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🦁 Go to the zoo / 🦒 Visit the San Diego Zoo CALIFORNIA / 🏠 Visit the Anne Frank house NETHERLANDS / Visit the Zoo / Spend the day at the zoo / 🐬 Go to Sea World / 🐳 Visit Sea World / 🦕 Visit the Natural History Museum in London ENGLAND / 🐠 Visit the Georgia Aquarium GEORGIA / Hold a tarantula / Visit Crater Lake OREGON / Go to a wax museum / 🐟 Visit the Shedd Aquarium ILLINOIS / 🦈 Visit Monterey Bay Aquarium CALIFORNIA / Explore Madame Tussauds Wax Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Eden Project / Visit the Jewish Museum Berlin GERMANY / Feed a giraffe / 🐬 Visit the Seattle Aquarium WASHINGTON / Visit a farm / 🐬 Visit SeaWorld Orlando FLORIDA / 🐋 Visit Mystic Aquarium CONNECTICUT / 🐋 Visit Oregon Coast Aquarium OREGON / 🏛️ Visit the National Museum of Scotland SCOTLAND / Visit the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art MISSOURI / 🐠 Visit the Oceanario de Lisboa PORTUGAL / Visit the Detroit zoo MICHIGAN / Visit the Saint Louis Zoo MISSOURI / Visit Burgers' Zoo NETHERLANDS / Visit Old Melbourne Gaol AUSTRALIA / Visit Okefenokee Swamp Park GEORGIA / Visit the Children's Museum of Indianapolis INDIANA / 🐠 Visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium CALIFORNIA / Visit Australia Zoo AUSTRALIA / Visit the National Museum of Korea SOUTH KOREA / Visit the Minnesota Zoo MINNESOTA / Visit the Lost World Caverns VIRGINIA / Visit the Titanic museum in Branson MISSOURI / Visit the Detroit Institute of Arts MICHIGAN / Spend the day at the Georgia Aquarium GEORGIA / Stroll through Montreal's Botanical Garden and Insectarium CANADA / Visit the National Folk Museum of Korea SOUTH KOREA / 🐬 Visit the Newport Aquarium KENTUCKY / 🦕 Visit the Peabody Museum of Natural History CONNECTICUT / Relive history at the Het Spoorwegmuseum (Dutch National Railway Museum) in Utrecht NETHERLANDS / 🔒 Visit Old Newgate Prison CONNECTICUT / 🐠 Visit the Vancouver Aquarium CANADA / Visit Head Smashed-In Buffalo Jump CANADA / Go to the Milwaukee zoo / Stroll through the NEMO Museum on the banks of the IJ NETHERLANDS / Visit the Wisconsin Historical Museum WISCONSIN / Visit the Roger Williams Park Zoo RHODE ISLAND / Visit Madurodam NETHERLANDS / Visit the Central Park Zoo NEW YORK / Visit Little Rock Zoo ARKANSAS / Visit the Tulsa Zoo and Living Museum OKLAHOMA / Visit the Denver Zoo COLORADO / Take the Cape Cod Potato Chip Factory Tour MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Batsto Village NEW JERSEY / Visit the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens AUSTRALIA / Tour the Morgan Lewis Mill BARBADOS / Visit the Batoche National Historic Site in Saskatchewan CANADA / Visit the torture museum in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit the ABQ BioPark Zoo NEW MEXICO / Visit Shark Reef aquarium NEVADA / Visit Korea's 'museum without walls' Gyeongju, near Busan (UNESCO) SOUTH KOREA / Visit Sovereign Hill AUSTRALIA / Witness orphan seal pups at the Fisheries and Maritime Museum DENMARK / 🏠 Visit Longfellow House MAINE / Visit Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit Nazareth Village ISRAEL / Visit Manila Ocean Park PHILIPPINES / Drive through Blair Drummond Wildlife and Safari Park SCOTLAND / Visit the Museum of the Plains Indian MONTANA / Visit Hagenbecks Tierpark GERMANY / Visit the Busan Aquarium SOUTH KOREA / Visit the Montshire Museum of Science VERMONT / Tour Niagara Cave MINNESOTA / Visit SeaWorld of Texas TEXAS / Visit Dolfinarium NETHERLANDS / Visit Worcester Cathedral ENGLAND / Visit the Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site ILLINOIS / Visit the Toy and Miniature Museum in Kansas City MISSOURI / Visit the LEGOLAND Discovery Center in Chicago ILLINOIS / Visit Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen NETHERLANDS / Visit Black Country Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Musee Oceanographique de Monaco MONACO / Visit West Midlands Safari Park ENGLAND / Visit the Ripley's Aquarium in Toronto CANADA / Stroll around the Museum of Pre-Columbian Gold in San Jose COSTA RICA / Visit Ripley's Aquarium of Myrtle Beach SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies TENNESSEE / Visit Bear Paw Battlefield MONTANA / Visit the American Precision Museum VERMONT / Visit the Swiss Museum of Transport SWITZERLAND / Visit Port Discovery MARYLAND / Visit Old Sturbridge Village MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Titanic Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Barcelona Zoo SPAIN / Visit the Canberra War Museum / Visit the Fernbank Museum of Natural History GEORGIA / Dive with the sharks in the aquarium at Bangkok's Siam Ocean World THAILAND / Visit Ouwehand Zoo NETHERLANDS / Visit the National Museum of American History WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Staglands Wildlife Reserve NEW ZEALAND / Spend an afternoon at the British Museum ENGLAND / Visit Wingham Wildlife Park ENGLAND / Visit SeaWorld San Diego CALIFORNIA / Visit the Railway Museum (Het Spoorwegmuseum) NETHERLANDS / Visit Allard Pierson Museum NETHERLANDS / Hold a live tarantula / Visit La Vanille Crocodile Park MAURITIUS / Visit Techniquest WALES / Visit the National Farm Toy Museum IOWA / Visit the Royal Alberta Museum CANADA / Visit Northwest Trek WASHINGTON / Visit the Franklin Institute PHILADELPHIA / Visit the Titanic Museum Attraction TENNESSEE / Visit the Great Lakes Science Center OHIO / Visit the Walters Art Museum MARYLAND / Visit the Denver Aquarium COLORADO / Visit Healesville Sanctuary AUSTRALIA / Visit Discovery Place NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Princeton University NEW JERSEY / Visit the Archimedes Science Museum in Limassol CYPRUS / Visit the Waikiki Aquarium HAWAII / Visit the Atlanta Zoo GEORGIA / Visit Churaumi Aquarium JAPAN / Visit the Sugar Museum (Zucker Museum) GERMANY / Visit the Children's Museum of Denver COLORADO / Visit Anasazi State Park UTAH / Visit the Brookfield Zoo ILLINOIS / Attend a Civil War reenactment / Visit the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende CHILE / Discover Venetian paintings at The Galleria dell'Accademia in Venice ITALY / Visit the Saline Railroad Depot Museum MICHIGAN / Visit the Boyhood Home of President Woodrow Wilson GEORGIA / Visit the Field Museum of Natural History ILLINOIS / Visit Meramec Caverns MISSOURI / Visit Royal Burgers' Zoo NETHERLANDS / Visit Albuquerque Balloon Museum NEW MEXICO / Visit Vogelpark Avifauna NETHERLANDS / Visit Apenheul NETHERLANDS / Visit Stratford Butterfly Farm ENGLAND / Visit Bokrijk BELGIUM / Visit the International Civil Rights Center and Museum NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the California African American Museum in Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Visit the Museum of Medieval Torture Instruments CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit the Museum of the Paranormal in Niagara Falls CANADA / Visit the Museum of Bread Culture GERMANY / Visit the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture MARYLAND / Visit Upper Canada Village CANADA / Visit Trentham Monkey Forest ENGLAND / Visit the National Museum of Anthropology MEXICO / Visit GaiaZOO NETHERLANDS / Visit Dierenpark Emmen NETHERLANDS / Visit the Vrolik Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit the Tasmanian Museum of Old AUSTRALIA / Visit Kinderboekenmuseum NETHERLANDS / Visit The Strong Museum of Play, Rochester, New York NEW YORK / Visit the pandas at Edinburgh Zoo SCOTLAND / Visit the Anniston Museum of Natural History ALABAMA / Visit the Anchorage Museum ALASKA / Visit the Asian Civilisations Museum SINGAPORE / Visit the Reid Park Zoo ARIZONA / Visit Baton Rouge Zoo LOUISIANA / Visit the Ulrich Museum of Art KANSAS / Visit the Old Prairie Town at Historic Wade-Meade Park KANSAS / Visit Rolling Hills Wildlife Adventure KANSAS / Visit Tanganyika Wildlife Park KANSAS / Visit the Cleveland Zoo OHIO / Discover Pakistani history by spending time in the Lahore Museum PAKISTAN / Visit the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts VIRGINIA / Visit the Los Angeles Zoo / Visit Austin Zoo and Animal Sanctuary TEXAS / Visit the Albuquerque Aquarium NEW MEXICO / Visit the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center NEW MEXICO / Visit the Historic Bethabara Park NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Great Cats World Park OREGON / Visit West Virginia Independence Hall WEST VIRGINIA / Visit Dakota Zoo NORTH DAKOTA / Visit Polar Caves Park NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit the Meridian Museum of Art MISSISSIPPI / Visit Very Large Array NEW MEXICO / Visit Jurassic Forest CANADA / Visit the Philadelphia Zoo PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Lincoln's Cottage WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Copernicus Science Centre POLAND / Visit the Hunterian Museum SCOTLAND / Tour the Molly Brown House COLORADO / Visit Zoo Basel SWITZERLAND / Visit El Museo del Barrio NEW YORK / Visit the Toledo Zoo OHIO / Visit an Alpaca/Llama Farm / Visit the Pitt Rivers museum UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the St. Louis City Museum MISSOURI / Visit the Frederick Douglass House WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Walnut Grove Plantation SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory and Gardens MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Latta Plantation NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Reed Gold Mine NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Story Book Forest PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Zoo Miami FLORIDA / Visit Symbio Wildlife Park AUSTRALIA / Visit Amarillo Botanical Gardens TEXAS / Visit Fort Mifflin PHILADELPHIA / Visit Shedd Aquarium ILLINOIS / Visit Molokai Leper Colony HAWAII / Visit the San Francisco Exploratorium CALIFORNIA / Visit Brattonsville SOUTH CAROLINA / See the glow-in-the-dark minerals at the Sterling Hill Mine in Ogdensburg NEW JERSEY / Visit the Museum of Human Evolution SPAIN / Visit Cougar Mountain Zoo WASHINGTON / Visit the Oregon Coast Aquarium OREGON / Visit Greenfield Village MICHIGAN / Visit Cosmonova in Stockholm SWEDEN / Visit Miami Seaquarium FLORIDA / Visit the local animals at Northwest Trek WASHINGTON / Visit the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center OREGON / Visit the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium VERMONT / Visit the Cedar Breaks National Monument UTAH / See the bears at Maymont Park VIRGINIA / Visit the Greater Cleveland Aquarium OHIO / Visit the Dayton Art Institute OHIO / Visit Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium in Myrtle Beach SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit the University of New Mexico Art Museum NEW MEXICO / Visit the University of New Mexico Maxwell Museum of Anthropology NEW MEXICO / Visit the Coronado State Monument and State Park NEW MEXICO / Visit the Cleveland Botanical Gardens OHIO / Visit Louis Tussaud's Palace of Wax TEXAS / Visit the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum TEXAS / Visit the New Bedford Fire Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Kilmainham Gaol IRELAND / Visit the Nasher Museum NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Museum of Scottish Lighthouses SCOTLAND / See the 17th century night sky spin at Schleswig's Schoss Gottorf GERMANY / Visit the Waterfront Museum at Poole ENGLAND / Visit the Mystetskyi Arsenal, a museum of arts and science UKRAINE / Visit Ferrymead Heritage Park NEW ZEALAND / Visit the State Museum of Armenian History in Yerevan ARMENIA / Visit the Museum of History and Archaeology in Brest BELARUS / Visit Topeka Zoological Park KANSAS / Visit the Naper Settlement ILLINOIS / Visit the Capitol Park Museum in Baton Rouge LOUISIANA / Visit the Scott Kingdoms of the Seas Aquarium NEBRASKA / Visit the Arkansas Air and Military Museum ARKANSAS / Visit Beardsly Zoo CONNECTICUT / Visit the Fort Worth Zoo TEXAS / Get a taste of rural Hungary at the Sostoi Open-Air Museum HUNGARY / Visit the National Museum of American Jewish History NEW JERSEY / Visit Mansfield Reformatory OHIO / Visiit the Seattle Asian Art Museum WASHINGTON / Visit Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLAND / Visit Adventure Aquarium NEW JERSEY / Visit Safaripark Beekse Bergen NETHERLANDS / Visit DierenPark Amersfoort NETHERLANDS / Visit the Chazen Museum of Art WISCONSIN / Visit Glasgow Planetarium SCOTLAND / Visit Hornsby Water Clock AUSTRALIA / Visit Mississippi Aquarium IOWA / Visit Reptile Gardens SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit Nagasaki Bio Park JAPAN / Visit Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Tallahassee Museum FLORIDA / Visit Longleat Safari Park ENGLAND / 🏰 Visit Museum Strana Mini BELARUS / Visit Leila's Hair Museum MISSOURI / Visit the Kansas Barbed Wire Museum KANSAS / Visit the National Mustard Museum WISCONSIN / Visit Naracoorte Caves National Park AUSTRALIA / Visit the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, Dayton OHIO / Visit the Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Texas Prison Museum, Huntsville TEXAS / 🏞️ Visit the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage ALASKA / 🏛️ Visit the Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Visit Eudora Community Museum KANSAS / Visit the Wakarusa River Valley Heritage Museum KANSAS / Visit the Watkins Museum of History KANSAS / Visit the American Sign Museum. Cincinnati OHIO / Visit Archeon NETHERLANDS / Visit Tryon Palace NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Museum Voorlinden NETHERLANDS / Visit Myrtle Beach Safari SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit the Queensland Museum AUSTRALIA / Tour the Soo Locks MICHIGAN / Visit Netherlands Open Air Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit Featherdale Park AUSTRALIA / Visit the Schiele Museum of Natural History NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the McDonnell Planetarium MISSOURI / Tour the Samuel Cupples House MISSOURI / Visit Turtle Playground MISSOURI / Visit the Greater Vancouver Zoo CANADA / Visit Arizona State Museum ARIZONA / Visit the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument COLORADO / Visit the Hungarian National Museum HUNGARY / Visit the Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail HAWAII / Visit the Strategic Air and Space Museum NEBRASKA / Visit the Alexander Majors Historic House Museum MISSOURI / Visit the Audubon Cool Zoo in New Orleans LOUISIANA / Visit Benson-Hammond House MARYLAND /