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🦁 Go to the zoo / 🐎 Go horseback riding / 🪁 Fly a kite / 🪂 Go bungee jumping / 🌳 Climb a tree / Make a snow angel / 🧭 Go Geocaching / 🧭 Try Geocaching / 👼 Make snow angels / Go for a walk in the rain / 🔍 Create a scavenger hunt / 🧺 Have a picnic in the park / 🛷 Go sledding / 🛶 Go canoeing / 🚶 Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge CALIFORNIA / Go berry picking / Swim in a fountain / 🚴♀️ Learn to ride a bike / 🚲 Go on a bike ride / ⛳️ Play mini golf / Go to a zoo / Create or go on a scavenger hunt / 🤸♀️ Jump on a trampoline / 🌳 Complete the World's Largest Permanent Hedge Maze (Dole Plantation) HAWAII / 🤪 Go zorbing / 🪁 Build and fly a kite / 🏞️ Go tubing down a river / Go paragliding / Walk through a corn maze / Go to an outdoor movie / Go on a scavenger hunt / ⛳️ Play miniature golf / Complete a 5K run / Do the polar bear swim on New Year's Day / Walk behind a waterfall / 🛼 Go rollerblading / See a movie at the drive in / Go to the strawberry farm and pick my own strawberries / 🚴♂️ Go for an all day bike ride / 🐵 Visit London Zoo ENGLAND / 🌊 Ride a jetski / 🏊♂️ Swim under a waterfall / 🎆 Go to a fireworks display / 🪁 Fly a kite at the beach / Ride a horse on the beach / Go golfing / Go bike riding for a day / Play a game of tennis / Go hot air ballooning / 🌋 Climb a volcano / Learn to rollerblade / Go blueberry picking / Do the Color Run / 🚴♂️ Ride my bike to work / 🔫 Play paintball / Go for a run everyday for a week / Make a kite and fly it / Go bungy jumping / Go on a long bike ride / Walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge AUSTRALIA / 🧗♂️ Go abseiling / 💦 Have a water balloon fight / 🥏 Play frisbee / 🏸 Play a game of badminton / Pick my own strawberries / Go ziplining at night / Play laser tag / Do a scavenger hunt / Host a scavenger hunt / Swing on a rope into a lake / 🚴♂️ Go on a day long bike trip / Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge NEW YORK / Make and fly a kite / Try clay pigeon shooting / 🚴♂️ Ride my bike every day for 30 days / Ride on a camel / Run the Color Run / Go to a hot air balloon festival / 🚶♂️ Walk Edinburgh's Royal Mile SCOTLAND / Watch the fish fly at Pike Place Market WASHINGTON / Learn how to skip stones / Attend the Cherry Blossom Festival in Yeouido's Cherry Blossom Park in Seoul SOUTH KOREA / Go quadbike riding / 🐦 Make a bird feeder / Walk a dog / 🐅 Go to the Toronto Zoo CANADA / Complete a high ropes course / Go sledging / 👊🏼 Complete Tough Mudder / Play disc golf / Go bike riding on the beach / Go on a hike one day every month for a year / Go skeet shooting / Go to a rugby game / Go clay pigeon shooting / Throw a boomerang / Take a surfing lesson / Go cherry picking / Go to Millennium Park and take a picture by the Bean ILLINOIS / Ride on a swing / Go for a long walk every month / 🎾 Attend the US Open Tennis Championship NEW YORK / 🚴♀️ Ride a tandem bicycle / Go to a rugby match / Visit the Fort Worth Zen Gardens TEXAS / 🦜 Visit Oregon Zoo OREGON / Start a game of tag with a group of strangers / Build a sand sculpture / Start walking more / Participate in a scavenger hunt / Walk across the Royal Gorge Bridge COLORADO / Travel on the Staten Island Ferry NEW YORK / Make a kite and take it for a ride / 🐘 Visit Bristol Zoo ENGLAND / Play mini-golf / Visit the Detroit zoo MICHIGAN / Play a game of mini-golf / Visit Burgers' Zoo NETHERLANDS / Play a game of soccer / Bike the National Mall in DC WASHINGTON, D.C. / Climb the Harbour Bridge AUSTRALIA / Skate on the Rideau Canal, the longest skating rink in the world CANADA / Tour The Vatican Gardens VATICAN CITY / 🎃 Go to a pumpkin patch and pick out a pumpkin to carve / Do the Warrior Dash / 💭 Blow bubbles with a bubble wand / 🛶 Go Canoeing on Lake Louise CANADA / Learn how to slackline / Complete a hedge maze / Go llama trekking / Do the polar bear plunge / Take a Segway tour / Take a walk in the East Garden of the Imperial Palace JAPAN / Visit the Edinburgh Zoo SCOTLAND / Stroll around the canals of Utrecht NETHERLANDS / Play croquet / 🍎 Visit a farm and go apple picking / 🖍️ Play with sidewalk chalk / Go to a polo match / Take a cable car ride up to the top of Sugar Loaf mountain BRAZIL / Visit the Berlin Zoo GERMANY / 🌴 Zip Line Through the Rainforest in Guatemala GUATEMALA / Walk the Golden Gate Bridge SAN FRANCISCO / Watch a cricket match / Walk the dogs every day for a month / Take a cable car up Cape Town's Table Mountain SOUTH AFRICA / Take a surf lesson in San Diego CALIFORNIA / 🐟 Take a stroll at the Fischmarkt in St. Pauli GERMANY / Walk to an East Frisian island across the seabed at low tide GERMANY / Play frisbee golf / Ride a horse on a beach / Ride an Icelandic horse over a lava field ICELAND / 🚣♀️ Go punting on the River Cam in Cambridge ENGLAND / Go to the Milwaukee zoo / Have a picnic at the banks of the Great Lakes in Toronto CANADA / 🏏 Go to a cricket match at the MCG AUSTRALIA / Climb Sydney Harbour Bridge / Go through a corn maze at night / Visit Comerica Park MICHIGAN / 🪁 Fly a kite in the park / Go hot-air ballooning at Château-d'Oex SWITZERLAND / Stroll down to the Ancient Agora in Athens GREECE / Witness the Australia Day Skyworks AUSTRALIA / Walk from the Plains of Abraham to the Citadel (fort) in Quebec City CANADA / Dodge icebergs on a boat tour of Newfoundland's Iceberg Alley CANADA / 🏐 Attend the Manhattan Beach Open LOS ANGELES / Walk a suspension bridge / Take a moonlit walk around Andromeda Gardens BARBADOS / Cycle across the Afsluitdijk NETHERLANDS / Go on a horse-riding trek amid the mountains around Salta ARGENTINA / Visit the Angel of the North ENGLAND / 🚴♂️ Bike across the Golden Gate Bridge SAN FRANCISCO / Go Ice Skating on the Boston Common Frog Pond MASSACHUSETTS / Go to a floating lantern festival / Visit Parc Guell SPAIN / Make a hopscotch with chalk / Take a ride on a felucca (traditional Nile sailing vessel) EGYPT / Watch a classical Greek drama at the amphitheatre in Epidaurus (UNESCO) GREECE / Ride the Tobotronc at Naturlandia ANDORRA / Paddle down the Murray on a paddleboat AUSTRALIA / Watch a sunset from the dunes of Valle de la Luna CHILE / Play with a hula hoop / Visit the Brandywine Zoo DELAWARE / Walk on a suspension bridge / Visit the Edinburgh Botanical Gardens SCOTLAND / 🥏 Play with a Frisbee / Take a ride on one of the horse-drawn caleches in Montreal CANADA / Take a cable car to Montjuic SPAIN / 🌳 Do a zipline canopy ecotour at Rincon de la Vieja National Park COSTA RICA / Watch a rugby match / Learn how to use a pogo stick / Visit the Lost Gardens of Heligan ENGLAND / Go punting in Cambridge ENGLAND / Take a row boat out on Phewa Tal Lake in the Pokhara Valley NEPAL / Walk on Lake Baikal RUSSIA / Visit a lavender farm in Sequim WASHINGTON / Visit the United States Botanic Garden WASHINGTON, D.C. / Walk across the Clifton Suspension Bridge ENGLAND / Visit Spring Grove Cemetery OHIO / Visit Whipsnade Zoo ENGLAND / 🏛️ Visit the Père-Lachaise cemetery FRANCE / Walk the Brooklyn Bridge at sunrise / Take a ride on a horse-drawn carriage in Istanbul's Prince's Islands TURKEY / 🎾 Watch a game of boules FRANCE / Make a tire swing / Start walking everyday / Take a carriage ride through Central Park NEW YORK / Attend a Gaelic football and hurling match IRELAND / Kayak in Venice ITALY / Walk around the Monserrate gardens in Sintra PORTUGAL / Cycle the Silk Road from Tashkent via Lake Aidarkul to Khiva UZBEKISTAN / Stroll the Cliff Walk in Newport RHODE ISLAND / Visit Pamplemousses Botanical Garden MAURITIUS / Go Ice Skating at Somerset House LONDON / Watch a tennis match live / Walk the Golden Gate Bridge CALIFORNIA / Hang Glide Over Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Visit Singapore Zoo SINGAPORE / Have a game of bocce ball / Kayak in Doubtful Sound NEW ZEALAND / Go dune-buggying in the Peruvian desert near Ica PERU / Gallop along a beach at sundown BARBADOS / Visit Barcelona Zoo SPAIN / Swing on a rope swing / Ride a donkey / Attend a baseball game at Wrigley field ILLINOIS / Go horseback riding on a beach / Ride on a tandem bike / Blow some bubbles / Ride a horse along the beach / Attend a professional baseball game / Walk the Sydney Harbour Bridge AUSTRALIA / Make mud pies / Join a day-long archaeological dig for dinosaur bones at the T.Rex Discovery Centre in Saskatchewan CANADA / Climb Mount Aragats on horseback ARMENIA / Visit the Portland Japanese Garden OREGON / Walk the Eastern Promenade in Portland MAINE / See a game at MetLife Stadium NEW JERSEY / Play Bubble Football / Watch the bats under the bridge in Austin TEXAS / Pick strawberries in Plant City FLORIDA / Tour the Antietam Battlefield MARYLAND / Play a round at Pirate's Cove Adventure Golf FLORIDA / Ride the Leviathan CANADA / Visit the Nashville Zoo TENNESSEE / Take a bike ride on the National Mall WASHINGTON, D.C. / Climb up the Faro de la Moncloa SPAIN / Visit the Honolulu Zoo HAWAII / Go to the Lincoln City Kite Festival OREGON / See the butterflies at Frederick Meijer Gardens MICHIGAN / Visit Royal Burgers' Zoo NETHERLANDS / Visit White Scar Caves ENGLAND / Go on a bike ride through my old neighborhood / Ride the world's longest and highest cable car from Merida to the top of Pico Espejo VENEZUELA / Take a midway's log ride in Toronto's Centre Island CANADA / Take a cable car from Sigulda to Krimulda for a birds-eye view of the Gauja River Gorge LATVIA / 🐟 Try salmon fishing off a tugboat CANADA / Slide down the Papase'ea Sliding Rock into a freshwater pool SAMOA / Attend a Civil War reenactment / Walk around the Temple of Heaven in Beijing / Watch cricket at the country grounds of Edgbaston in Warwickshire ENGLAND / Jump off a cliff into the water / Go to a golf driving range / Go on a slip n slide / Go to a Red Sox game at Fenway / Go horseriding on the beach / Visit the Falkirk Wheel SCOTLAND / Visit the Brookfield Zoo ILLINOIS / Have a Picnic at Golden Gate Park / Attend Cheese Rolling festival in Gloucestershire / Go jogging once a week for a month / Go walking in a thunderstorm / Cycle around the castle-studded Rhine from Koblenz to Bingen GERMANY / Go canoeing on River Czarna Hańcza POLAND / Take a zipline through the rainforest at Walkes Spring BARBADOS / Windsurf across the waters of Lake Arenal COSTA RICA / Go horse-riding through the sugarcane fields around the Valle de Ingenios CUBA / Hand-glide off Pedra Bonita BRAZIL / See the Grand Cascade fountains at Pertodvorets RUSSIA / Visit the St. Louis Zoo MISSOURI / Ride on a dogsled / Visit the Cleveland Zoo OHIO / Ride a wooden roller coaster / Complete Peachtree Road Race GEORGIA / ⛄️ Build a snowman with someone / Watch the moon rise while rafting through the River Beas INDIA / Soar through the air on a canopy tour above Tiscapa Lagoon NICARAGUA / Do the Vidawa Forest Walk FIJI / Play a game of street cricket with the locals in the countryside GUYANA / Try river rafting in the Mongoky River MADAGASCAR / Walk across Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon PORTUGAL / Go paragliding in Pokhara NEPAL / Walk the Kinzua Bridge PENNSYLVANIA / Ride the Hunstanton Wash Monster UNITED KINGDOM / Walk across the Halifax Bridge CANADA / Visit the Devonian Botanic Garden CANADA / Construct a mini golf course / Visit Camden Yards MARYLAND / Hold a garden treasure hunt / Visit Glasgow Necropolis SCOTLAND /