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🏰 Visit Edinburgh SCOTLAND / Entertain the elderly at a nursing home / 🛫 Visit Budapest HUNGARY / Walk behind a waterfall / Visit Tuscany ITALY / Visit 5 new cities / Walk barefoot in the snow / 🍺 Visit Portland OREGON / 🏔️ Trek to Machu Picchu PERU / Peep the fall foliage in New England UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🦕 Visit Petrified Forest National Park ARIZONA / 🌸 Visit the Shrines and Temples of Nikkō JAPAN / 🚶♂️ Walk the Nakasendō JAPAN / Visit Hyde Park ENGLAND / See Tulips blossom at Keukenhof Gardens NETHERLANDS / 🌳 Visit Kew Gardens LONDON / Walk a dog / Visit the Trentham Monkey Forest ENGLAND / Spend the day at a resort spa / Hike on the Appalachian Trail UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Go hiking in Ireland IRELAND / See the Lord of the Rings sites in New Zealand / Go sightseeing / 🏰 Visit Sintra PORTUGAL / Start walking more / 🏞️ Visit Starved Rock State Park ILLINOIS / 🌵 Hike in the Saguaro National Forest ARIZONA / Hang out on Cannon Beach OREGON / Visit Kochia Hill at Hitachi Seaside Park during autumn JAPAN / 🐘 Visit Brookfield Zoo ILLINOIS / 🥾 Hike the Croagh Patrick Heritage Trail IRELAND / Attend a Cherry Blossom party JAPAN / Be more relaxed / Visit Congaree National Park SOUTH CAROLINA / 🏰 Visit Highgate Cemetery ENGLAND / Visit the Green Gables at Cavendish CANADA / Visit Pikes Peak State Park IOWA / Visit Longwood Gardens DELAWARE / Hike the Milford Track NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Beth Chatto Gardens ENGLAND / Hike to High Point, the highest elevation in New Jersey NEW JERSEY / Stroll on the beaches of Toronto's Centre Island CANADA / See Clingmans Dome in the Great Smoky Mountains TENNESSEE / Visit Biltmore Estate NORTH CAROLINA / Lick maple taffy at a working maple farm CANADA / Visit a traditional Korean Folk Village SOUTH KOREA / Visit Cave of the Mounds WISCONSIN / Visit Predjama Castle SLOVENIA / Hike the Cabot Trail hugging the seaside cliffs of Cape Breton Island CANADA / See the Franconia Sculpture Park MINNESOTA / Visit Rottnest Island AUSTRALIA / Go to the dog park / Explore Sydney Harbour's Beaches AUSTRALIA / Visit Riverbanks Zoo and Garden SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Catoctin Mountain Park MARYLAND / Explore the Winelands in Cape Town SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Bournemouth ENGLAND / Tour Napa Valley / Visit the Capilano Suspension Bridge CANADA / Visit Oakland Zoo CALIFORNIA / See fall leaves on the Blue Ridge Parkway NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Dover ENGLAND / Rejuvenate in Victoria's Spa Country AUSTRALIA / 🏰 Witness the Sigiriya Rock Fortress SRI LANKA / Visit Victoria CANADA / Visit Kukaniloko ("The Birthing Stones") on O'ahu HAWAII / Hike the Superior Trail MINNESOTA / Hunt for wild mushrooms / Visit the desert of Maine MAINE / Sip a steaming cup of Chai at a local tea shop lining the Himalayan Trekking path NEPAL / Visit Antananarivo MADAGASCAR / Visit Jodrell Bank ENGLAND / Visit the Bellingrath Gardens and Home ALABAMA / Visit the Mastodon State Historic Site MISSOURI / Visit Lake Garda ITALY / Treetop Walking in Lamington National Park AUSTRALIA / See the 2000 year old olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane ISRAEL / 🌳 Visit the park where I used to play as a child / Pamper yourself at the Baile Felix or Baile Herculane spa towns ROMANIA / Visit Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park ALASKA / 🏞️ Hike in the Seoraksan National Park SOUTH KOREA / Visit Kyoto Gardens in Holland Park ENGLAND / Visit Berkeley Springs Historic State Park WEST VIRGINIA / Visit the health resort of Pärnu ESTONIA / Take the funicular up Penang Hill MALAYSIA / Visit Painted Churches in the Troodos Region CYPRUS / Be more calm / Visit Daylesford AUSTRALIA / 🥾 Hike in the mountain ranges of Corsica FRANCE / Visit Lost River Gorge and Boulder Caves NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit Europe without a passport in the Barossa AUSTRALIA / Visit Kensington Gardens ENGLAND / Visit Oban SCOTLAND / Visit Lake Winnipesaukee NEW HAMPSHIRE / See the canyon at Krka National Park CROATIA / Discover the secret gardens, Biwon SOUTH KOREA / Stroll around the blue houses of Chefchaouen in the heart of the Rif Mountains MOROCCO / Take a stroll through the secluded Begijnhof garden NETHERLANDS / Enjoy the original Spa, the Pearl of the Ardennes BELGIUM / Walk barefoot on the beach / Visit Sovereign Hill AUSTRALIA / Visit the Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui CHINA / Take a ferry to the Isle of Arran and hike Goatfell UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Alnwick Poison Gardens ENGLAND / Visit Castries SAINT LUCIA / Visit Port Arthur AUSTRALIA / Visit the Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range JAPAN / Visit the Dallas Arboretum TEXAS / Visit the Lost Gardens of Heligan ENGLAND / Make a wish while going through the world's longest covered bridge at Hartland CANADA / Hike every trail at a state park / Wade in a Cranberry Bog / Climb the Queen's Staircase carved out of solid rock for panoramas of Nassau BAHAMAS / Explore Eleuthera and its pineapple plantations BAHAMAS / Visit Mackworth Island MAINE / Go shell collecting on Sanibel Island FLORIDA / Visit Trakai LITHUANIA / Visit Yorkshire Wildlife Park ENGLAND / Visit Bandelier National Monument NEW MEXICO / Visit Ringing Rocks Park PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Saskatoon CANADA / Visit Ayutthaya THAILAND / Visit the Rose Valley BULGARIA / Trek to the Painted Monasteries of Bucovina in Moldavia (UNESCO) ROMANIA / Stroll around the Siida museum and the wilderness church in Inari FINLAND / Visit Whitstable ENGLAND / Explore the banana and sugar cane plantations of Rio Grande JAMAICA / Go tea-tasting at the plantations around Cameron Highlands MALAYSIA / Enjoy secluded streams and forests in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve BELIZE / Visit Cave of the Winds COLORADO / Visit Fujian Tulou CHINA / Visit West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou CHINA / Hike Angel's Landing UTAH / Visit Stonehenge Aotearoa NEW ZEALAND / Visit the South London Parks LONDON / Visit Kaiping Diaolou and Villages, Guangdong CHINA / Visit Kansas City Zoo MISSOURI / Visit Somes Island NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Muttart Conservatory CANADA / Start walking everyday / Visit the seaside town of Baracoa CUBA / Visit the parks in Medellin COLOMBIA / Trek the trails of Ivolina Zoological Park and Botanical Gardens MADAGASCAR / Lounge in the white sands of Carter Beach AMERICAN SAMOA / Visit the Cumberland Gap National Historical Park KENTUCKY / Visit Crosby Beach ENGLAND / 🏞️ Tour Valley Forge National Historical Park PENNSYLVANIA / Walk the Shikoku Pilgrimage JAPAN / Visit Nara Park JAPAN / Visit Waimea Valley HAWAII / Attend the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival WASHINGTON / Visit Møns Klint DENMARK / Visit Wollongong AUSTRALIA / Visit Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens CALIFORNIA / Visit the Windmills of Kinderdijk NETHERLANDS / Visit Kenefick Park NEBRASKA / Visit the Sarah P. Duke Gardens NORTH CAROLINA / Travel the Cannon Mountain Aerial Tramway NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit the Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Kalaupapa National Historical Park on Molokai HAWAII / Visit Montezuma Castle National Monument ARIZONA / Discover orchids in the The Anton Valley (El Valle de Anton) PANAMA / Visit Solvang CALIFORNIA / Visit Lindisfarne UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the London Wetland Centre ENGLAND / Travel on the Royal Scotsman SCOTLAND / Visit the former gold-mining town, Pilgrim's Rest SOUTH AFRICA / Hike amid the rare fruit and spice trees in the botanic garden at Welchman Hall Gully's BARBADOS / Discover nature at the San Ignacio Botanical Gardens BELIZE / Visit the Maple Grove Farm in Saskatchewan CANADA / Stroll through the white sandy beaches of Langkawi Island MALAYSIA / Explore the quaint old town of Pangai TONGA / Go mushroom picking with the locals in early autumn POLAND / Hike in the Dolomites / Visit Stourhead ENGLAND / 🏞️ Hike the West Highland Way SCOTLAND / Visit the Southern Gulf Islands CANADA / Visit Meiji Shrine JAPAN / Visit the Booker T. Washington National Monument VIRGINIA / Visit Alentejo PORTUGAL / Walk the Pembrokeshire Coastal path WALES / Visit Longwood Gardens PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Garfield Park Conservatory INDIANA / Visit Barry Island WALES / See the flood plains of the Mary River wetlands AUSTRALIA / Explore the ruins of the 7th century monastery at Inisfallen Island on Lough Leane IRELAND / Spend time in the beaches of the Black Sea Coast GEORGIA / Visit Arran SCOTLAND / See old fishing villages and historic manor houses in Vilsandii National Park ESTONIA / Drive around Inland Istria and its hill towns CROATIA / Hike in Albania Alps in the north ALBANIA / Go wildlife spotting in the Soberania National Park PANAMA / Visit Horseshoe Bend National Military Park ALABAMA / Visit Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park HAWAII / Visit the Lewis and Clark National Monument OREGON / Visit Canyon Rim Visitor Center WEST VIRGINIA / Visit the Boboli Gardens ITALY / Visit Karlovy Vary CZECH REPUBLIC / Experience the fall foliage in New England UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit the Portland Japanese Garden OREGON / Hike up to Bled Castle SLOVENIA / Hike Mt Lofty AUSTRALIA / See all of Madrid from the Tetas de Vallecas, a set of hills on the outskirts SPAIN / Hike Shenandoah National Park VIRGINIA / Hike Stone Mountain GEORGIA / Visit the Chi Lin Nunnery HONG KONG / Visit Port Lympne ENGLAND / Visit Steepletop NEW YORK / Visit El Capricho park SPAIN / Visit Lamma Island HONG KONG / Attend the International Cherry Blossom Festival GEORGIA / Hike the Smoky Mountains TENNESSEE / Take the St Kitts Scenic Railway Tour SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Visit Sunken Gardens FLORIDA / Visit Eltz Castle (Burg Eltz) GERMANY / Visit Caerlaverock Castle SCOTLAND / Visit Fontainebleau Palace and Park FRANCE / Visit Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse, Ushuaia ARGENTINA / Visit Apenheul NETHERLANDS / Visit Minute Man National Historical Park MASSACHUSETTS / Tour Maine Islands MAINE / Visit the vineyards of the Bekaa Valley LEBANON / See the Devil's Bridge in Indian Town ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Spend the weekend at Haapsalu resort town ESTONIA / Cycle through garden realms around Dessau GERMANY / Spend a day exploring and photographing my neighbourhood / Explore the tea estates in the Sylhet Division BANGLADESH / Visit St. Gallarus Oratory at Dingle Peninsula IRELAND / See the monastic settlement in Glendalough IRELAND / Explore the palm fringed beaches and coral reefs of Little Corn Island NICARAGUA / Enjoy the vineyards and the picturesque river of Douro Valley (UNESCO) PORTUGAL / Stroll through the white-sand beaches and traditional villages of Aleipat SAMOA / Visit the Andaman Coast THAILAND / Hike Virgin Falls TENNESSEE / Visit National Memorial Arboretum ENGLAND / Spend a day being a tourist in my own town / Hike to Calf Creek Falls UTAH / Visit Bokrijk BELGIUM / Visit the Heide Museum AUSTRALIA / Visit Upper Canada Village CANADA / Visit Scarlino ITALY / Visit Knole Park ENGLAND / Visit Bodmin ENGLAND / Visit Chalice Well Gardens ENGLAND / Visit East Haddam CONNECTICUT / Visit Srinagar INDIA / Tour Felbrigg Hall Gardens and Estate ENGLAND / 🧚♀️ Visit Tumblestone Hollow ENGLAND / 🌺 Visit Hunte's Gardens BARBADOS / 🥾 Hike in the Peak District ENGLAND / Visit Marigot SAINT MARTIN / Visit Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park INDIA / Visit the St. Louis Zoo MISSOURI / Stroll the white sandy beaches on the Ha'apai Group of Islands TONGA / Walk across the Humber Bridge ENGLAND / Visit Persa Bio Bio on the weekend CHILE / Visit the 15th century Muckross Abbey IRELAND / Explore the City of Flower-lined streets , Haiphong VIETNAM / Attend a summer concert at the medieval Chorin Monastery GERMANY / See the Rock Drawings in Valcamonica ITALY / Hunt for truffles / See St. Mary's Island and the Benedictine Monastery at Mljet Island CROATIA / Visit Ōkunoshima JAPAN / Visit the Apra Harbour Overlook GUAM / Visit Ile d'Orleans CANADA / Visit the Tea Estates in Southern Malawi MALAWI / Visit the Zimbabwe National Botanic Gardens ZIMBABWE / Discover the beaches in Long Island BAHAMAS / Go hiking around the Bulgarian countryside BULGARIA / See the vineyards of Zagorje CROATIA / Visit Cabrits Historical Park DOMINICA / Discover the ruins of Fort Shirley and Fort George on the Cabrits Peninsula DOMINICA / Stroll around the Hluboka Castle CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit the port towns of Playas Posoria and Salinas ECUADOR / Stroll the white sandy beaches of Inhassoro MOZAMBIQUE / Visit Patapsco Valley State Park MARYLAND / Visit the Hillwood Museum & Gardens WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Myriad Botanical Gardens OKLAHOMA / Visit Nemours Mansion and Gardens DELAWARE / Visit Chiricahua National Monument ARIZONA / Take a tour of Gillette Castle CONNECTICUT / Visit Hubbard Park's Castle Craig Tower CONNECTICUT / Visit the Old Prairie Town at Historic Wade-Meade Park KANSAS / Visit Rolling Hills Wildlife Adventure KANSAS / Visit the Sea of Trees JAPAN / Visit Liverpool AUSTRALIA / Visit Bregenz AUSTRIA / Visit Arashiyama's Bamboo Grove JAPAN / Visit the Yasawa Islands FIJI / Visit Hook Head IRELAND / Visit Malibu Creek State Park CALIFORNIA / Visit Wollaton Hall ENGLAND / Visit the Devonian Botanic Garden CANADA / Visit the Lavena Coastal Walk FIJI / Take the Canal Walk in Richmond VIRGINIA / Visit the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia COLOMBIA / Visit Vail COLORADO / Visit Seaham Hall ENGLAND / Visit the Zoo d'Amneville FRANCE / Visit Quinta das Lagrimas, Coimbra PORTUGAL /