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💦 See the Fountains at Bellagio NEVADA / Visit the Hoover Dam NEVADA / Visit a friend out of state / 🐠 Visit the Georgia Aquarium GEORGIA / 🎺 Attend the New Orleans Jazz Festival LOUISIANA / Go to the top of the Empire State Building at night NEW YORK / 🏯 Visit the Bayon Temple in Siem Reap CAMBODIA / See the Trevi Fountain ITALY / 🏰 Visit Santa Maria della Salute ITALY / 🦒 Visit the Giraffe Manor in Nairobi KENYA / Go to a UNESCO World Heritage site / Visit the Golden Gate Bridge CALIFORNIA / 🏊♂️ Float on the Jordanian Dead Sea JORDAN / Visit Cafe du Monde in New Orleans LOUISIANA / 🐋 Visit The Deep ENGLAND / Visit the Washington Monument WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🙏🏻 Visit Church of the Light JAPAN / Visit the Mark Twain House in Hartford CONNECTICUT / 🏰 Visit the lofty cathedral Cologne's Dom GERMANY / Go up Auckland's Sky Tower NEW ZEALAND / Visit Canada's Wonderland CANADA / Go to Yankee Stadium / 🐠 Visit the Oceanario de Lisboa PORTUGAL / 🐬 Swim with dolphins at the Dolphin Cove lagoon in Ocho Rios JAMAICA / 🖼️ Visit the Neue Staatsgalerie GERMANY / Visit Boracay PHILIPPINES / Visit the Dole Pineapple Plantation HAWAII / See the chapel sculpted in salt at the Wieliczka Salt Mine POLAND / 🎢 Visit Nagashima Spa Land JAPAN / Visit the Lost World Caverns VIRGINIA / See the Busan Tower SOUTH KOREA / Go to the Baseball Hall of Fame / Visit Quito ECUADOR / Tour Legoland at Billund DENMARK / 🐬 Visit Ocean Park Hong Kong HONG KONG / Visit Predjama Castle SLOVENIA / 🏯 Visit Borobudur Temple INDONESIA / See the Empire State Building / Visit the Wright Brothers National Memorial Visitor Center NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Crystal Cave BERMUDA / 🗼 See the Morris Island Lighthouse SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Six Flags New England MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Dome of the Rock ISRAEL / Visit the San Miguel Chapel in Sante Fe NEW MEXICO / 🗼 Visit the Navesink Twin Lights NEW JERSEY / Visit the Mud Volcanoes in Azerbaijan AZERBAIJAN / Visit the Big Hole diamond put in Kimberley SOUTH AFRICA / See the Bachkovo Monastery near Plovdiv BULGARIA / Visit the Great Ocean Road AUSTRALIA / Discover the Equator line near Quito ECUADOR / Visit Humayun's Tomb in Delhi INDIA / Visit the Leshan Giant Buddha CHINA / See the Suwon city walls and defences of Hwaseong Fortress (UNESCO) SOUTH KOREA / Visit the Pafos medieval fort CYPRUS / Visit Larnach Castle NEW ZEALAND / 🕊️ Visit the Western Wall ISRAEL / See the Blue Whale of Catoosa OKLAHOMA / Visit Shark Reef aquarium NEVADA / Visit the ABQ BioPark Zoo NEW MEXICO / Visit the Hill of Crosses LITHUANIA / Visit the Oscar Niemeyer Museum BRAZIL / Visit the Pitons SAINT LUCIA / Visit the Truman Library in Independence / Visit the Hermitage Amsterdam museum NETHERLANDS / See Alexander Graham Bell's vacation home in Baddeck CANADA / Visit Monkey World ENGLAND / Visit the C. W. Parker Carousel Museum KANSAS / Visit the Imperial Castle of Nuremberg (Kaiserburg Nürnberg) GERMANY / Visit Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Stroll around the Pilsner Urquell Brewery CZECH REPUBLIC / 🌋 See Lake Atitlan framed by three volcanoes GUATEMALA / Visit Russia's 'Gateway to Hell' RUSSIA / 🏛️ Visit the Archaeological Park and Ruins of Quirigua GUATEMALA / Gaze at the world's largest wooden Buddha statue (Guanyin) in Chengde CHINA / Visit Cave of the Winds COLORADO / Stroll around the marble terraces of the Roman Amphitheatre EGYPT / Eat at a Gothic Cellar in Quedlinburg GERMANY / Enjoy the Orangerie at Schwerin's fairy-tale castle, Schloss GERMANY / Visit the Illinois Route 66 Hall Of Fame and Museum ILLINOIS / Visit the LEGOLAND Discovery Center in Chicago ILLINOIS / Visit the Busan Aquarium SOUTH KOREA / 🌷 Cycle through the tulip fields of the Netherlands NETHERLANDS / Visit the Cathedral of Ulm GERMANY / See the Las Vegas Sign NEVADA / Visit Legoland in Malaysia MALAYSIA / Visit the Swiss Museum of Transport SWITZERLAND / Visit Bishop's Palace (Gresham's Castle) TEXAS / Visit the Soumaya Museum MEXICO / Visit the Field of Dreams movie site in Dyersville IOWA / Visit Ripley's Aquarium of Myrtle Beach SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies TENNESSEE / Attend the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival in March in Nashville TENNESSEE / See the Cruz del Tercer Milenio in Coquimbo CHILE / Visit Qal'at al-Bahrain BAHRAIN / Visit the British Lawnmower Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox COLOMBIA / Walk along the world's longest and broadest beach, Inani BANGLADESH / See the world's largest smoke sauna at Kuopio FINLAND / Watch the flames dance at Yanar Dag (Fire Mountain) near Baku AZERBAIJAN / Visit the “perfume” islands of Nossi Be MADAGASCAR / Visit the SPAM Museum in Austin MINNESOTA / Visit the historical cliff city of Al Hajjara YEMEN / Visit Leitisvatn Lake FAROE ISLANDS / Visit the Minack Theatre ENGLAND / Visit Union Station in Kansas City MISSOURI / Walk on the glass floor at Blackpool Tower ENGLAND / Visit the Denver Aquarium COLORADO / Visit the Big Banana AUSTRALIA / Witness the Hong Kong Harbour Lights Show HONG KONG / 🍺 Enjoy a pilsner at the "highest beer garden in Germany" GERMANY / Stand on the end of the continent of Europe in Sagres PORTUGAL / Attend the Bavarian Festival in Frankenmuth MICHIGAN / See an inunkshuk stone tower on Mallik Island near Cape Dorset CANADA / 🏰 See the former summer palace of the Portuguese royal family in Sintra PORTUGAL / See River Sallee's boiling sulphur springs north of Lake Antoine GRENADA / Attend a summer concert on the old fortress walls of Ohrid NORTH MACEDONIA / Visit the Marelisborg Palace and gardens in Århus DENMARK / See the Cathedral of St. James in Šibenik (UNESCO) CROATIA / See Koh Pannyi, the village built on stilts THAILAND / Attend the Killarney Summerfest IRELAND / Visit the Hassan Mosque in Rabat MOROCCO / Visit the Royal Alberta Museum CANADA / Visit the Yungang Grottoes, Datong, Shanxi CHINA / Visit the Ruins of Leon Viejo NICARAGUA / Attend the Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival JAPAN / Visit Nauru / 🍴 Participate in the Barbados Food, Wine and Rum Festival BARBADOS / Attend an art and food fiesta in San Miguel de Allende MEXICO / See the 15th century Mir Castle BELARUS / Attend the Light Visions Festival in harbour town of Frederikshavn DENMARK / See the Wife-Carrying World Campionshis in Sonkajärv FINLAND / View the capital's national monument, the Queen's Palace MADAGASCAR / See the Plain of Arafat SAUDI ARABIA / Take a funicular to Hungerburg from Innsbruck AUSTRIA / Attend Sunfest in Palm Beach FLORIDA / Visit the Saline Railroad Depot Museum MICHIGAN / Visit Meramec Caverns MISSOURI / Visit the Boyhood Home of President Woodrow Wilson GEORGIA / Attend the Ohrid Summer Festival NORTH MACEDONIA / Attend the Malta International Fireworks Festival MALTA / See the oldest olive tree in the world at Bar MONTENEGRO / Visit Trim Castle IRELAND / Visit The St. Augustine Light, St. Augustine FLORIDA / Go to composer Edvard Grieg's home in Bergen NORWAY / Put a piece of bubble gum on the Market Theater Gum Wall in Seattle WASHINGTON / Watch the evening light show and push every button at Roadside America miniature railway in Shartlesville PENNSYLVANIA / See the Santuario de Las Lajas COLOMBIA / Visit Mosteiro Dos Jeronimos PORTUGAL / 🗼 Visit Split Point Lighthouse AUSTRALIA / Visit Itchan Kala UZBEKISTAN / Visit the Statue of Guan Yu (Jingzhou) CHINA / Visit Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise FRANCE / Visit Montreaux Jazz Festival SWITZERLAND / Attend the Beale Street Music Festival TENNESSEE / Visit Devin Castle SLOVAKIA / Take the cable car ride to Lomnicky Peak SLOVAKIA / Surf at Bondi Beach AUSTRALIA / Visit Schloss Heidelberg GERMANY / Visit Koningin Juliana Toren NETHERLANDS / Visit Camden Yards MARYLAND / Visit The Strong Museum of Play, Rochester, New York NEW YORK / Visit Crystal Bridges Art Gallery ARKANSAS / Visit the Anchorage Museum ALASKA / See the Daut Pasha Baths and art gallery NORTH MACEDONIA / Go to Dreamland Water Park UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit Trakai Island Castle & History Museum LITHUANIA / Visit the Chatham Railroad Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit West Virginia Independence Hall WEST VIRGINIA / Visit the Little White House GEORGIA / Visit the Ateshgah Fire Temple in Surakhany AZERBAIJAN / Spend the weekend at the Cerro Punta mountain resort PANAMA / See the Casa de la Vall, the ancient seat of the government ANDORRA / Attend the Viña del Mar International Song Festival CHILE / Spend the day at Neum beach BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit the 17th century Shahi Jama-e-Masjid Mosque BANGLADESH / See the floodlit Ducal castle near Harz GERMANY / Attend a summer concert at the medieval Chorin Monastery GERMANY / See the JEATH War Museum in Kanchanaburi THAILAND / Attend the Istanbul Music Festival TURKEY / Admire the Arch of Ctesiphon IRAQ / Discover the open-air museum of Lviv (UNESCO) UKRAINE / Visit the Dai Temple in Tai'an CHINA / Visit the Golden Temple of Amritsar INDIA / Attend the La Tamborrada at San Sebastian SPAIN / Discover the statue of Christ in Cochabamba BOLIVIA / Attend the Garden Music Festival in Zadar CROATIA / Explore the Snake Museum in the Collège de la Salle BURKINA FASO / See the dramatic Fortaleza Real de Sao Filipe CAPE VERDE / Visit the Vendredi Mosque in Moroni COMOROS / See the ancient city of Copan HONDURAS / Visit the Ottoman Mustafa Pasha Mosque NORTH MACEDONIA / Explore the Church of the Holy Saviour in the Old Town NORTH MACEDONIA / See the Al Khulafa Al Rashiudin Mosque in Asmara ERITREA / See the Monastery of Debre Bizen ERITREA / Visit the Ingapirca site in Cuenca ECUADOR / See Monsaraz sitting above the River Guardiana PORTUGAL / Participate in the Kite Festival at Kota Bharu MALAYSIA / See the National Mosque at Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / Explore the Sans Souci Palace ruins in Milot HAITI / See the Monastery of Santa Catalina in Arequipa PERU / See the Victorian Royal Palace on the waterfront of Nuku'alofa TONGA / Explore the walled desert city of Shibam (UNESCO) YEMEN / Visit the State Museum of Armenian History in Yerevan ARMENIA / Visit Precious Moments in Carthage MISSOURI / Attend the Washington State International Kite Festival WASHINGTON / Visit the National Buffalo Museum NORTH DAKOTA / Attend the Slugburger Festival MISSISSIPPI / Visit the Scott Kingdoms of the Seas Aquarium NEBRASKA / Go swimming in Bernard's Beach LIBERIA / Visit the Postage Stamp Museum of Vaduz LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit the Arkansas Air and Military Museum ARKANSAS / Visit Adventure Island in Tampa FLORIDA / Visit Fort Hays State Historic Site KANSAS / Visit the Kansas Museum of History KANSAS / See the oldest racecourse in the southern hemisphere - Champ de Mars in Port Louis MAURITIUS / Visit Blue Penny Museum MAURITIUS / Visit the Philadelphia Masonic Temple NEW JERSEY / Visit the Apostle Island winter sea caves in Lake Superior WISCONSIN / Visit Reypenaer Cheese Tasting Room NETHERLANDS / 🗼 Visit Lindau Lighthouse, Bodensee GERMANY / Visit Attractiepark Duinrell NETHERLANDS / 🗼 Visit Fanad Lighthouse, Donegal IRELAND / Visit Lindenhof Hill SWITZERLAND / See a film at IMAX Lucerne SWITZERLAND / Attend Way Out West festival SWEDEN / Attend Uppsala Reggae Festival SWEDEN / Visit the AVAM MARYLAND / Visit the Lam Tsuen Wishing Tree HONG KONG / Visit Reed Gold Mine NORTH CAROLINA / Attend Epcot International Food and Wine Festival FLORIDA / Cruise the Danube / Visit Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park COLORADO / Visit the Bergstrom Mahler Museum WISCONSIN / Visit the Grignon Mansion WISCONSIN / Ice skate Lake Bogstadvannet NORWAY / Visit San Jose Art Museum CALIFORNIA / 🏛️ Visit the Museum of Latin American Art in Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / Visit the Huaca Pucllana archaeological site PERU / Visit the Gold Museum in Bogota COLOMBIA / Visit the colonial town of Santa Fe de Antioquia COLOMBIA / Visit the Kroller Moller Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit SeaCity Museum ENGLAND / Visit Whitefish Point Lighthouse and Museum MICHIGAN / Visit the Eisriesenwelt AUSTRIA / Visit Al Qal'a of Beni Hammad ALGERIA / Visit Nuestra Señora de Loreto ARGENTINA / Snorkel in the Maldives MALDIVES / Visit the rock sculpture of Decebalus ROMANIA / Visit the Statue Of Unity in Gujarat INDIA / Visit the Avukana Buddha statue SRI LANKA / Visit the Vulcan statue ALABAMA / Visit the Kailashnath Mahadev Statue NEPAL / Visit Monte Alban MEXICO / Visit Copan HONDURAS / Visit Maeshowe In Orkney SCOTLAND / Visit Teatro Colon ARGENTINA / Visit Wright Brothers National Memorial NORTH CAROLINA / Eat fish and chips in Padstow, Cornwall ENGLAND / Visit Luxilo ANGOLA / Visit Myrtle Beach Safari SOUTH CAROLINA / Eat at first Kentucky Fried Chicken in Corbin KENTUCKY / Visit the Atheneum in New Harmony INDIANA / Visit the National Museum of Mexican Art ILLINOIS / Attend the Malta Jazz Festival MALTA / Visit the Njegos Mausoleum on the peak of Lovcen MONTENEGRO / Visit Alabama Adventure ALABAMA / Visit the Kazakhstan Museum of Arts KAZAKHSTAN / Visit the Old French Consulate LIBYA / Visit the New England Maple Museum VERMONT / Attend the Mississippi Delta Blues Festival MISSISSIPPI / Attend the Fried Onion Burger Day Festival OKLAHOMA / Attend the Mount Rushmore Independence Day Celebration SOUTH DAKOTA / See the Garni Temple above the Azat River ARMENIA / Visit the Barahi Mandir at the island on the lake Phewa Tal NEPAL / See the Pul-e Khishti Mosque AFGHANISTAN / See the Pohyon Temple in the Sangwon Valley NORTH KOREA / Visit the Tomb of King Kongmin in Kaesong NORTH KOREA / See the Grande Mosquee in the Kibidwe district BURKINA FASO / Watch chunks of ice from the Moreno glacier fall into Lago Argentino ARGENTINA / Visit the Ishmael Samani Mausoleum UZBEKISTAN / See the 16th century Kukeldash Madrasa UZBEKISTAN / Head out to Lover's Leap, a cliff overhanging the sea east of Treasure Beach JAMAICA / See the old town of Batse in Massawa ERITREA / See the residence of the Prefect in the Place de Grenoble in Cayenne FRENCH GUIANA / See the tomb of Said Mustafa wad Hasan in Akordat ERITREA / See the L'Escalier Tête-chien rock formation DOMINICA / Visit the National Museum of Belarusian History and Culture BELARUS / See Tashichho Dzong in Thimphu BHUTAN / See the Monastery of Assumption in Zhirovitsa BELARUS / Visit the Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque BRUNEI / See Lake Cohoha BURUNDI / Visit Algiers' Bardo Ethnographic and Local Art Museum ALGERIA / See the malekite minaret in M'Zab ALGERIA / Discover the Eindawya Pagoda covered in gold leaf MYANMAR / Explore the mirrored maze of Botatung Pagoda MYANMAR / Watch a sunset on the banks of Lake Tanganyika DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit the Tombs of Tshela in Boma DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit the restored Caravanserai Zein-o-din IRAN / Visit the mausoleum in Mahan IRAN / Visit the 4th century monastery of Mt Zuqualla Maryan ETHIOPIA /