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📷 Enter a photography contest / Visit a museum / Go to a museum / 🏛️ Visit the British Museum LONDON / Buy a piece of art / 🖼️ Go to an art museum / 🖼️ Visit an art museum / Go to a museum I have never visited before / Go to a convention / 🏛️ Visit the Museum of Modern Art NEW YORK / Visit an art exhibition / 🏛️ Visit the Tate Modern ENGLAND / Enter (and win) a photography contest / Sell a piece of art / 🍆 Visit the sex museum in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Buy a piece of artwork / Visit a photo exhibition / 🕯️ Visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit a new museum / Attend a photo exhibition / Go to 10 different museums / Visit the National Gallery, London ENGLAND / Visit a museum on a free day / Go to the MOMA / Sell a piece of artwork / Visit the Victoria and Albert Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Andy Warhol Museum PENNSYLVANIA / Sell one of my photos / Visit the National Portrait Gallery (London) LONDON / Visit LACMA LOS ANGELES / Visit the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg RUSSIA / Visit the Acropolis Museum GREECE / Visit BMW Welt GERMANY / Have my own photo exhibition / Visit Te Papa (the Museum of New Zealand) NEW ZEALAND / 🖼️ Visit the Fondation Cartier PARIS / Visit Museu Picasso SPAIN / Visit the Royal Ontario Museum CANADA / Touch a famous piece of art / 🖼️ Visit the Sendai Mediatheque JAPAN / 🖼️ Visit Tate Britain LONDON / 🎫 See an event at Tokyo Dome JAPAN / 🏛️ Visit the Grand Palais FRANCE / Visit the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO / Enter art in an exhibit / 🖼️ See the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum SCOTLAND / Visit Museo del Prado MADRID / 🖼️ Visit the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art ENGLAND / Visit the National Art Center, Tokyo JAPAN / Visit the Royal Academy of Arts LONDON / Visit the National Palace Museum CHINA / 🖼️ See the Picasso and Chicago' exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago ILLINOIS / 🎖️ Visit the National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial MISSOURI / Visit the National Galleries of Scotland / Visit the National Gallery of Victoria AUSTRALIA / Visit the Atomium BELGIUM / Visit the San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) TEXAS / 🖼️ Visit Nottingham Contemporary ENGLAND / Visit the Ashmolean Museum UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts CANADA / Visit the Yorkshire Sculpture Park ENGLAND / See the Santiago Calatrava's City of Arts and Science Park in Valencia SPAIN / Visit The New Masters Gallery (Galerie Neue Meister) GERMANY / 🖼️ Visit the Serpentine Gallery LONDON / 🖼️ Visit the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art SPAIN / Visit Centro Cultural Banco Do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro) BRAZIL / Visit Yorkshire Sculpture Park / Attend the Calgary Stampede CANADA / Attend Nuit Blanche / Visit the Francis Bacon Studio at the Hugh Lane Gallery IRELAND / See the Foire de Paris (Paris Fair) FRANCE / Visit the Museum of Broken Relationships CROATIA / Walk through the Sarajevo tunnel BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston TEXAS / Visit the National Art Museum of China CHINA / Visit the Loch Ness Exhibition Centre SCOTLAND / Visit the Oscar Niemeyer Museum BRAZIL / Visit the War Remanants Museum in Saigon VIETNAM / Visit the Art Gallery of Ontario CANADA / Visit the Wichita Art Museum KANSAS / See the ‘Bernini: Sculpting in Clay' exhibition at the Kimbell Art Museum TEXAS / See a show at London Fashion Week ENGLAND / Visit New Britain Museum of American Art CONNECTICUT / Attend the Montana World of Wearable Art Awards Show NEW ZEALAND / See local artists at work in the Niagara-on-the-Lake CANADA / 🌼 Attend the Chelsea Flower Show LONDON / Pay a visit to the Archaeological Museum in Iraklio GREECE / 🖼️ Visit the Art Gallery of New South Wales AUSTRALIA / Visit the Palais de Tokyo PARIS / Visit the London Transport Museum ENGLAND / Visit the National Gallery of Australia AUSTRALIA / Visit Centro Cultural Banco Do Brasil (Brasilia) BRAZIL / Visit the Queensland Art Gallery (GoMA) AUSTRALIA / Visit CaixaForum Barcelona SPAIN / Visit the DDR Museum GERMANY / Visit the Soumaya Museum MEXICO / 🖼️ Visit the Art Gallery of Alberta CANADA / Attend the Peter the Great exhibition at the Hermitage Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit the National Museum Cardiff WALES / Visit the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo (MAC) CHILE / Visit MONA AUSTRALIA / Visit Tate Modern Art Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Brussels Underpants Museum BELGIUM / Visit the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia AUSTRALIA / Visit Topography of Terror GERMANY / Visit the Mori Art Museum JAPAN / Visit Centro Cultural Banco Do Brasil (São Paulo) BRAZIL / Visit the Musee du quai Branly FRANCE / Visit CaixaForum Madrid MADRID / View the Book of Kells IRELAND / Visit the National Building Museum WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the State Tretyakov Gallery RUSSIA / Visit the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations (MuCEM) / Visit Musee du Louvre-Lens FRANCE / Visit the Costume Museum in Bath ENGLAND / Visit Miniatur Wunderland GERMANY / Visit the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic ENGLAND / Visit the Georgia O'Keeffe museum in Santa Fe NEW MEXICO / Visit the CNE CANADA / See Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly series AUSTRALIA / Visit the Minneapolis Institute of Arts MINNESOTA / Stroll through the underground museum at Hoge Veluwe National Park NETHERLANDS / Attend the Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival SOUTH KOREA / Attend the Kilkenny Arts Festival IRELAND / Gain insight into the world of GDR at the Leipzig museum GERMANY / Stroll through the craft centre at Dutch Fort of Galle SRI LANKA / See the ‘Inventing Abstraction' exhibition at MoMA / Attend the Good Food & Wine Show SOUTH AFRICA / Attend the Kimchi Expo in Seoul SOUTH KOREA / Have an exhibition of my photographs / Visit the Sugar Museum (Zucker Museum) GERMANY / Find out everything you ever wanted to know about leprosy at Bergen's very cool Leprosy Museum NORWAY / Visit the National Cowboy Hall of Fame OKLAHOMA / Tour the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts VIRGINIA / Attend the Melbourne Fashion Festival AUSTRALIA / Visit the Sainsbury Center for Art ENGLAND / Visit the Art Gallery of South Australia AUSTRALIA / Visit the Heide Museum AUSTRALIA / Visit the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Visit Titanic The Experience FLORIDA / Visit the Carnegie Museum of Art PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA / Visit the Museum of Miniatures in Prague CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit the Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art RHODE ISLAND / Visit the Käthe Kollwitz Gallery GERMANY / Visit El Museo del Barrio NEW YORK / Visit Naoshima Benesse House JAPAN / Visit Vancouver Art Gallery CANADA / Visit the Columbus Museum of Art OHIO / Attend the National Orchid Show COSTA RICA / Visit the Centro Cultural De Hidalgo in Pachuca MEXICO / Visit the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts VIRGINIA / Attend the Cairo Internation Book Fair EGYPT / Visit the Ulrich Museum of Art KANSAS / Visit the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History NEW MEXICO / Visit the Bronx Museum of the Arts NEW YORK / Visit Algoma Art Gallery CANADA / Visit Lao National Museum LAOS / Discover minimalist interior design at the Dansk Design Center DENMARK / Participate in the Perth International Arts Festival AUSTRALIA / Attend the International Flower Show in Damascus SYRIA / 🖼️ Stroll around the Nukus Art Gallery UZBEKISTAN / Witness the annual agriculture show, La Rural ARGENTINA / Discover Stone Age artefacts at the American University Archaeological Museum LEBANON / Visit the Museum of Colonial Religious Art PANAMA / Discover works of Rembrandt at the Liechtenstein Art Museum LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit the National Arts Museum in Minsk BELARUS / Attend the Gauguin, Bonnard, Denis exhibition at the Hermitage Amsterdam / Attend the Delaware State Fair DELAWARE / Witness India's largest livestock fair at the Sonepur Mela INDIA / 🖼️ Visit Whitworth Art Gallery ENGLAND / 🖼️ Visit Manchester Art Gallery ENGLAND / Seek out the Museum of Anatolian Civilisations in Ankara TURKEY / Visit the Saint-Cloud museum FRANCE / Visit the Honolulu Museum of Art HAWAII / Visit University of Rochester's Memorial Art Gallery NEW YORK / Visit the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag NETHERLANDS / Visit Tropenmuseum NETHERLANDS / Visit the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit Hermitage Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit Kunsthal NETHERLANDS / Visit the Seattle Asian Art Museum WASHINGTON / Attend the Love Affair Fine Arts Festival GEORGIA / Attend the American Quilter's Society National Quilt Show KENTUCKY / Visit the Museum of Modern Art and Architecture (Moderna Museet) SWEDEN / Visit Kunstmuseum (the Fine Arts Museum) SWITZERLAND / Visit the Alberta Railway Museum / See the artwork at the Ritz-Carlton SINGAPORE / Visit the Museum of Miniature Houses, Carmel INDIANA / 🏛️ Visit the Cafesjian Center for the Arts ARMENIA / Visit the Chazen Museum of Art WISCONSIN / Visit the Palazzo Strozzi museum ITALY / Visit the Pompidou Centre FRANCE / Visit the ICRC Museum SWITZERLAND / Visit the Musee d'art et d'histoire SWITZERLAND / Visit Radstock museum ENGLAND / Visit Trowbridge museum ENGLAND / Visit the Heydar Aliyev Cultural Centre AZERBAIJAN / Visit Storm King Art Center NEW YORK / Visit the Neue Nationalgalerie GERMANY / Visit Museum Voorlinden NETHERLANDS / Visit the Dallas Museum of Art TEXAS / Visit the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre CANADA / Visit Dupont Underground WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Commonwealth Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Baksı Museum, Bayburt TURKEY / Visit the Utah Museum of Fine Arts UTAH / Visit the Corning Glass Museum, Corning / Visit the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Host a solo photography exhibition / Participate in a photo festival or workshop abroad / Attend the Dak'Art Biennale festival SENEGAL / Attend the Venice Biennale ITALY / Visit Mölndals Museum SWEDEN / Visit the Philbrook Museum OKLAHOMA / Visit Museo del Barro PARAGUAY / Attend the Smithsonian Folklife Festival WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Museum Het Schip NETHERLANDS / Visit Museum Tot Zover NETHERLANDS / Visit Dover Museum UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Springfield Art Museum MISSOURI / Visit the Stedelijk Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit Museo De Las Momias de Guanajuato MEXICO / Visit Chess Museum Rotterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit BodyWorlds / Visit the Russian Museum RUSSIA / Attend the Salon des Vins des Vignerons Independants (Independent Winemakers Show) FRANCE / Visit Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum SPAIN / Explore the City Historical Museum at Wrocław POLAND / Take in the giant Racławice Panorama at Wrocław POLAND / See Joseph Beuys' chair of fat in Darmstadt GERMANY / Visit the Art Museum of Greater Lafayette INDIANA / Visit the Carnegie Center for Art and History INDIANA / Visit the Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland OHIO / Visit the Currier Museum of Art NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit the Arkansas Arts Center ARKANSAS / Visit the Portland Museum of Art MAINE / Visit the Al Ain National Museum UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit the Abay Museum KAZAKHSTAN / Visit the Bauhaus Center ISRAEL / Visit Museo Didactico Artiguista URUGUAY / Visit the Museum of Old Belarusian Culture BELARUS / Visit the Royal Regalia Museum BRUNEI / Discover cultural delights in the Humbi-Humbi art gallery in Luanda ANGOLA / Discover gothic paintings at the Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz AUSTRIA / Visit the Postage Stamp Museum of Vaduz LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit the Guyana Cultural Centre in Georgetown GUYANA / Visit Split's Meštrović Gallery CROATIA / See the Sadu House, made of coral and gypsum KUWAIT / Visit the Museum of Utensils in the outskirts of Ahmedabad INDIA / Visit the National Gallery in Kabul AFGHANISTAN / Attend the International Friendship Exhibition in Myohyang-san NORTH KOREA / Participate in the Tambo International Art Camp and Festival MOZAMBIQUE / Walk around Afrasiab Museum UZBEKISTAN / Visit the Musee Departemental Franconie FRENCH GUIANA / Discover the collection of masks and statues at the Musee National in Conkry GUINEA / Visit the Museum and Gallery of the Community of Schaan LIECHTENSTEIN / Explore the Museum of Cotonou BENIN / See the Ethnological Museum in Porto Novo BENIN / Learn about the Sarh culture at the National Museum CHAD / Visit the Kampung Ayer Cultural & Tourism Gallery BRUNEI / Visit XVA Gallery UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit the Biblioteca Museo Eusebio Gimenez URUGUAY / Visit the National Gallery of Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE / Visit Musee d'Histoire de la Ville de Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG / Visit Mauritania Musee National MAURITANIA / Stroll around the exhibition of Prince Rainier III's Private Collection of Classic Cars in Fontvieille MONACO / Walk around the Jimoh Buraimoh's African Heritage Gallery NIGERIA / Attend the York Festival of Science and Technology ENGLAND / Attend the Chiang Mai Arts and Culture Festival THAILAND / Visit the David Zwirner Gallery NEW YORK / Visit the Museum of Torture (Museo della Tortura) SAN MARINO / Attend the Philadelphia Auto Show PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Museum of Bags and Purses NETHERLANDS / Attend the Ingenuity Festival OHIO / Attend the Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo SOUTH DAKOTA / Attend the Detroit Festival of the Arts MICHIGAN / Check out the street art in Stavanger & the art scene at Tau Scene NORWAY / Visit Museo Etnografico Andres Barbero PARAGUAY / Visit Stadtgeschichtliches Museum GERMANY / Visit the Barberton Museum SWAZILAND / Visit the Museum of Emigration SAN MARINO / Visit the Nethercutt Museum LOS ANGELES / Visit Grounds For Sculpture NEW JERSEY / Visit Kelvingrove Art Gallery SCOTLAND /