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Traditional Music
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Go to Ireland / Attend 10 different ethnic festivals / Visit The Outer Hebrides UNITED KINGDOM / Learn to play the banjo / Celebrate St Patrick's day in Ireland / Visit the Isle of Skye SCOTLAND / 🍀 Celebrate St. Patrick's day in an Irish Pub / Attend the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival LOUISIANA / Attend a bluegrass festival / Attend a Cherry Blossom party JAPAN / Visit Mongolia / Go to an Aboriginal dance festival / Catch some traditional Irish sounds at the Cobblestone IRELAND / Visit Shetland SCOTLAND / 🚗 Drive around the Ring of Kerry IRELAND / 🎉 Participate in the St Patrick's Day Parade IRELAND / Listen to the melancholic Fado music at a local bar PORTUGAL / Relax at a tavern in Corfu GREECE / 🏴 Be part of Burns' Night Celebrations SCOTLAND / Have a drink in the "highest pub in Ireland", Johnny Fox IRELAND / Travel back to the Renaissance in the Pied Piper's town of Hamelin GERMANY / Take a camel safari out to the Thar Desert INDIA / Visit the Shetland Islands SCOTLAND / Participate in the Nice Carnival FRANCE / Go to a ceilidh / 👫 Visit Burkina Faso / Go to a bluegrass festival / 🎪 Attend a traditional Highland Games SCOTLAND / Catch a Sema (whirling dance) performed by the Whirling Dervishes TURKEY / Attend the Newport Folk festival RHODE ISLAND / Visit the Aran Islands IRELAND / Learn to play the ocarina / 💃 Dance at a ceilidh / Learn to play the tin whistle / Learn to play the bagpipes / Attend the Festas dos Santos Populares (Festivals of the Saints) PORTUGAL / Attend the Oxford Folk Festival ENGLAND / Celebrate indigenous culture at the Dreaming Festival AUSTRALIA / Attend The Cork Festival, a St. Patrick's Day event IRELAND / Visit Clare Island IRELAND / Celebrate folk traditions by attending Feile Iorras IRELAND / Visit The Burren IRELAND / Visit Afghanistan / Learn how to play the mandolin / Buy a shakuhachi and learn to play it / Travel on the Royal Scotsman SCOTLAND / Listen to medieval music at the Flanders Early Music Festival BELGIUM / Attend the Galway Early Music Festival IRELAND / Visit Donegal IRELAND / Attend the Castlebar Blues Festival IRELAND / Attend the Carrick Water Music Festival IRELAND / Attend the Cork International Choral Festival IRELAND / Visit Old Delhi INDIA / Attend the Bavarian Festival in Frankenmuth MICHIGAN / Catch some traditional folk music & dancing at a local restaurant or hotel ROMANIA / Attend the Shetland Folk Festival SCOTLAND / Attend the Jongmyo Daeje ancestral rite (UNESCO) SOUTH KOREA / Attend the Amsterdam Roots Festival NETHERLANDS / Learn to play kalimba / Learn the banjo / Learn to play mandolin / Learn how to play the sitar / Visit Mauritania / Attend the Morija Arts and Cultural Festival LESOTHO / Attend the Ohrid Summer Festival NORTH MACEDONIA / Buy a tin whistle / Take banjo lessons / Listen to traditional Korean narrative songs, pansori, at the National Theatre of Korea SOUTH KOREA / Stroll through the lively Saturday market at Jinja UGANDA / Visit the Zafimaniny arts village MADAGASCAR / Attend the Richmond Folk Festival VIRGINIA / Attend the Qinghai Folk Song Festival CHINA / Feel the drumbeats at a native powwow on Manitoulin Island CANADA / Participate in the Hellenic Festival in Athens GREECE / Sing and dance with local artists at the Great Northern Arts Festival in Inuvik CANADA / Visit Achill Island IRELAND / Attend Noche Valdiviana (Valdivian night) celebrations CHILE / Attend the Festes de la Merce in Barcelona SPAIN / Attend the Tuscan Sacred Music Festival ITALY / Participate in the Fiesta de Paucartambo PERU / Attend the Irish Fair Minnesota MINNESOTA / Visit the Isle of Lewis SCOTLAND / See a drum-making village in the Mpanga Forest UGANDA / Visit Villa de Leyva COLOMBIA / Participate in the Colombian Independence Day celebrations COLOMBIA / Watch a performance of Cuban Dance, Habanera CUBA / Busk with a barbershop quartet / Celebrate African music at the Kenya Music Festival in Nairobi KENYA / Witness traditional Samoan song and dance routines AMERICAN SAMOA / Attend the Oktoberfest in Windhoek NAMIBIA / Learn to play the didgeridoo / Celebrate Day of the Dead / Learn to play ocarina / Attend the Assumption/La Digue Festival SEYCHELLES / Attend performances of Myanmar's traditional popular theatre MYANMAR / 🎶 Listen to fado music in Lisbon PORTUGAL / Celebrate Costa Rica's Dia de la Independencia COSTA RICA / Participate in the King's Day (Koningsdag) Celebrations in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Attend the Accordion Festival, Wazemmes l'Accordeon FRANCE / Attend the National Festival of Polish Song POLAND / Attend the Ati-Athihan festival in the streets of Kalibo PHILIPPINES / Listen to Taarab music at the Culture Musical Club TANZANIA / Learn Bugobobobo, a traditional Sukuma Snake Dance TANZANIA / Buy a Bongo Flava Music CD TANZANIA / Arrange for drumming lessons at Dhow Countries Music Academy in Zanzibar TANZANIA / Attend the Al Bustan International Festival of Music and the Arts LEBANON / Listen to a traditional Zār performance SUDAN / Attend the musical harvest festival, Kambala SUDAN / Attend the international musical folklore festival, the Kraina Mryi UKRAINE / Attend the Spring Fling SCOTLAND / Attend the Braemar Gathering SCOTLAND / Listen to traditional music and witness local dance at the Alahamady Be festival MADAGASCAR / Attend the Hiragasy Carnival MADAGASCAR / Attend the Madajazzcar music festival MADAGASCAR / Attend the Donia sports, music and cultural festival in the Hell-Ville Stadium MADAGASCAR / Attend the Delaware Saengerbund Oktoberfest DELAWARE / Attend Bob Wills Day TEXAS / Attend the Messiah Festival of Music & Art KANSAS / Attend the Australian Celtic Festival AUSTRALIA / Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Ireland IRELAND / Visit the Blasket Islands IRELAND / Attend the Abu Ghosh Vocal Music Festival ISRAEL / Cheer on your favourite team at the Festival Flamenco SPAIN / Catch a display of joropo, the national dance VENEZUELA / Attend the International Mariachi Festival MEXICO / Watch folkloric dances at the Fiesta de Ollantaytambo PERU / Celebrate Lohri Festival INDIA / Attend the Grandfather Mountain Scottish Highland Games NORTH CAROLINA / Attend the Alaska Folk Festival ALASKA / Attend the Ozark Folk Festival ARKANSAS / Attend the Montana Folk Festival MONTANA / Watch traditional Samoan dancing, singing and sports on Flag Day SAMOA / Watch the weekly folk-dancing at the Masaya Market NICARAGUA / Attend the Astana International Contest of Kazakh Song KAZAKHSTAN / Visit Bettyhill SCOTLAND / Attend the Ballanta Music Festival SIERRA LEONE / Attend the Ibumba Festival ZIMBABWE / Attend the Pakistani spring festival, Bassant PAKISTAN / Listen to Ghazals and devotional chanting at Johor MALAYSIA / Hear fusion music at the Gugak Festival SOUTH KOREA / Visit Clare IRELAND / Celebrate T'boli culture with the people of Lake Sebu PHILIPPINES / Listen to church singing in Moshi TANZANIA / Attend the Benque Viejo del Carmen Fiesta BELIZE / Attend the National Festival of the Mejorana PANAMA / Participate in the Patronal Festival in Panchimalco EL SALVADOR / Participate in the Coban Folkloric Festival in Cobis GUATEMALA / Celebrate Independence Day in the streets of Luanda ANGOLA / Attend Festival International Echternach LUXEMBOURG / Attend Zeltik Festival in Dudelange Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG / See the traditional 'turtle and shark' legend performed in Vaitogi AMERICAN SAMOA / Observe Samoan culture and traditions at the Tutila Festival AMERICAN SAMOA / Attend the Marula festival SWAZILAND / Experience Liberian culture at Kendeja National Cultural Center LIBERIA / See displays of traditional dancing at the Bomas cultural centre KENYA / Visit the weekly market at Boukoumbe BENIN / Learn about morna folk music by listening to Cesaria Evora CAPE VERDE / Attend a Balkan grill party KOSOVO / Attend Sayri Guli Lola TAJIKISTAN / Attend the Taif Rose Festival SAUDI ARABIA / Hear the monks chant in Gangtey Monastery BHUTAN / Attend the Nalut Spring Festival LIBYA / Attend the Hebridean Celtic Festival / Dance with an African tribe / Learn to play the panflute / Learn how to play bagpipes / Have a Cinco de Mayo party / Attend a klezmer music concert / See a Flamenco Show in Spain / Attend the Sikhotabong Festival LAOS / Attend the Lithuanian Song and Dance Celebration LITHUANIA / Attend the Independence Day festivities CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Observe local rituals at the Fête du Dipri in Gomon CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Celebrate Voski Ashun ARMENIA / Witness the traditional sword dance during the Moreška Festival CROATIA / Attend the Nomads Day Festival MONGOLIA / Attend the Cultural programmes of the Moussem des Femmes MOROCCO / Visit Djemaa El-Fna MOROCCO / Attend a Mehana for traditional food and the local brew at Melnik BULGARIA / Sample Bulgarian folklore at the Pirin Pee Festival BULGARIA / See the Pirin Folk Ensemble perform BULGARIA / Attend Krokstrand Festival – Man Must dance SWEDEN / See the marching bands and parades the Bula Festival FIJI / Explore Tarawa KIRIBATI / Witness traditional dancing and singing at a maneaba, a community meeting house KIRIBATI / Sample cultural delights at the museums of Chuuk and Kosrae MICRONESIA / Attend the Milamala Festival PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Attend the Moya International Music Festival MOZAMBIQUE / Attend the Swaziland Harvest Festival (Newala) SWAZILAND / Join the town in celebrating the festival of El Sagrado Corazon de Jesus GUATEMALA / Experience New Year's Eve in Havana CUBA / Join in the street party at the annual Bolivian Carnival BOLIVIA / Attend the International Folk Dance Festival LATVIA / Attend the Corpus Christi festivities COLOMBIA / Participate in a sea-shanty festival in Mikołajki POLAND / Attend Dinagyang Festival PHILIPPINES / Participate in the New Years Eve Pahela Baishak celebrations in Dhaka BANGLADESH / Discover Pemba's culture TANZANIA / Attend the Penang World Music Festival MALAYSIA / Attend the Malipenga Dances MALAWI / Attend the Rato Machhendranath chariot festival NEPAL / Watch the trance-including Kuda Kepang dances in Muar MALAYSIA / Participate in Mela Chiranghan, the festival of lights PAKISTAN / Attend the Budapest Baroque Festival HUNGARY / 👨👨👦 Attend a traditional Welsh male voice choir concert WALES / Attend Kaay Fecc SENEGAL / Take a few music lessons with a master of the Kora, the national instrument THE GAMBIA / Attend the “Kyrgyz Kochu” festival KYRGYZSTAN / Visit the candle and lantern lit Osu Night Market GHANA / Attend the Festival de Musique Ethiopienne ETHIOPIA / Attend Navroz Festival KAZAKHSTAN / Attend the New Jersey Folk Festival NEW JERSEY / Attend the Great Connecticut Traditional Jazz Fest CONNECTICUT / Attend the Florida Folk Festival FLORIDA / Attend the Merrie Monarch Festival HAWAII / Attend the Philadelphia Folk Festival PENNSYLVANIA / Attend a Dropkick Murphys concert the week of St Patrick's Day MASSACHUSETTS / Attend a Maori cultural performance NEW ZEALAND / Celebrate folk traditions at the Jornadas de Folklore Gallego (Galician Folklore Days) SPAIN / Attend the Our Lady of Begoña Festival SPAIN / Attend the Fiesta de La Merce SPAIN / Attend the Virgen del Carmen Festival PERU / Listen to Malwa ballads at the Baz Bahadur Palace in Mandu INDIA / Experience the eleven day Ganesh Chaturthi festival in Mumbai INDIA / Attend the Festival de Música El Hatillo VENEZUELA / Attend the Tintamarre Acadian Parade CANADA / Attend the Festival au Desert MALI / Attend the Festival sur le Niger MALI / Attend the Jerusalem International Oud Festival ISRAEL / Celebrate the Dia de la Tradicion in San Antonia de Areco ARGENTINA / Attend the National Folklore Festival of Cosquin ARGENTINA /