditional water taxi called a Panga PANAMA / Discover local history and culture at the Museum of Antigua & Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Learn to use a sextant / Explore a shipwreck / Visit Captain Salem Avery House MARYLAND / Visit Battleship Cove MASSACHUSETTS / Ride a Bum Boat SINGAPORE / Visit 10 lighthouses / Sail the Manitous MICHIGAN / Visit Cockatoo Island AUSTRALIA / 🗼 Visit Fanad Lighthouse, Donegal IRELAND / Visit Mobile Bay Middle Ground Light, Mobile ALABAMA / Take a SPIDO Harbour Tour NETHERLANDS / Visit SeaCity Museum ENGLAND / Visit Mystic Seaport CONNECTICUT / Visit Whitefish Point Lighthouse and Museum MICHIGAN / Visit Upnor Castle ENGLAND / Visit Tuckerton Seaport Museum NEW JERSEY / Visit Het Scheepvaartmuseum NETHERLANDS / Explore the historic fortresses of Santiago de Cuba CUBA / Visit Maritime Museum of the Atlantic CANADA / Visit the Antigua Naval Dockyard ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / 🌲 Visit Portland MAINE / Explore a shipwreck underwater / Visit Dover Museum UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum MICHIGAN / Visit Waterford Connecticut CONNECTICUT / Climb every lighthouse in New Jersey NEW JERSEY / Visit Mariehamn ÅLAND ISLANDS / Visit the site of the Halifax Explosion CANADA / Visit Zeila SOMALIA / Go on the goonies tour in astoria / Visit Underfall Yard ENGLAND / Visit Leith Docks UNITED KINGDOM / Live in a lighthouse / Drive along the Maine coast MAINE / Visit the US Navy Submarine Force Museum, Groton CONNECTICUT / Visit the History of Diving Museum, Islamorada FLORIDA / Visit Hamburg Speicherstadt GERMANY / Take the Ferry Across the Mersey ENGLAND / Tour the Soo Locks MICHIGAN / Visit McNabs Island CANADA / Visit Boston Light MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Port Adelaide AUSTRALIA / See the Mary Rose in Portsmouth ENGLAND / Visit Bell Rock Lighthouse, Angus SCOTLAND / Visit the Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belem in Lisbon PORTUGAL / Find a glass float on the Oregon Coast OREGON / Visit Southwest Harbor MAINE / Visit Split Rock Lighthouse State Park MINNESOTA / Attend the New York Harborfest NEW YORK / Find a Japanese WWII war ship in Truk Lagoon MICRONESIA / Visit the Annapolis Maritime Museum MARYLAND / Visit the World Museum at Columbus Lighthouse DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Discover corals and wrecks while diving off the coast GUAM / Dive the wrecks in Scapa Flow SCOTLAND / Join actors dressed in period costumes aboard the Golden Hinde ENGLAND / Catch the sound and light show at Fort Jesus KENYA / Take a traditional boum and sambuk out to sea KUWAIT / Tour the decks and go for a cruise on the Bluenose II CANADA / Haul in the lobster traps aboard a Shediac Bay cruise CANADA / Visit the Red Sea port of Hodeida YEMEN / Discover Panama's Spanish legacy in Portobelo PANAMA / Participate in a sea-shanty festival in Mikołajki POLAND / Explore Pakistani coastal culture by visiting the Hawks Bay PAKISTAN / Witness a Yatch race and regatta in Tyrell Bay on Carriacou GRENADA / Attend the Feria Internacional del Mar (International Festival of the Sea) PANAMA / Visit Whalers Village Museum HAWAII / Visit the Portland Observatory MAINE / Visit the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum ARKANSAS / Visit El Faro (Faro de Cabo de Santa Maria) URUGUAY / Attend the Gaspee Days Arts and Crafts Festival RHODE ISLAND / Attend the Bequia Easter Regatta SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / Visit Fort Stark Historic Site NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit the Columbia River Maritime Museum OREGON / Visit Herreshoff Marine Museum and America's Cup Hall of Fame RHODE ISLAND / Visit Lake Champlain Maritime Museum VERMONT / Attend the Boast the Coast Maritime Festival DELAWARE / Attend the Windjammer Days Festival MAINE / Visit Essex CONNECTICUT / Visit the Hong Kong Maritime Museum HONG KONG / Visit Bunce Island SIERRA LEONE / Tour Brixham Fish Market ENGLAND / Explore Koper SLOVENIA / 🗼 Visit Nobska Light, Cape Cod MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Tower of Hercules, Av Navarra SPAIN / Visit Lorain West Breakwater Light, Lorain OHIO / See the Australia Day Tall Ships Race in Sydney Harbour AUSTRALIA / Visit the National Maritime Museum (Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum) NETHERLANDS / Explore the shipwrecks of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary MICHIGAN / Cruise across Lake Michigan on the S.S. Badger MICHIGAN / Sail on the Tall Ship Manitou near Traverse City MICHIGAN / Visit Point Loma's Cabrillo National Monument CALIFORNIA / Dive to a shipwreck / Attend the A-Ma Festival MACAU / 🏛️ Visit the Valdez Museum ALASKA / Motorcycle the Cabot Trail CANADA / Paddle the Scottish Sea Kayak Trail SCOTLAND / Visit Portchester Castle ENGLAND / Visit Bass Harbor Head Light, Tremont MAINE / Visit Split Rock Lighthouse, Silver Bay MINNESOTA / Visit Cape Hatteras Light, Buxton NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Umpqua River Light, Reedsport OREGON / Visit Cape Lookout Lighthouse, Core Banks NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Wind Point Lighthouse, Racine WISCONSIN / Visit Yaquina Bay Light, Newport OREGON / 🗼 Visit White Shoal Light, Emmet County MICHIGAN / Visit Start Point Lighthouse, Darmouth ENGLAND / 🗼 Visit Low Head Lighthouse, Tasmania AUSTRALIA / Visit Kołobrzeg (Kolberg) Lighthouse POLAND / Visit Holland Harbor Light, Ottawa County MICHIGAN / Visit the Aland Maritime Museum ÅLAND ISLANDS / Visit Museumship Pommern ÅLAND ISLANDS / Visit and ride on the Kalmar Nyckel DELAWARE / Explore an old shipwreck that has washed ashore / Visit Punta Arenas CHILE /