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🏛 Go to 5 different museums / 🖼️ Go to an art museum / 🖼️ Visit an art museum / Go to a museum I have never visited before / 🚀 Visit the National Air and Space Museum WASHINGTON, D.C. / Go to the Smithsonian / Visit five museums / 🦕 Visit the Natural History Museum in London ENGLAND / Visit a new museum / Go to 10 different museums / 🐒 Go to the Bronx Zoo NEW YORK / Visit 10 museums / 🖼️ Visit the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston MASSACHUSETTS / 🎸 Go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame OHIO / 🦖 Visit the Field Museum ILLINOIS / 🏥 Visit the Mütter Museum PHILADELPHIA / Go to the MOMA / 🥤 Visit the World of Coca Cola GEORGIA / Visit the American Museum of Natural History NEW YORK / Visit the Guggenheim Museum NEW YORK / Visit five different museums / 🐅 Go to the Toronto Zoo CANADA / Visit the National Aquarium in Baltimore MARYLAND / Visit the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame WASHINGTON / Visit every museum in my city / 🐋 Visit The Deep ENGLAND / 🦜 Visit Oregon Zoo OREGON / Visit the London Science Museum ENGLAND / 🐠 Visit the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium OHIO / 🐘 Visit Brookfield Zoo ILLINOIS / 🏛️ Visit the National Museum of Scotland SCOTLAND / Visit the Denver Art Museum COLORADO / Visit the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas TEXAS / Go to the Field Museum ILLINOIS / Visit the Henry Ford Museum MICHIGAN / Visit the Children's Museum of Indianapolis INDIANA / Visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Royal Ontario Museum CANADA / Visit the Museum of Science and Industry ILLINOIS / Attend the State Fair of Texas TEXAS / Visit the Minnesota Zoo MINNESOTA / 🖼️ See the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum SCOTLAND / Visit the National Museum of Korea SOUTH KOREA / Attend the Ohio State Fair OHIO / Visit the Maryland Science Center MARYLAND / 🏛️ Visit the National Museum of the Marine Corps VIRGINIA / Visit the Newseum WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Detroit Institute of Arts MICHIGAN / Visit Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium NEW JERSEY / 🐟 Visit the South Carolina Aquarium SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Riverbanks Zoo and Garden SOUTH CAROLINA / Go to Brookfield Zoo ILLINOIS / Visit the Pro Football Hall of Fame OHIO / Visit the New Orleans Museum of Art LOUISIANA / Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art INDIANA / Visit the Adler Planetarium ILLINOIS / Visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum OHIO / 🦕 Visit the Peabody Museum of Natural History CONNECTICUT / 🎖️ Visit the National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial MISSOURI / Visit the Museum of Death in Hollywood LOS ANGELES / Visit Indianapolis Zoo INDIANA / Visit the National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum OHIO / Go to the Iowa State Fair IOWA / 🐠 Visit the Vancouver Aquarium CANADA / Visit MOTAT (Museum of Transport & Technology) NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Omniplex OKLAHOMA / Visit the NASCAR Hall of Fame NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Smithsonian National Zoo WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Wisconsin Historical Museum WISCONSIN / 🏛️ Visit the National World War II Museum LOUISIANA / Visit the Oklahoma City Zoo OKLAHOMA / Go to the Ohio State Fair UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Attend the Minnesota State Fair MINNESOTA / Attend New York Comic Con NEW YORK / Visit the Birmingham Museum of Art ALABAMA / Visit the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum KANSAS / Attend the Kansas State Fair KANSAS / Visit the Tulsa Zoo and Living Museum OKLAHOMA / Visit the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and The RainForest OHIO / Visit the Baseball Hall of Fame NEW YORK / Visit the South Carolina State Museum SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit the Denver Zoo COLORADO / Visit the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens NEW YORK / Learn about Costa Rican history at the National Museum in San Jose COSTA RICA / Visit the War Remanants Museum in Saigon VIETNAM / Visit the Clinton Presidential Library ARKANSAS / Visit the Shelburne Museum VERMONT / Visit the ABQ BioPark Zoo NEW MEXICO / Visit the Museum of Sex NEW YORK / Visit the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science NEW MEXICO / Visit the Indiana State Museum INDIANA / Visit the Guinness World Records Museum TEXAS / Visit the Will Rogers Memorial Museum OKLAHOMA / Visit the Poe Museum VIRGINIA / Go to the Newseum / Visit the Museum of the Plains Indian MONTANA / 🛩️ Visit the National Museum of the United States Air Force OHIO / Attend the Indiana State Fair INDIANA / Visit Botanica: The Wichita Gardens KANSAS / Visit the Museum of Nature and Science COLORADO / Visit the DuSable Museum of African American History ILLINOIS / Visit the Kansas City Zoo KANSAS / Go to the Portland Art Museum OREGON / Visit the Museum of Death LOS ANGELES / Visit the Museum of the Cherokee Indian NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History MICHIGAN / Visit Mississippi Museum of Natural Science MISSISSIPPI / Pay a visit to the Archaeological Museum in Iraklio GREECE / Go to a Star Trek Convention / Go to the Arizona State Fair / Attend the Maryland State Fair MARYLAND / Visit Heureka FINLAND / Visit the DDR Museum GERMANY / Attend the Great New York State Fair NEW YORK / 🖼️ Visit the Auckland Art Gallery NEW ZEALAND / Spend an afternoon at the British Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Museum of Pop Culture WASHINGTON / Go to the Dali Museum FLORIDA / Visit Ringling Brothers Museum FLORIDA / Visit the Atlanta History Center GEORGIA / Tour the National Museum of the American Indian WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Heinz History Center PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Coca Cola Museum in Atlanta GEORGIA / Visit Ouwehand Zoo NETHERLANDS / Visit the Smithsonian National Air WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the National Museum of American History WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Old Salem Museums and Gardens NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Charleston Museum SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit the Titanic Museum MASSACHUSETTS / See the ethnographic and archaeological exhibits of the National Museum at Nairobi KENYA / Visit the Panama Canal Museum in Casco Viejo PANAMA / Explore the folk museum at Geysir ICELAND / Explore the folk museum of Skogar ICELAND / Visit the Museo de la Revolucion for a historical context of modern Cuba CUBA / Visit London Science Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Franklin Institute PHILADELPHIA / Visit the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) Museum and Visitor Center VIRGINIA / Visit the Titanic Museum Attraction TENNESSEE / Visit the Cleveland Museum of Natural History OHIO / Visit the Great Lakes Science Center OHIO / Visit the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum OKLAHOMA / Visit the Museum of World Treasures in Wichita KANSAS / Visit Sedgwick County Zoo KANSAS / Visit the CNE CANADA / Visit the Canadian Museum of Nature CANADA / Visit Discovery Place NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Walters Art Museum MARYLAND / Visit the Crime and Punishment Museum WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Ronald Reagan Library CALIFORNIA / Visit the Boston Aquarium MASSACHUSETTS / Explore the Museum of Natural History NEW YORK / Visit Bardo Museum TUNISIA / Visit California Science Center LOS ANGELES / Visit the Liberty Science Center NEW JERSEY / Visit Johnstown Flood Museum PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the International Spy Museum in DC WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Saskatchewan Railway Museum CANADA / Visit the Museum of Medieval Torture Instruments CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit the Museum of Everyday Life VERMONT / Visit the Nashville Zoo TENNESSEE / Attend the Illinois State Fair ILLINOIS / Visit Old Stone House Museum VERMONT / Attend the Alaska State Fair ALASKA / Visit the Honolulu Zoo HAWAII / 🏥 Visit the Glore Psychiatric Museum MISSOURI / Visit the Chicago History Museum ILLINOIS / Visit the Field Museum of Natural History ILLINOIS / Visit the American Jazz Museum in Kansas City MISSOURI / Visit the Roger Miller Museum OKLAHOMA / Visit the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum OREGON / Visit the Clark Planetarium UTAH / Visit the Las Vegas Natural History Museum NEVADA / Visit the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery OHIO / Visit the Austin Nature and Science Center TEXAS / Visit the Guinness World of Records Museum TENNESSEE / Visit the Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum TENNESSEE / Visit the Future of Flight Aviation Center and Boeing Tour WASHINGTON / Visit Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium in San Antonio TEXAS / Visit the Brookfield Zoo ILLINOIS / Go to the Illinois State Fair / Visit the Tennessee Aquarium TENNESSEE / Visit the Archaeological Museum in Antalya TURKEY / Visit the Connecticut Science Center CONNECTICUT / Visit the Air Force Museum at Wigram NEW ZEALAND / Visit the International Wildlife Museum ARIZONA / Visit Pima Air and Space Museum ARIZONA / Visit the Anchorage Museum ALASKA / Attend the Colorado State Fair COLORADO / Visit the Anniston Museum of Natural History ALABAMA / Visit Luxembourg City History Museum LUXEMBOURG / Visit Luxembourg Natural History Museum LUXEMBOURG / Visit the Science and Technology Museum in Shanghai CHINA / Visit Llandudno Museum WALES / Visit the Port Royal Museum in Kingston JAMAICA / Check out the exhibits at Shaw Park Botanical Gardens in Ocho Rios JAMAICA / See the mummies and other embalmed animals at the Antiquities Museum at Kharga Oasis EGYPT / Visit the St. Louis Zoo MISSOURI / Explore the Takayama museum JAPAN / Visit the Iziko South African Museum SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Vancouver Art Gallery CANADA / Visit the Los Angeles Zoo / Visit the Worcester Art Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Chatham Railroad Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture WASHINGTON / Visit the Science Museum of Minnesota MINNESOTA / Visit Castle Halloween Museum WEST VIRGINIA / Visit the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas LOUISIANA / Visit the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History NEW MEXICO / Attend the Des Moines Arts Festival IOWA / Visit the Vent Haven Ventriloquist Museum KENTUCKY / Visit Perot Museum TEXAS / Visit the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art CALIFORNIA / Visit Cincinnati Union Terminal OHIO / Attend Silicon Valley Comic Con CALIFORNIA / Visit the Harvey House Museum NEW MEXICO / Visit the Albuquerque Museum NEW MEXICO / Visit the Tasmanian Museum of Old AUSTRALIA / Visit the St. Louis City Museum MISSOURI / Visit Fernbank Museum GEORGIA / Visit the Toledo Zoo OHIO / Attend the New Mexico State Fair NEW MEXICO / Attend the Virginia State Fair VIRGINIA / Visit the Hunterian Museum SCOTLAND / Visit the Museum of Miniatures in Prague CZECH REPUBLIC / 🏛️ Visit Portland Art Museum OREGON / Visit the Deutsches Museum GERMANY / Visit the National Museum of Anthropology MEXICO / Visit Carnegie Museum of Natural History PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Tellus Science Museum, Cartersville GEORGIA / Visit the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Attend the Oklahoma State Fair OKLAHOMA / Visit The Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures, Tuscon ARIZONA / Visit the Walt Disney Museum on the Presidio, San Francisco CALIFORNIA / Visit Heinz History Center PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Cooper-Hewitt Museum NEW YORK / Visit the Wisconsin Veterans Museum WISCONSIN / Visit the Whaling Museum at the Nantucket Historical Association MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Boston Fire Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Museo Del Oro COLOMBIA / Visit the Patek Philippe Museum SWITZERLAND / Visit the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Visit the Museum of Osteology, Oklahoma City OKLAHOMA / Visit the Tallahassee Museum FLORIDA / Visit the Reginald F. Lewis Museum MARYLAND / Visit the Kansas Barbed Wire Museum KANSAS / Visit the Dog Collar Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Toy Museum of NY, Brooklyn NEW YORK / Visit the Seattle Pinball Museum WASHINGTON / Visit Museo di Stato (State Museum) SAN MARINO / Visit Allentown Art Museum PENNSYLVANIA / Attend the Topsfield Fair MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Cheyenne Frontier Days Old West Museum WYOMING / Visit Vulcan Park and Museum ALABAMA / Attend the Puyallup Fair (Western Washington Fair) WASHINGTON / Visit the Basque Museum and Cultural Center IDAHO / Visit North Carolina Arboretum NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Cable Car Museum CALIFORNIA / Visit the Insectropolis in Toms River NEW JERSEY / Visit the Honolulu Surfing Museum HAWAII / Visit Amsterdam Pipe Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit Persmuseum NETHERLANDS / Visit the National Museum of American Jewish History NEW JERSEY / Visit the Pittsburgh Glass Center PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Kansas Museum of History KANSAS / Visit the Southeastern Railway Museum GEORGIA / Visit the Naper Settlement ILLINOIS / Visit Hagley Museum DELAWARE / Visit the John Deere Pavilion ILLINOIS / Visit the American International Rattlesnake Museum NEW MEXICO / Visit the University of New Mexico Maxwell Museum of Anthropology NEW MEXICO / Visit the Jewish Museum on Fifth Avenue NEW YORK / Visit the New York State Museum NEW YORK / Visit Good Zoo and Benedum Planetarium WEST VIRGINIA / Visit the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium VERMONT / Visit Goulding's Trading Post Museum UTAH / Visit the Grafton Museum VERMONT / Visit the Old Capitol Museum MISSISSIPPI / Visit the Minnesota Children's Museum MINNESOTA / Visit the Muhammad Ali Center KENTUCKY / Visit Battleship Cove MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the New Bedford Fire Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Dayton Art Institute OHIO / Visit the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame OKLAHOMA / Visit the Detroit Science Center MICHIGAN / Visit the Pink Palace Museum TENNESSEE / Visit Jacksonville Zoo FLORIDA / Visit the Waterfront Museum at Poole ENGLAND / Walk around the Edinburgh International Science Festival SCOTLAND / See the Uganda Museum at Kampala UGANDA / Walk around the Boerhaave natural sciences museum NETHERLANDS / Visit Science World CANADA / Seek out the Museum of Anatolian Civilisations in Ankara TURKEY / Visit the Museum of Islamic Art EGYPT / Visit the Houston Museum of Natural Science TEXAS / Visit the State Museum of Armenian History in Yerevan ARMENIA / Discover local history and culture at the Museum of Antigua & Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit the International Spy Museum WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Columbus Museum of Art OHIO / Visit the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA /