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🏛 Visit Pompeii ITALY / 🚶♂️ Spend a day exploring my city / Explore London on foot ENGLAND / Walk the Brooklyn Bridge NEW YORK / 🚶♂️ Walk the Freedom Trail in Boston MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the UK / Eat a baguette while walking the streets of Paris FRANCE / 🚶♂️ Walk the Freedom Trail MASSACHUSETTS / 🏰 Visit The Shambles in York ENGLAND / Explore the San Antonio River Walk TEXAS / Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge NEW YORK / 🚶♂️ Walk Edinburgh's Royal Mile SCOTLAND / Visit a tourist attraction in my own town / Visit the Old Town in Prague CZECH REPUBLIC / Go on a tour around Buckingham Palace LONDON / Travel across Brooklyn Bridge NEW YORK / Drift through Trinity College where Jonathan Swift, Bram Stoker and Oscar Wilde studied IRELAND / Explore Quebec City's old buidings and cobblestone streets (UNESCO) CANADA / Do the 3 bridge tour in NYC (Williamsburg, Manhattan, and Brooklyn Bridge) / Visit Rainbow Row in Charleston SOUTH CAROLINA / Take the Seattle Underground tour WASHINGTON / Visit Ghent BELGIUM / 🌉 Cross the medieval Vecchio bridge ITALY / 🏰 Visit the Old City of Berne SWITZERLAND / 🏰 Visit Highgate Cemetery ENGLAND / Visit the Historic District of Quebec CANADA / Visit Maastricht NETHERLANDS / Tour The Vatican Gardens VATICAN CITY / Join the punters strolling through the alleyways of the Red Light District in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Wander the cobbled medieval streets of Riga (UNESCO) LATVIA / Explore the Old Town of Dubrovnik CROATIA / Visit the Old Town of Geneva SWITZERLAND / Visit Strasbourg FRANCE / See the Franconia Sculpture Park MINNESOTA / Walk the Golden Gate Bridge SAN FRANCISCO / Take a walking tour of Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / See the wacky modern sculptures dotting Seoul's Olympic Park SOUTH KOREA / Explore Haight Street SAN FRANCISCO / 🐟 Take a stroll at the Fischmarkt in St. Pauli GERMANY / Visit La Rambla in Barcelona SPAIN / Visit the historic centre of Evora PORTUGAL / Visit Glasgow's Necropolis SCOTLAND / Walk along Hadrian's wall UNITED KINGDOM / Walk through Tallinn Old Town ESTONIA / Stroll around the winding streets of Cordoba SPAIN / Visit Old Town Lunenburg CANADA / 🏰 Explore the medieval old town and ancient castle in Tubingen GERMANY / Explore the quirky old town of Luneburg GERMANY / Stroll down to the Ancient Agora in Athens GREECE / Visit the Eureka Springs Downtown Historic District ARKANSAS / Visit the Colonial Annapolis Historic District MARYLAND / Visit the historical centre of Ghent BELGIUM / Explore Sarajevo BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Stroll through the walled towns of Obidos PORTUGAL / Walk from the Plains of Abraham to the Citadel (fort) in Quebec City CANADA / Discover charming historic quarters in Liège BELGIUM / Wander around Český Krumlov town (UNESCO) CZECH REPUBLIC / Stroll around the historic city of Gouda following the Cheese Map NETHERLANDS / Take a walk through Georgetown WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Pearl Street in Boulder COLORADO / Cross the Sundial Bridge CALIFORNIA / Walk on the drawbridge to Kolossi Castle near Limassol CYPRUS / Visit the old town of Mdina MALTA / Visit the Historic Centre of San Francisco de Quito ECUADOR / Wander through Stone Town's narrow, cobbled streets (UNESCO) TANZANIA / Visit Korea's 'museum without walls' Gyeongju, near Busan (UNESCO) SOUTH KOREA / Visit The Platt Historic District OKLAHOMA / 🧙♂️ Go on a Harry Potter-themed walking tour in Edinburgh SCOTLAND / Visit the New Castle Historic District DELAWARE / Explore the car-free cobbled back alleys of Rhodes' Old Town (UNESCO) GREECE / See Cracow's former Jewish quarter, Kazimierz POLAND / Visit Chinatown in New York / See the 17th century canal ring area of Amsterdam inside the Singelgracht (UNESCO) NETHERLANDS / Stroll around the cobbled streets of Zadar CROATIA / Stroll around the Pilsner Urquell Brewery CZECH REPUBLIC / Walk across the Clifton Suspension Bridge ENGLAND / 🏛️ Visit the Père-Lachaise cemetery FRANCE / Tour the Strip District of Pittsburgh PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Mannheim GERMANY / Walk the Brooklyn Bridge at sunrise / Wander the cobblestone streets of Tallinn ESTONIA / Stroll around the Toompea Castle in Tallinn ESTONIA / Go on a walking tour of Old Riga LATVIA / Take a stroll through the grand cemetery of Recoleta ARGENTINA / Explore Arequipa PERU / Explore the colonial villas and the streets of the Dutch Fort of Galle (UNESCO) SRI LANKA / Walk around the exposed reefs during low tide at the Tula Village AMERICAN SAMOA / Explore the steep staircases, hidden churches and traditional taverns of Alfama PORTUGAL / Stroll around the cobblestone streets of Mostar BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit the Historic Centre of Olinda BRAZIL / Go window shopping at the outlets of the medieval Schnoor district GERMANY / Visit the Old City of Salamanca SPAIN / Follow the In Bruges trail, in Bruges BELGIUM / Stroll the Cliff Walk in Newport RHODE ISLAND / Walk around the University of Delaware campus DELAWARE / Visit Bricktown Canal OKLAHOMA / Take a stroll through La Boqueria SPAIN / Visit the Tower of Hercules SPAIN / Visit the Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox COLOMBIA / Visit the Historic Centre of Camagüey CUBA / Stroll through the cobbled streets of Cesis LATVIA / Wander through the streets of Meknes MOROCCO / Retrace Martin Luther's footsteps around Lutherstadt Wittenburg GERMANY / Stroll through the alleyways of Coimbra, the university town PORTUGAL / Stroll through the Mosteiro de Santa Maria (Monastery of Batalha) PORTUGAL / Take in the views along the vibrant waterfront of Cais da Ribeira (UNESCO) PORTUGAL / Walk across 25 de Abril Bridge in Lisbon PORTUGAL / Stroll the cobbled streets of the medieval town of Sighisoara ROMANIA / Stroll around the Alter Markt in Vienna AUSTRIA / Explore the 700 year old town of Herceg Novi MONTENEGRO / Visit Oglethorpe Square GEORGIA / Hike across the Theban Hills from the tomb of Seti I to Deir al-Bahri EGYPT / Walk around the city during the Bloomsday Festival IRELAND / Stroll through the underground museum at Hoge Veluwe National Park NETHERLANDS / Explore the old quarter in Ha Noi VIETNAM / Visit the Historic Inner City of Paramaribo SURINAME / Visit the Historic Centre of Avignon FRANCE / Visit the Historic Centre of Siena ITALY / Visit Dragon Bridge in Ljubljana SLOVENIA / Take a walking tour of Old Town, Alexandria WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Atlanta Rainbow Crosswalks GEORGIA / Visit Hanoi Old Quarter VIETNAM / Walk from Scheveningen to Katwijk NETHERLANDS / Visit Franklin Street NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Paddington Reservoir Gardens AUSTRALIA / Walk around the Temple of Heaven in Beijing / Walk around the Biliotheca Alexandrina EGYPT / Walk on the high altitude cobblestone streets of San Cristobal de Las Casas MEXICO / Stroll around the historic area of Willenstad, Inner City and Harbour, Curacao (UNESCO) NETHERLANDS / Wander Trastervere in Rome ITALY / Go on a walking safari in one of the National Parks BOTSWANA / Get lost around the narrow cobbled streets and quaint houses of Plovdiv BULGARIA / Stroll around the cobbled streets of Telč (UNESCO) CZECH REPUBLIC / Stroll through the history rich Antananarivo MADAGASCAR / Stroll around the Makola Market GHANA / Stroll through the streets of Little India at Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / Stroll through the preserved centre of Coro (UNESCO) VENEZUELA / Stroll through Lima's Colonial Centre PERU / Stroll around the bustling port market of Toamasina MADAGASCAR / Explore the Walled City of Baku AZERBAIJAN / Explore Qaqortoq's town square GREENLAND / Explore the zig-zag alleyways of Algiers ALGERIA / Do the Quasimodo tour of Burges BELGIUM / Stroll around the Hluboka Castle CZECH REPUBLIC / Explore the historical centre of Cali COLOMBIA / Explore the Palacio de los Capitanes Generales in Old Havana CUBA / Visit the Historic Area of Willemstad CURAÇAO / See the Vasari Corridor ITALY / Visit St Bonaventure Cemetery GEORGIA / Take the Canal Walk in Richmond VIRGINIA / Visit the City of Verona ITALY / Visit the Historic Center of Guimarães PORTUGAL / Visit the Historic Centre of Oporto PORTUGAL / Visit the Historic District of Old Quebec CANADA / Visit Glasgow Necropolis SCOTLAND / Visit Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise FRANCE / Visit Aalst BELGIUM / Visit Prague Old Town CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit the 17th Century Canal Ring in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Take an architectural walking tour of Chicago / Visit Knez Mihailova SERBIA / Photograph the City Walls in Dubrovnik CROATIA / Walk the Delmar Loop MISSOURI / Tour the Silverton Cemetery COLORADO / Visit Hoi An Old Town VIETNAM / Walk Across the Bob Kerry Bridge NEBRASKA / Walk the Asheville Urban Trail NORTH CAROLINA / Walk on the Golden Gate Bridge SAN FRANCISCO / Take a walking tour of Metro Manila PHILIPPINES / Explore the old Portuguese quarter in Panaji INDIA / Wander the historic centre of Liberia COSTA RICA / Walk through Golden Gate Park / Stroll through the Dar es Salaam city centre TANZANIA / Stroll around the Festung castle GERMANY / Explore the Wernigerode Altstadt at night GERMANY / Take a walking tour of the capital Nicosia CYPRUS / Walk along the old Dutch canals of Georgetown GUYANA / Stroll through Graceland Cemetery ILLINOIS / Walk around the Neve Tzedek neighborhood in Tel Aviv ISRAEL / Stroll through Evora, a virtual museum of a town PORTUGAL / Walk around the Bazary Be market MADAGASCAR / Explore the Plaza de Armas in Lima PERU / Retrace Barbur's steps by walking on the Bibi Mahru Hill AFGHANISTAN / Stroll around the ancient streets of Spanish Town JAMAICA / Walk down Via Recta, the 'Street called Straight' SYRIA / Walk around the backstreets of Muharraq Island BAHRAIN / Walk the winding route from Libreville to the beach of Cap Esterias GABON / Do an audio-walk of Copenhagen DENMARK / Stroll in the Ambouli palm grove just outside Djibouti DJIBOUTI / Walk around the sprawling citadel at Erbil IRAQ / Take a walk through Darajani market in the morning TANZANIA / Visit historic district (Colorado springs) / 🔪 Go on a Jack the Ripper tour in Whitechapel ENGLAND / Take a walking tour of the historic center of Santiago CHILE / Visit the Plaza de Armas in Cusco PERU / Go on a street art tour of Sao Paulo BRAZIL / Walk across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge WASHINGTON / 📚 Go on a literary pub crawl in London ENGLAND / Explore Calvary Cemetery MISSOURI / Explore the Wan Chai Strip HONG KONG / Walk the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge ILLINOIS / Experience the world's oldest Chinatown, Binondo, in Manila PHILIPPINES / Visit Elfreth's Alley PHILADELPHIA / Visit Honolulu's Chinatown HAWAII / Take a tour of the Vasari Corridor ITALY / Visit Calle del Cristo PUERTO RICO / Walk Monument Avenue in Richmond VIRGINIA / Visit the Historic Center of Prague CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit Hoi An Ancient Town VIETNAM / Cross the intersection at Abbey Road / Visit bonaventure cemetery / Wander the Trastevere neighborhood in Rome ITALY / Visit Stephen's Green IRELAND / Visit the Iveagh Gardens IRELAND / Walk around Old Taipa Village MACAU / Visit Brunswick St, Melbourne AUSTRALIA / 🏰 Visit Fez's Medina MOROCCO / Walk through the Princeton University campus NEW JERSEY / Visit Mödling AUSTRIA / Visit Barrio de las Letras MADRID / Visit Barrio de Malasaña MADRID / Visit Calle de Preciados MADRID / Explore the Marais' nooks and crannies PARIS / Visit the Brady Arts District in Tulsa OKLAHOMA / Take a guided tour of the Peace Walls in Belfast NORTHERN IRELAND / Visit Rennes FRANCE / Visit Lucca ITALY / Visit Blists Hill ENGLAND / Walk the streets of London ENGLAND / Take a tour of the Arequipa Historic Center PERU / Take a tour of the Lima Historic Center PERU / Stroll through the Parque Central in Guatemala City GUATEMALA / Wander through the old city of Mosul IRAQ / Do the Florence Fashion Walking Tour ITALY / Stroll through Rizal Park PHILIPPINES / Wander N'Djamena's historic quarter CHAD / Stroll around the central market of Bujumbura BURUNDI / Stroll around the National Library in Thimpu BHUTAN / Stroll around the the Small and Great markets at Niamey NIGER / Walk around Afrasiab Museum UZBEKISTAN / Take a walk around the Spanish colonial town of Rivas NICARAGUA / Stroll around Independence square in Accra GHANA / Stroll the colonial Portuguese Ilha de Mocambique MOZAMBIQUE /