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🏖 Spend a day at the beach / Go to the beach / 🌊 Swim in the ocean / Go swimming in the sea / 👙 Wear a bikini / 🌞 Get a tan / Sleep on the beach / 💦 Swim in an infinity pool / 🏊♀️ Swim in a lake / See the ocean / Buy a new bikini / Buy a new bathing suit / 🏊♂️ Go swimming in a lake / Wear a bikini on the beach / Spend a whole day at the beach / Camp on a beach / Buy and wear a bikini / Have a picinc / Go to a nude beach / Lay on the beach for a day / Visit the seaside / Have a picnic in the park with friends / Have a picnic in Central Park / Visit a nude beach / Go on a tropical holiday or cruise / Drink at a swim-up bar / Visit a local beach / Skinny dip / Stroll Venice Beach and the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles LOS ANGELES / Buy a new swimming costume / Swim in a lake or ocean / 🏝️ Visit a Pacific Island / Spend a day in Islas Cies SPAIN / Wear a bikini at the beach / Get a yellow polka dot bikini / Visit Bondi Beach AUSTRALIA / Sleep on a beach / 🌴 Visit Cancun MEXICO / Parasail / Visit the Albanian Coast ALBANIA / Visit the Cambodian Coast CAMBODIA / Sleep in a hammock on a beach / Stick a toe in Lake Erie OHIO / Visit Boracay PHILIPPINES / Sunbathe at the Copacabana beach BRAZIL / Swim in the Atlantic / Go to Schlitterbahn TEXAS / Walk on the pale pink sands of Harbour Island BAHAMAS / Visit the Uruguayan Riviera URUGUAY / Go Skinny-Dipping at Paradise Beach GREECE / Visit Coral Bay UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS / Spend the day at Zandvoort beach in Haarlem NETHERLANDS / Vacation in the Bahamas BAHAMAS / Visit Korcula Island CROATIA / Visit Zlatni Rat (Golden Horn Beach) CROATIA / Visit Whitehaven Beach AUSTRALIA / Visit Uruguay / Walk on the sandy stretches of the beaches in Sicily ITALY / Spend the day at Great Yarmouth's Pleasure Beach ENGLAND / Explore the Atlantic beaches at Cadiz SPAIN / Spend the day on the shores of Caye Caulker BELIZE / Visit Hammonasset Beach State Park CONNECTICUT / Have a picnic in Jardin du Luxembourg FRANCE / Have a picnic on the banks of Wolfgangsee AUSTRIA / Unwind in the golden sands of Koukounaries on Skiathos GREECE / Visit a nudist beach / Swim in the shallows of Half Moon Bay ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Soak up the sun at the seaside resort of Scheveningen outside The Hague NETHERLANDS / Soak up the sun at Jūrmala LATVIA / Visit Algarve (Benagil sea cave) PORTUGAL / Explore Sydney Harbour's Beaches AUSTRALIA / Visit Haeundae Beach SOUTH KOREA / Visit Corsica FRANCE / Spend the day at the Coral Bay Beach CYPRUS / Holiday in the Maldives / Swim in the world's largest swimming pool, off the coast of Chile CHILE / Visit the clubbing resort of Ayia Napa CYPRUS / Spend the day at the beach at Isla Tortuga COSTA RICA / Visit Tamuda Bay / Buy an inflatable pool / Visit Coogee Beach AUSTRALIA / Visit Cesme TURKEY / Visit Waikiki HAWAII / Go swimming in Flamingo Bay CYPRUS / Lounge in the white sands of Carter Beach AMERICAN SAMOA / Visit Djibouti / Walk on a nude beach / 🏖️ Relax on sandy stretches of Agadir MOROCCO / Soak up the sun in the golden sandy beaches at Treasure Bay JAMAICA / Stroll through the white sandy beaches of Langkawi Island MALAYSIA / Relax on Penang's beaches MALAYSIA / Visit Gwangalli Beach SOUTH KOREA / Visit White Water Bay OKLAHOMA / Visit Dollywood's Splash Country Water Adventure Park TENNESSEE / Relax on the fine sandy beaches of the Ulcinjska Riviera MONTENEGRO / Spend the day at Talofofo Bay Beach Park GUAM / Have a picnic on the banks of Lake Ohrid NORTH MACEDONIA / Spend the day at Sunny Beach BULGARIA / Witness the Zlatni Rat, Golden Cape on the island of Brac CROATIA / Visit Poreč CROATIA / Spend the day at the beaches of Paradise Island BAHAMAS / Fly to the tropical islands of San Andres COLOMBIA / Go to Rio de Janeiro / Swim in the beaches at Dakhla Bay MOROCCO / Swim in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean in Playa Ancon CUBA / Attend a beach barbecue at Isla Tortuga COSTA RICA / Stay at a beach house / Lounge on the sands of Fig Tree Bay CYPRUS / Swim in the waters off Alega Beach AMERICAN SAMOA / Sun-bathe in the beaches of the Pearl Islands PANAMA / Soak up the sun at one of the white sand beaches on the Black Sea Coast ROMANIA / Soak up the sun at Ria Formosa PORTUGAL / Explore the palm fringed beaches and coral reefs of Little Corn Island NICARAGUA / Spend the day at the beaches at the Pomeranian coast POLAND / Watch the Antwerp docks get converted to an urban beach during the Antwerp Beach event BELGIUM / Spend the Day at Kailua Beach HAWAII / Visit Koh Samed THAILAND / Visit Saint Barthelemy FRANCE / Visit Hurghada EGYPT / Visit Staniel Cay BAHAMAS / Swim in Lake Malawi MALAWI / Bask on Lavartto Beach MONACO / Lounge on the beaches of the Herceg Hovi Riviera MONTENEGRO / Bask at the Levera Bay beach GRENADA / Go to Dreamland Water Park UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Swim in the Red Sea coast at Ras Kuba beach ERITREA / Spend the day on the beaches of Muisne ECUADOR / Sunbathe on any of white sandy beaches that dot the country ESTONIA / Hit the beach with a Lusitano thoroughbred PORTUGAL / Swim in the world's largest pool at San Alfonso del Mar CHILE / Spend the day at Mamaia Beach ROMANIA / Go swimming in the waters of Beruwela and Bentota beaches SRI LANKA / Stroll the white sandy beaches on the Ha'apai Group of Islands TONGA / Sunbathe in Monotapu beach TONGA / Soak up the sun at Ponta do Ouro beach MOZAMBIQUE / Sunbathe in the Unawatuna beach in Galle SRI LANKA / Spend the day at Neum beach BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Lounge in the beaches around the Golden Sands BULGARIA / Soak in the Mediterranean air at one of the beaches in Beirut LEBANON / Visit the Waterworld leisure centre in Ayia Napa CYPRUS / Spend the day at the Bouni Beach COMOROS / Go swimming in the Chomoni beach near a sheltered bay COMOROS / Laze in the sun at the Galawa Beach on Grande Comore COMOROS / Spend a weekend at the Protaras and Pernera beach resorts CYPRUS / Spend the day at Dorale beach DJIBOUTI / Laze in the sun at Malugane beach MOZAMBIQUE / Spend the weekend at the beaches of the twin islands of Pulau Perhentian MALAYSIA / Spend the day at Labadi Pleasure Beach GHANA / 🏖️ Indulge in watersports at Kokrobite beach GHANA / Spend the day at Mount Lavinia Negombo beach resort SRI LANKA / Go swimming in the Eforie Nord and Sud beach ROMANIA / Relax on the beaches of the coastal resort of Latakia SYRIA / Spend time on the beaches of Tartus SYRIA / Lounge all day on the Doctor's Cave Beach JAMAICA / Picnic at the seaside park at Liepāja LATVIA / Sunbathe in the Oarsman's Bay Beach in Yasawas FIJI / Spend a full day on the beach / Soak up the sun at Playas del Este near Havana CUBA / Enjoy the beaches around Saadani National Park TANZANIA / Relax at any of the beaches in Kigamboni TANZANIA / Have a barbeque on the beach / Spend the day at the beaches in Pohjanmaa FINLAND / Go swimming in Bernard's Beach LIBERIA / Visit Tumon Bay GUAM / Sunbathe at Bergen's best beach at Helleneset NORWAY / Go topless on the beaches of the French Riviera FRANCE / Lay in a cabana in Riviera Maya MEXICO / Float down a lazy river / Swim in the largest pool in the world / Visit Los Roques VENEZUELA / Visit Tamarama Beach, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Visit Bronte Beach, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Visit Maho Beach SAINT MARTIN / Visit Disney's Blizzard Beach FLORIDA / Hunt for treasure on the beach / Visit Hurgada EGYPT / Visit Ada Ciganlija SERBIA / Visit Rockaway Beach NEW YORK / Spend the day at Mullins Beach BARBADOS / Visit Gustavia SAINT BARTHÉLEMY / Visit Nicholls Town BAHAMAS / Visit Durrës ALBANIA / Visit Hippie Hollow TEXAS / Visit Condado Beach PUERTO RICO / Visit Oualie Beach SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Visit Reduit Beach SAINT LUCIA / Visit Seven Peaks Water Park UTAH / Spend time on the beaches of Bolama and Bubaque GUINEA-BISSAU / Visit Bat Galim Beach ISRAEL / Swim in the Ekwata Beach GABON / Visit Playa Mansa URUGUAY / Visit Punta del Diablo URUGUAY / Visit Kotu Beach THE GAMBIA / Sip mai tais while soaking up the sun at Badeschiff Beach GERMANY / Go to the Bassona Nudist Beach ITALY / Spend the day at the EU Blue Flag beach at Liepaja LATVIA / Spend the day at Manase beach SAMOA / Relax in Vilankulo beach MOZAMBIQUE / Sunbathe in one of the Muara Beaches BRUNEI / Lounge in the beaches of Limbe CAMEROON / Indulge in various water-sports in the beaches around Antigua & Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Spend the day at the Grand Popo beach BENIN / Spend the day at Serasa beach BRUNEI / Lounge around in the Kuala Belait Beach BRUNEI / Go on a picnic to Minsk Lake BELARUS / Lounge in the Khor-Ambado beach DJIBOUTI / Swim in the waters of Ghoubet al Kharab Beach DJIBOUTI / Relax on the Areia Branca Beach EAST TIMOR (TIMOR-LESTE) / Bask on the white sandy Arena Blanca beach on Bioko Island EQUATORIAL GUINEA / Indulge in watersports at Ile de Cayenne FRENCH GUIANA / Spend the day at the Zula Bay Beaches ERITREA / Spend the day at Chonguene beach MOZAMBIQUE / Soak up the sun on the beaches of Assouinde CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Go swimming in Ada beach GHANA / Lounge on one of the beaches fringing the Indian Ocean at Little Aden YEMEN / Go for a swim in Inhambane beach MOZAMBIQUE / Spend the day at Mesilla Beach KUWAIT / Spend the day at Chaung-tha Beach MYANMAR / Picnic at a park at Brandenburg GERMANY / Bask in the sun at Congo's outlet to the sea in Pointe-Noire REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit Florianopolis BRAZIL / Visit Altoona Aquatic Park IOWA / Visit Huguenot Memorial Park FLORIDA / Visit Hof HaCarmel Beach ISRAEL / Visit HaShaqet Beach ISRAEL / Lounge in the sun at Almond Beach GUYANA / Swim in No 63 beach GUYANA / Spend the day at the beaches in Île de Roume and Île de Kassa GUINEA / Wander the Barra de Santiago Beach EL SALVADOR / Sunbathe on the beaches at Mersa Ibrahim ERITREA / Spend the day at the Gunjur Beach THE GAMBIA / Lounge in Kartong Beach THE GAMBIA / Spend the day at Cooper's Beach LIBERIA / Lounge in the sun at Kenema Beach LIBERIA / Visit Tarawa Island KIRIBATI / Visit Schlitterbahn Kansas City Waterpark KANSAS / Visit Portorož SLOVENIA / Boogie-board at Island Beach State Park NEW JERSEY / Visit Dickenson Bay ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Swetes ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Freeport BAHAMAS / Visit Dunmore Town BAHAMAS / Visit Arthur's Town BAHAMAS / Visit Sweeting Cay BAHAMAS / Visit Elmhurst Beach CANADA / Swim in the Neptune Pool / Visit Anakena Beach CHILE / Visit Anse Vata NEW CALEDONIA / Visit Arica CHILE / Visit Rimini ITALY / Float in a plastic kiddie pool / Go on a luxury trip to the Maldives MALDIVES /