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Take an art class / 🏺 Take a pottery class / 🖼 Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art NEW YORK / 🏰 Visit St Peter's Basilica VATICAN CITY / Travel to Italy / 👩🎨 Take a painting class / 🖼️ Go to an art museum / Buy a canvas and paint a piece of artwork / Visit an art gallery / 🖼️ Visit an art museum / Buy a piece of original art / 🏛️ Visit the Museum of Modern Art NEW YORK / Visit an art exhibition / Buy an original piece of art / Take a drawing class / 🏛️ Visit the Tate Modern ENGLAND / Go to the Louvre / Buy a work of art / 🚶♀️ Walk around the Musee du Louvre FRANCE / Start an art journal / 🖼️ Visit the Van Gogh Museum NETHERLANDS / Start a new hobby / Visit the National Portrait Gallery (DC) WASHINGTON, D.C. / Learn how to paint with watercolour / Visit the Sistine Chapel VATICAN CITY / Take art classes / 📚 See the Book of Kells in the Old Library, an illuminated manuscript dating from 800 AD IRELAND / Go to the MOMA / See an Andy Warhol film / Own an original piece of art / Visit the Guggenheim Museum NEW YORK / 🏛️ Visit the Seattle Art Museum WASHINGTON / Walk around the Musee d'Orsay FRANCE / Visit the Historic Centre of Florence ITALY / Visit Centre Pompidou FRANCE / Take an art history class / 🖼️ See Van Gogh's paintings at Kröller-Müller Museum NETHERLANDS / See the Louvre FRANCE / Visit the Andy Warhol Museum PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the National Gallery of Art WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Getty Museum LOS ANGELES / Have an exhibition of drawings/paintings / 🖼️ See the art collections of the Uffizi Gallery ITALY / Make a clay sculpture / Visit LACMA LOS ANGELES / Visit 5 art galleries / Make mosaic art / 🖼️ Visit the Menil Collection TEXAS / Visit Frida Kahlo's house in Mexico MEXICO / Visit the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art MISSOURI / Visit Musee de l'Orangerie FRANCE / 🖼️ Browse through the paintings of the Dutch masters at the Rijksmuseum NETHERLANDS / Go on a Banksy hunt in London LONDON / 🖼️ Visit the Neue Staatsgalerie GERMANY / ✝️ Visit the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi ITALY / Discover the pre-historic cave paintings at Lascaux II FRANCE / Visit the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art ARKANSAS / Teach an art class / 🖼️ Visit Tate Britain LONDON / Touch a famous piece of art / Enter art in an exhibit / 🖼️ Explore the art paradise at The Prado in Madrid SPAIN / 🖼️ Visit the Walker Art Center MINNESOTA / Visit the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO / Visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art PHILADELPHIA / Learn how to paint / Explore the Mogao Caves - Gansu China CHINA / Visit the Galleria dell'Accademia (Gallery of the Academy of Florence) ITALY / Visit the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art INDIANA / Visit the Georgia Museum of Art GEORGIA / Visit MoMa NEW YORK / Visit the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit the Royal Academy of Arts LONDON / Visit Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace) ITALY / 🖼️ Visit Nottingham Contemporary ENGLAND / Visit the National Art Center, Tokyo JAPAN / 🖼️ See the Picasso and Chicago' exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago ILLINOIS / Visit the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum NEW YORK / Visit the Salvador Dali Museum FLORIDA / 🖼️ Visit the Saatchi Gallery LONDON / Stroll around the The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia SPAIN / 🖼️ Visit the Kunsthistorisches Museum AUSTRIA / Visit the San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) TEXAS / See the 'Springtime of the Renaissance' exhibition in Florence ITALY / Visit The New Masters Gallery (Galerie Neue Meister) GERMANY / Visit the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts CANADA / Visit the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya SPAIN / Visit the Museo Reina Sofia SPAIN / 🖼️ Visit the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art SPAIN / Attend Art Biennale - the 55th International Art Exhibition ITALY / Learn sculpting / Visit the National Gallery of Ireland IRELAND / Visit the Musee Rodin FRANCE / Visit the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium BELGIUM / Visit the Renwick Gallery WASHINGTON, D.C. / Paint something on a canvas / Find ancient marble statues at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens GREECE / Visit the Hermitage Amsterdam museum NETHERLANDS / Visit the Art Gallery of Ontario CANADA / See Nefertiti and her entourage at the Altes Museum GERMANY / Visit the Francis Bacon Studio at the Hugh Lane Gallery IRELAND / 🖼️ Visit the Frick Collection NEW YORK / Visit the Asheville Art Museum NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts ENGLAND / 🖼️ Visit the Whitney Museum of American Art NEW YORK / Visit the Oklahoma City Museum of Art OKLAHOMA / Visit the Hunter Museum of American Art TENNESSEE / Visit the Church and Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie ITALY / Learn encaustic painting / Visit the Art museums and galleries in Stuttgart GERMANY / See the masterpieces of Rembrandt van Rijn at De Lakenhal NETHERLANDS / See the ‘Bernini: Sculpting in Clay' exhibition at the Kimbell Art Museum TEXAS / Visit New Britain Museum of American Art CONNECTICUT / 🖼️ Visit the Art Gallery of New South Wales AUSTRALIA / Visit the National Museum of Western Art JAPAN / Visit the Palais de Tokyo PARIS / Visit CaixaForum Barcelona SPAIN / Visit the Soumaya Museum MEXICO / Visit Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen NETHERLANDS / See the mosaics at Bardo Museum TUNISIA / Attend the Peter the Great exhibition at the Hermitage Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes CHILE / Visit the Museum of Ancient Art in Brussels BELGIUM / 🖼️ Visit the Art Gallery of Alberta CANADA / 🖼️ Visit the Auckland Art Gallery NEW ZEALAND / See the Rock Paintings of Sierra de San Francisco MEXICO / Visit the High Museum GEORGIA / Read a historical non-fiction book / Visit the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo (MAC) CHILE / 🏛️ Explore the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza SPAIN / Take an art course in Palazzo Spinelli ITALY / Visit the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum CONNECTICUT / Discover the three surviving icons painted by Apostle Luke in Kykkos CYPRUS / Go to the Dali Museum FLORIDA / Visit the Museum of Glass: International Center for Contemporary Art WASHINGTON / Visit Museumplein NETHERLANDS / 🌅 Visit Alhambra de Granada SPAIN / Visit Tate Modern Art Museum ENGLAND / Visit Albertina AUSTRIA / Visit Musee du Louvre-Lens FRANCE / Visit the Tel Aviv Museum of Art ISRAEL / Visit the Istanbul Modern Art Museum TURKEY / Visit the State Tretyakov Gallery RUSSIA / Visit Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum MADRID / Visit the Cave of Altamira SPAIN / Visit Allard Pierson Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit Kröller-Müller Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit the Lascaux Caves FRANCE / Visit the Joslyn Art Museum NEBRASKA / Visit the Dubuque Museum of Art IOWA / Visit the Georgia O'Keeffe museum in Santa Fe NEW MEXICO / See the ‘Inventing Abstraction' exhibition at MoMA / Attend the Ancient Art Fair BELGIUM / Visit the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art WISCONSIN / Visit the Winnipeg Art Gallery CANADA / Visit the Minneapolis Institute of Arts MINNESOTA / Visit Frida's birthplace in Coyoacan MEXICO / Visit the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum MASSACHUSETTS / See the rock-carvings from the Palaeolithic period at the Côa Valley Archaeological Park (UNESCO) PORTUGAL / Visit Cholamandalam, an artist village in Chennai INDIA / Discover Venetian paintings at The Galleria dell'Accademia in Venice ITALY / Visit the Mimara Museum in Zagreb CROATIA / Tour the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts VIRGINIA / Visit the Legion of Honor CALIFORNIA / Visit the Morse Museum FLORIDA / Visit the Morris Museum of Art GEORGIA / Visit the Great Plains Art Museum NEBRASKA / Visit the Gilcrease Museum OKLAHOMA / Dig deep into Hill End's rich gold and art history AUSTRALIA / Visit FOAM NETHERLANDS / Visit Kunsthal NETHERLANDS / Visit the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / See the world's best art in Paris FRANCE / Visit the Valencia Institute of Modern Art SPAIN / Visit the Heide Museum AUSTRALIA / Visit the Bargello National Museum ITALY / Visit the Sainsbury Center for Art ENGLAND / 🏛️ Visit Portland Art Museum OREGON / Visit the Los Angeles County Museum of Art CALIFORNIA / Visit the Carnegie Museum of Art PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Bechtler Museum of Modern Art NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Grotte De Lascaux FRANCE / Visit Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise FRANCE / Visit the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art DENMARK / Visit the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art CHINA / Visit the Frida Kahlo Museum MEXICO / Visit El Museo del Barrio NEW YORK / Visit Crystal Bridges Art Gallery ARKANSAS / Visit the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag NETHERLANDS / Visit the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art CALIFORNIA / Choose a country (CO) learn its custom, its art and its history / Visit the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art TENNESSEE / Visit the Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art RHODE ISLAND / Visit the Worcester Art Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Ulrich Museum of Art KANSAS / Visit Boise Art Museum IDAHO / See the Vasari Corridor ITALY / Visit the Menil Collection in Houston TEXAS / Visit Denver's Museum of Contemporary Art COLORADO / Visit Algoma Art Gallery CANADA / See early religious art at the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments in Split CROATIA / Visit Luxembourg's Modern Art Museum LUXEMBOURG / See the Neolithic rock paintings at Tassili ALGERIA / Visit the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / Visit the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino CHILE / Enjoy Canadian art at the McMichael Gallery CANADA / Visit the Columbus Museum of Art OHIO / Visit the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts VIRGINIA / Buy a piece of art from a gallery / Visit Chazen Museum of Art WISCONSIN / 🖼️ Visit Manchester Art Gallery ENGLAND / Visit the Nasher Museum NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Museum of Islamic Art EGYPT / Visit the Turner Watercolours at the National Gallery of Scotland SCOTLAND / See Brunelleschi's design for the Duomo ITALY / Attend the Brussels Antiques and Fine Arts Fair BELGIUM / Learn about Newari woodcarvings at the National Woodworking Museum in Bhaktapur NEPAL / Visit the Museum of Colonial Religious Art PANAMA / View religious art in Tirana, Korca and Berati ALBANIA / 🖼️ Stroll around the Nukus Art Gallery UZBEKISTAN / See the Icon of the Black Madonna reputed to have been painted by St. Luke POLAND / Attend the Gauguin, Bonnard, Denis exhibition at the Hermitage Amsterdam / Visit the Yale Center for British Art CONNECTICUT / Visit the Painting School in Thimpu BHUTAN / Discover works of Rembrandt at the Liechtenstein Art Museum LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit Kunstmuseum (the Fine Arts Museum) SWITZERLAND / Visit the Museum of Modern Art and Architecture (Moderna Museet) SWEDEN / Visit the Berlinische Galerie (or Museum of Modern Art) GERMANY / Visit the Nicolaysen Art Museum WYOMING / Visit the Saint-Cloud museum FRANCE / Learn Thanjavur painting / Visit University of Rochester's Memorial Art Gallery NEW YORK / Visit the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art ILLINOIS / Visit Minneapolis Institute of Art MINNESOTA / Visit the Headley-Whitney Museum KENTUCKY / Visit the University of New Mexico Art Museum NEW MEXICO / Visit the Dayton Art Institute OHIO / Visit the Spencer Museum of Art KANSAS / Visit the Seattle Asian Art Museum WASHINGTON / Visit the Blanton Museum of Art TEXAS / Visit the Frye Art Museum WASHINGTON / Visit the Zimmerli Art Museum NEW JERSEY / Visit Musee Marmottan-Monet PARIS / Visit the Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art MINNESOTA / Visit the Homer Watson Gallery CANADA / See the rock paintings at Laas Gaal SOMALIA / Visit Hermitage Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit the Musee d'art et d'histoire SWITZERLAND / Visit the Kroller Moller Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit St. Louis Contemporary Art Museum MISSOURI / Visit the Bergstrom Mahler Museum WISCONSIN / Visit Mattress Factory Museum PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Palazzo Strozzi museum ITALY / Visit the Chazen Museum of Art WISCONSIN / Visit the Pompidou Centre FRANCE / Visit the Rafael Coronel Museum MEXICO / Visit San Jose Art Museum CALIFORNIA / 🏛️ Visit the Museum of Latin American Art in Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / 🏛️ Visit the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland MAINE / Take a tour of the Guayasamin Museum ECUADOR / Visit the Bolivian National Museum of Art BOLIVIA / Visit the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum SAN FRANCISCO / Visit the Utah Museum of Fine Arts UTAH / Visit the Neue Nationalgalerie GERMANY / Read How To Be Both by Ali Smith / Visit the McMichael Art Gallery CANADA / Visit Museo Lazaro Galdiano SPAIN / Visit the Kimbell Art Museum TEXAS / Visit Museo Sorolla MADRID / Visit the Museo del Prado MADRID / Visit the Stedelijk Museum NETHERLANDS / Explore Laumeier Sculpture Park MISSOURI / Visit the National Museum of Mexican Art ILLINOIS / Visit the Atheneum in New Harmony INDIANA / Visit the Musee Jacquemart-Andre PARIS / See Da Vinci's The Last Supper / Visit the Austin Museum of Art (AMOA) - Downtown TEXAS / Visit the Cranbrook Art Museum MICHIGAN / Visit Mississippi Museum of Art MISSISSIPPI / Visit the Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland OHIO / Visit the Reynolda House Museum of American Art NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Sheldon Museum of Art NEBRASKA / Visit the Mulvane Art Museum KANSAS / Discover the bronze statues in Bratislava SLOVAKIA / Attend the Venice Biennale ITALY / Take a tour of the Vasari Corridor ITALY / Visit the Old Museum (Altes Museum) GERMANY / Discover the Bushmen rock paintings in Ha Khotso and Ha Baroana LESOTHO / Visit the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein Museum of Fine Arts) LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art HUNGARY / Visit the Institute of 13 Arts and Crafts in Tashi Yangtse BHUTAN / Visit Split's Meštrović Gallery CROATIA / Discover traditional arts & crafts at the Musee d'Art Cameroonais CAMEROON / Discover gothic paintings at the Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz AUSTRIA / Visit the Neue Galerie in the Herbenstrein Palace in Graz AUSTRIA / Visit the Cummer Museum of Art FLORIDA / Visit Wadsworth Atheneum CONNECTICUT / Witness Moldovan paintings at the Fine Arts Museum in Chisinau MOLDOVA / Visit the Wiregrass Museum of Art ALABAMA /