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🎶 Go to a music festival / 🎶 Attend a music festival / 🎤 Go to 5 concerts / 🎤 Attend a live concert / Listen to the Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time / 🎭 Go to Glastonbury Festival UNITED KINGDOM / Attend 5 concerts / Attend a music festival/concert / Attend 3 concerts / 🎶 Attend a major music festival / Go to a big music festival / 🎶 Go to the Coachella Music Festival CALIFORNIA / 🎉 Attend a multi-day music festival / Go to five concerts / Listen to a new album each week / Attend 10 concerts / Listen to a new album every week for a year / Ask 50 people to recommend one song and make a playlist / 🎺 Attend the New Orleans Jazz Festival LOUISIANA / Go to Lollapalooza / Go to Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival CALIFORNIA / Go to a jazz festival / Make a playlist on Spotify / Attend a concert at The O2 (London) LONDON / 🎶 Attend a jazz concert / 🎶 Attend Austin City Limits TEXAS / Attend Coachella Music Festival CALIFORNIA / 🎸 Attend Bonnaroo TENNESSEE / 🎶 Start collecting vintage records / 🎸 Attend the Werchter Rock Festival BELGIUM / See live music at least once a month for a year / Go to an outdoor music festival / Listen to all Jackson Five/Jacksons/Michael Jackson albums straight, in the correct order / See Regina Spektor in concert / Attend a concert at The O2 (Dublin) IRELAND / Belt out some Karaoke tunes at a local bar JAPAN / Go to Big Day Out / Attend Glastonbury UNITED KINGDOM / 🎶 Attend the Montreal International Jazz Festival CANADA / Follow a band on tour / 🤘🏼 Attend the Rock in Rio Music Festival BRAZIL / Attend the Bonnaroo Music TENNESSEE / Attend the Sziget Music Festival in Budapest HUNGARY / See Tegan and Sara live / 🤠 Go to the Tamworth Country Music Festival AUSTRALIA / Listen to a new album each month / 🎺 Attend the Festival Internacional de Jazz SPAIN / Go to a concert every month / Sing karaoke in a bar / 🎺 Attend the Cape Town International Jazz Festival SOUTH AFRICA / 🎶 Attend the Evolution Festival ENGLAND / Attend the Newport Folk festival RHODE ISLAND / Go to a weekend music festival / 🎶 Attend Open'er Festival POLAND / Attend Lollapalooza ILLINOIS / Attend Tomorrowland BELGIUM / Listen to the Beethoven Orchester at Bonn GERMANY / 🎶 Attend the Bray Jazz Festival IRELAND / 🎵 Attend the Cheltenham Jazz Festival ENGLAND / Attend the Evolve Music Festival in Nova Scotia CANADA / Attend Electric Zoo NEW YORK / Go to the Boise Music Festival IDAHO / Make a Spotify playlist of my 1001 favourite songs / 🎶 Attend the Montreux Jazz Festival SWITZERLAND / Attend the Castlebar Blues Festival IRELAND / Attend the Africa Oye music festival ENGLAND / 🎷 Attend the Nango Summer Jazz Festival JAPAN / Attend the Carrick Water Music Festival IRELAND / Attend the Shetland Folk Festival SCOTLAND / Attend the Monterey Jazz Festival SAN FRANCISCO / Attend the Firefly Music Festival DELAWARE / Attend the world music event, the Couleur Cafe BELGIUM / 🎷 Listen to the bands at The Hague Jazz festival NETHERLANDS / See a concert at PNC Music Pavilion NORTH CAROLINA / Attend the Primavera Sound festival SPAIN / 🎺 Attend the Brussels Jazz Marathon BELGIUM / Attend the Vienna Jazz Festival AUSTRIA / Attend the Salzburg Jazz Autumn (Herbst) Festival AUSTRIA / Attend the International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition POLAND / Attend a Positivus festival LATVIA / 🎶 Attend the Hua Hin Jazz Festival THAILAND / Attend the Istanbul Music Festival TURKEY / Attend the Rockwave Festival in Malakassa GREECE / Attend the Summer Jazz Festival in Cracow POLAND / Attend the Glasgow Jazz Festival SCOTLAND / Attend the Gasytsara Modern Music Festival MADAGASCAR / Attend the WOMAD Festival at Abu Dhabi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / 🎶 Attend the Rochester International Jazz Festival NEW YORK / Attend the Beale Street Music Festival TENNESSEE / Visit Montreaux Jazz Festival SWITZERLAND / 🎷 Attend the Newport Jazz Festival RHODE ISLAND / Attend the Telluride Bluegrass Festival COLORADO / Attend the Gibraltar International Jazz Festival GIBRALTAR / Attend T in the Park Festival SCOTLAND / Attend SweetWater Music Festival GEORGIA / Visit an independently owned record store on Record Store Day / Hear the Detroit Symphony Orchestra MICHIGAN / Attend Festival Internacional de Benicassim SPAIN / Attend the Snoqualmie Pass Music Festival WASHINGTON / Attend the Forecastle Festival KENTUCKY / Attend Way Out West festival SWEDEN / Attend Uppsala Reggae Festival SWEDEN / See a show at the Westcott Theater NEW YORK / Attend Pinkpop Festival GERMANY / Attend the Great American Brass Band Festival KENTUCKY / Attend the Vilnius Jazz Festival LITHUANIA / Attend the Skopje Jazz Festival NORTH MACEDONIA / Attend the Ultra Music Festival in Miami FLORIDA / Attend the Electric Daisy Carnival / Attend the Bulawayo Music Festival ZIMBABWE / Attend the Jazz and Blues Music Festival in Charlottetown CANADA / Attend the Kiev Summer Music Festival UKRAINE / Attend the Koktebel International Jazz Festival UKRAINE / Attend the Off Festival POLAND / Attend the Sauti za Busara Music Festival TANZANIA / Attend the Efes Pilsner One Love Festival TURKEY / Attend the Accordion Festival, Wazemmes l'Accordeon FRANCE / Attend a country music festival / See Phoenix in concert / Attend Rototom Sunsplash Reggae Festival SPAIN / Attend the Palau 100 Concert Season SPAIN / Attend the Panama Jazz Festival PANAMA / Attend the Borneo Jazz Festival MALAYSIA / Attend the Harare Jazz Festival ZIMBABWE / Attend the April Jazz Espoo FINLAND / See some of the best up and coming rockbands at the Kivenlahti Rock Festival FINLAND / Attend the Sofia Jazz Peak Autumn Jazz Festival BULGARIA / Attend the Llaipeda Jazz Festival LITHUANIA / Attend the Malta Jazz Festival MALTA / Attend the Tanglewood Jazz Fest MASSACHUSETTS / Attend the Bayfront Blues Festival MINNESOTA / Attend the Mississippi Delta Blues Festival MISSISSIPPI / Attend the Reno-Tahoe Blues Fest NEVADA / Attend the Sioux Falls Jazz and Blues Festival SOUTH DAKOTA / Attend the DuPont Clifford Brown Jazz Festival DELAWARE / Attend the Anchorage Festival of Music ALASKA / Attend the Alaska Folk Festival ALASKA / Attend Lollapalooza Chile CHILE / Attend the Ballanta Music Festival SIERRA LEONE / Attend the Košice Music Spring Festival SLOVAKIA / Attend Arvika Festival SWEDEN / Attend San Francisco's Warped Tour CALIFORNIA / Attend the Isle of Wight Festival UNITED KINGDOM / Attend the Montreux Music Festival GEORGIA / Attend the Moab Folk Festival UTAH / Attend the Oregon Jamboree OREGON / Attend the Love Supreme Jazz Festival ENGLAND / Attend Exit Festival SERBIA / Attend Paleo Festival SWITZERLAND / Attend the Nice Jazz Festival FRANCE / Attend the London Jazz Festival ENGLAND / Attend JazzFest Berlin GERMANY / Attend austin psych fest / Attend the Copenhagen Jazz Festival / Attend the Vancouver International Jazz Festival CANADA / Attend a concert at Infinity Hall in Norfolk CONNECTICUT / Attend Lucca Summer Festival ITALY / Attend Electric Daisy Carnival Mexico MEXICO / Attend Electric Daisy Carnival New York / Attend Electric Daisy Carnival UK / Attend Electric Daisy Carnival United Kingdom UNITED KINGDOM / Be in a front row at rock concert / Attend the Sziget Music Festival HUNGARY / Attend Hultsfred Festival SWEDEN / Attend the St. Kitts Music Festival SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Attend Kaay Fecc SENEGAL / Attend Bratislava Jazz Days SLOVAKIA / Attend the Gibraltar Music Festival GIBRALTAR / Attend the Suriname Jazz Festival SURINAME / Attend the Tabarka Jazz Festival TUNISIA / Attend the Ljubljana Jazz Festival SLOVENIA / Attend the Bratislava Music Festival SLOVAKIA / Attend the Atlanta Jazz Festival GEORGIA / Attend BottleRock Napa Valley CALIFORNIA / Attend the Chicago Blues Festival ILLINOIS / Attend Roskilde Festival DENMARK / Dance at the Exit Festival in Novi Sad SERBIA / Attend the Sitka Jazz Festival ALASKA / Attend the Great Connecticut Traditional Jazz Fest CONNECTICUT / Attend the Jacksonville Jazz Festival FLORIDA / Attend the Riverbend Festival TENNESSEE / Attend the Berks Jazz Fest PENNSYLVANIA / Attend the Philadelphia Folk Festival PENNSYLVANIA / Attend the Santa Fe Jazz and International Music Festival NEW MEXICO / Attend the Festival au Desert MALI / Attend the Vermont Mozart Festival VERMONT / Attend the JVC Jazz Festival RHODE ISLAND / Attend the Summer Camp Music Festival ILLINOIS / Attend the Savannah Music Festival GEORGIA / Attend Festival de Wiltz LUXEMBOURG / Attend Printemps Musical - Festival de Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG / Attend the Guitar Festival in the Desert ISRAEL / Attend the Red Sea Jazz Festival ISRAEL / Attend Lollapalooza in Tel Aviv ISRAEL / Attend Monster Concert (Monsterkonzert) LIECHTENSTEIN / Attend the Budapest Baroque Festival HUNGARY / Attend the Kaunas Jazz Festival LITHUANIA / Attend the Organ Night and Aria Festival FINLAND / Attend the Naantali Music Festival FINLAND / Attend the SWN Festival WALES / Attend the Punta del Este International Jazz Festival URUGUAY / Attend the Dubai International Jazz Festival UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Attend the Abu Dhabi International Jazz Festival UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Attend the Festival de Música El Hatillo VENEZUELA / Attend the Avante Mozambique Music Festival MOZAMBIQUE / Attend the Moya International Music Festival MOZAMBIQUE / Attend the Alfredo de Saint Malo Music Festival PANAMA / Attend the Rokolectiv electronic music festival ROMANIA / Attend the Penang World Music Festival MALAYSIA / Attend the Barbados Jazz Festival BARBADOS /